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Everything posted by infinite_monkey

  1. Wait, what's that greenish/turquoise hue around Australia? Variations in how the ocean looks? Maybe a special biome? Does it look this way just from space or even when splashing down/diving?
  2. I see. I thought the data seen by satellites could be used. I'd be certainly willing to sacrifice 633 MB of disk space for clouds
  3. Do you need a fixed texture or just a map with values that can change over time? Could it work with data from Kerbal Weather Project? Yeah, I just installed Ad Astra with 8k textures, and while it looks meh in vessel view from LKO, it looks wonderful in map view. Anyway, I guess that one needs to be a fixed texture?
  4. So the texture map just tells you WHERE to create the clouds, but the texture itself is not needed? So no need for either 64k texture maps or pixelated cloud layers?
  5. When I set ship:control:mainthrottle, nothing happens. set throttle works, though. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Are clouds generated randomly or is there some underlying system? Would it be possible to create chemcontrails?
  7. I just switched from pure JNSQ to Ad Astra, and the ocean definitely didn't look that green before.
  8. You could try this, but it's not compatible with Parallax 2 yet, as far as I know.
  9. I just did a resource scan on Kerbin (JNSQ), and I'm wondering why oceans have less than 5% water. The highest amount of water seems to be in the ice caps. Is this supposed to represent fresh water under ground?
  10. Got it! A debug setting of FAR was active: FARc button during flight -> FAR debug -> Show Vessel Bounds
  11. Is anyone else getting this logspam? And I get this in EVERY situation - administration building, paused game... Why is FAR even doing anything in these situations?
  12. I don't know if it's missing transparency or something else, but the volumetric clouds seem unnatural somehow. Especially from far away, they remind me of a moldy fruit or something like that.
  13. Is Kerbalism supposed to be compatible with Tarsier? I found this closed issue on github, so I guess Kerbalism shouldn't interfere with Tarsier (except of taking time for data transmission). However, every picture I take seems to be the same experiment "Space Telescope". No science gain for pictures of different bodies.
  14. The AVC version checker plugin is telling me that I should update this mod to version, which doesn't exist
  15. @linuxgurugamer: As mentioned in the Janitor's Closet thread mentioned by @wreckreation, this is NOT the mod with the button issue. I was using another mod with the same name, and as far as I know that one has no forum thread. The other one is affected, I never used this one.
  16. I have a weird green box around my active vessel/Kerbal: I guess it comes form some mod or a debug setting, but I have no idea how to turn it off.
  17. Does this only affect Kerbals or other parts as well? I was thinking of using some elevators for unloading cargo from ships, so I'd prefer it not to explode...
  18. This should get you an idea: What's important to understand is that the elevator sits in the base, but the car is initially somewhere high up. You adjust the height when you're done building your tower and know the height you need. Check out the other videos on the channel, especially the newest one about elevator hatches: while you can just put a Kerbal on the platform and send it up and down, Kerbals keep to sink into it and then get bumped back up, but sometimes they just fall through, or the Kraken might eat you. That's what the hatches are for.
  19. Yeah, I got the same error, it can't find GameData\KIS\Plugins\MiniAVC-V2.dll. But are you sure it's coming from Universal Storage? Uninstalling KIS fixed it for me. On something completely different: I got a mission to perform a "Visual Camera Observation" experiment. It seems to come from UniversalStorage2/ScienceDefs.cfg, but how do I execute it?
  20. Are the docking ports supposed to be compatible with stock docking ports? I keep bouncing off...
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