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Everything posted by infinite_monkey

  1. I just installed this, and it doesn't work for me. I'm using Kerbalism 3.16, and as soon as I open the tool window from the VAB, my log is spammed with this (even with a blank VAB, no parts at all): I guess this is what broke in 3.15, as @Gotmachine mentioned?
  2. I'm not sure if kOS is the cause of this or just hit by another problem: When I revert to launch, the log is spammed with this: And all my staging is lost. When reverting again, half my vessel is missing.
  3. Yuri Kergarin. Neil, Buzz and Michael Kerman. And maybe someone from every country that has sent astronauts so far? Maybe not as the core team, but always available. Like Samantha Kerboferetti, Chris Kerfield, Alex Kerst.. And of course we need Scott Kerley.
  4. Yeah, I just realized that I can right-click on the facilities icons in the left instead of the buildings themselves, but that seems to work only from KSC. Left-click works fine.
  5. Is this compatible with JNSQ? It doesn't work for me (no button, and key bindings don't work), and I'm getting a KeyNotFoundException: JNSQ seems to remove the microbiomes at KSC, maybe that has something to do with it?
  6. I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but I can't seem to find it anymore: is there a way to have another space center as the default view than KSC?
  7. @mateusviccari I have the same issue, this was the response I got here:
  8. Same here. I don't even care about functionality, I just want a pretty base
  9. @Gabu I'm very happy you included the MMSEV again :-) But how do I power it? It looks like it has (deployable?) solar panels, but they don't work. Looking at the config file, the module is commented out. Is there a problem with the panels? Also, it would be nice to have an attachment point inside the cargo bay, so I can put a small container there (KIS SC-62 container fits nicely )
  10. I had huge problems with pressurization lately. I remember that a couple of weeks ago I disabled habitation on a space station module during ascent - I didn't know about the bug back then. Then I docked it to my space station and enabled habitation again. Soon after, I noticed l'm losing nitrogen. Pressure was very low, building up slowly, and eating up all my nitrogen pretty fast. I had to hyper edit more nitrogen into the station many times until pressure was back to nominal, then it was stable. Apparently, this is a long known bug, but I didn't know how far it goes: after docking a capsule to the station, the problem reappeared, even though I didn't touch habitation again. And it kept reappearing, never settling anymore. I had to hyper edit nitrogen every 30 minutes in order to keep my poor Kerbals alive. Fortunately, it was a space station in LKO and not a mission to Duna... But apparently, the station is doomed. Since this is so important, it should definitely be on the first page with a big warning. Wouldn't it even be better to disable pressure control entirely as long as it is broken, except maybe for EVAs?
  11. I want KSP2 to integrate good mods, or at least the ideas behind them. This already happens in KSP1 (suits, better textures), but it is painfully slow. We still have no clouds in stock KSP 1, and to make KSP 1 look nice, I need so many mods the game becomes barely playable due to performance issues.
  12. I think it's OK to be able to surface attach stuff to the service bay, but not the telescope. A thing that always annoyed me in this mod is how pointing the FungEye to the sun is handled - you can do that as long as you want (which is OK, given that you can't control vessel orientation when on rails), but you can't open the service bay while pointed at the sun, which makes no sense at all.
  13. Your install must be broken. Manual install or CKAN? Did it work previously? How does FMRS matter for a working TE?
  14. Is there a way to get the texture (or color) of the ground one is currently standing on? If I remember correctly, KK had something like that built in, but it doesn't work anymore.
  15. Thanks @HebaruSan, deleting Kop-BE and then installing it again fixed it for me. I tried a reinstall before, but that didn't help. So I downloaded JNSQ two or three times today
  16. Wow, thanks, I never knew that. However, it doesn't solve the problem Module "Kopernicus Bleeding Edge Beta - DEV RELEASE" successfully installed The following inconsistencies were found: * Kopernicus-BE UBEE_1101_46 missing dependency ModularFlightIntegrator or later Error during installation! I wonder why it first says it successfully installed Kopernicus
  17. Which "version" tab, and what "relationships" tab? Do you guys have a different CKAN version (I have 1.29.0), is it that different on Linux or am I just blind? I just have 3 tabs - "Manage mods", "Changeset" and "Status log"
  18. If I terminate all other applications, I'm able to run it. I love the volumetric clouds, the dust etc. But I prefer the original JNSQ clouds - Ad Astra's clouds look like spilled milk from LKO. And I don't like the pink/orange sky during daylight - seems a bit over the top. City lights are cool, but during the day the cities seem to be shown on top of the clouds. Where can I change these settings?
  19. There's an option in KK to set the grass color automatically, which used to work OK-ish, but produces just a white surface on KSP 1.10.1 (with JNSQ).
  20. Can someone point me to a formula that limits my steering vector by a maximum AoA angle?
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