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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. ANNOUNCE TweakScale BETA is on the wild, for brave Kerbonauts that doesn't fear unleashing the Fury of the Krakens and wnjoy the feeling of playing on the bleeding edge! Some serious changes on the whole Sanity Check infrastructure were implemented on and were further improved (and fixed) now. The Sanity Checks are known to work correctly on this Pre Release. Additionally, a "fix" (plain removal of TweakScale, to tell the true) for Blue_DB was added, as well checks for Tantares (as a serious incompatibility to KSP-Recall, needed by TweakScale, that I still didn't diagnosed) and Configurable Containers (that has a minor mishap, but still…). https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/releases/tag/PRERELEASE%2F2.5.0.48 Good Luck!
  2. The problem with supporting Tantares is that there's something different on their part config files that deviates from how KSP do things usually. I will need a lot of time to figure out what's happening, time that I don't have available for now. I explain things a bit further on this post:
  3. Are you talking about this? [LOG 07:03:14.992] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part SXTAirbag (Mk10-XL Inflatable Airbag) didn't passed the sanity check due using FSbuoyancy module without TweakScaleCompanion for Firespitter installed - see issue [#1] from TSC_FS ( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompantion_FS/issues/1 ). at error:0 [LOG 07:03:14.992] [TweakScale] WARNING: Removing TweakScale support for SXTAirbag (Mk10-XL Inflatable Airbag). You have Firespitter installed, so you need to have TweakScale Companion for Firespitter installed too.
  4. Yes, most of the time. This warning can be ignored unless an error with the same part happens later (it's the reason it's a warning). TweakScale has a hell of a big mouth, so usually the error come from it too but, as a rule of thumb, if anyone comply about a part and that part was mentioned on a Warning on TweakScale, you usually save some time by betting on a patch that misbehave because of that chars. Ideally we should all avoid using spaces, underscores and anything else that Unity changes to dots on pathnames - but trying to fix this on already stablished parts brought me more problems than solutions, so I ended up keeping older pathnames intact and taking the Warning hit until the part gets revamped, and so it can get a new pathname because the assets had changed anyway and can't be reused the same way the older part's assets were - i.e., since the breakage is now unavoidable, there's no point on keeping the "buggy" pathname.
  5. I had forgot about this one. It means that TS coudn't find the the part's entry on the GameDatabase using the pathname (because Unith converts them into URLs), and had to check the partConfig directly - a less than ideal situation, because the URL pinpoints to the file where the part is defined, and this is convenient for diagnosing. I log it as a warning because one of the most common problems I had at that time was patches trying to patch parts with spaces, undercores and others chars that Unity doesn't likes - and so, by having this warning and later some error or mistake on the same part I don't waste time looking on the MM config cache, as the problem is almost surely on a patching not being applied or being applied on the wrong place due the Unity's stunt.
  6. Uh… 1.12.9? There's a KSP Release 1.12.9??? The latest KSP I'm aware is 1.12.3, published on Steam on 13 December 2021 – 18:13:47 UTC https://steamdb.info/depot/220202/manifests/ I'm afraid I didn't understood you... — — POST EDIT — — Perhaps you are confused about the meaning of the KSP_VERSION_MAX item on the KAX.version? { "NAME" : "KAX - Kerbal Aircraft Expansion /L", "URL" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/net-lisias-ksp/KAX/master/KAX.version", "DOWNLOAD" : "https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KAX/releases", "CHANGE_LOG" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/net-lisias-ksp/KAX/master/CHANGE_LOG.md", "CHANGE_LOG_URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/net-lisias-ksp/KAX/master/CHANGES.md", "VERSION":{ "MAJOR":2, "MINOR":8, "PATCH":1, "BUILD":0 }, "KSP_VERSION_MIN":{ "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":3, "PATCH":1 }, "KSP_VERSION_MAX":{ "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":12, "PATCH":99 } } What it's saying is that KAX can be installed from KSP 1.3.1 to KSP 1.12.99 , i.e., I'm saying you can install it on anything after 1.3.1 - but defined a limit to 1.12.x - as nobody can say anything about an hypothetical (but probably mitical) KSP 1.13.0 , so by saying 1.12.99, I'm telling KSP-AVC and CKAN that if KSP 1.13 is ever released, to do not install KAX on it without alerting the user that the thing is not known to work on it. If you need information about KSP Versions, check this page: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Version_history
  7. Curiously, I never got any problems with KerbalX. Nice catch. Just remember that these are not problems, not even the triggers. They are inocente bystanders stepping on a landmine. The problem is uncontrolled concurrency.
  8. Yep, I'm moving the discussion from Recall thread as this appears to be a better place. Humm…. Yes, in your case you appears to be right - the part count appears to be the issue for you. How much is your FPS on a new savegame with no crafts flying? On the other hand, you are also demonstrating that GPUs with 2GB or less are not suitable anymore on KSP 1.12, unless some heavy texturing reducing (the original intent of this current thread). Perhaps one way to improve the situation for you would be to reduce the mesh quality instead? Blind guess, but it worths a try. On KSP, we have two time critical loops. The Update and the FixedUpdate one. The FixedUpdate, as the name implies, tries to be run on fixed time intervals. Shoving too much parts on your rig will overload it, and you will notice that your Mission Elapsed Time will start to flash in yellow or even red. IIRC, this thingy is aimed to be called 50 times per second, and the MET color changes when it drops below that. The Update thingy is tied to the frame, you get one of that for each frame. The GPU frame rate drops, this one starts to be called less time per second (or even not called at all!! And this can be terrible for most Add'Ons). When you have a clogged VRAM (apparently not your problem), the contention will affect the CPU (as the GPU, by it's own time-critical nature, have precedence over the CPU on the memory bus), and so you will have drop outs on the Update, but also will get the FixedUpdate affected too. In your case, I think that a good way to detect exactly what's happening is to launch a new savegame without any crafts flying, and on KSC check the FPS. It must be way better than the 12 fps shown on the screenshot you posted. If it is only marginally better, than I'm betting that your GPU is dragging the whole system down. Most add'on Authors (including me) gave up loading Icons or anything used for U.I. from the GameDatabase and started to load the glyphs from the filesystem themselves, literally passing over the KSP Texture Quality problems. You will find that the add'ons not blurring will probably have their icons inside a PluginData directory (a place KSP ignores). I had found a few that even shoved the images as a Resource into the DLLs. I was told that moving the glyphs to folders called "Icons" would also help, but by now people had already moved away from this.
  9. Well… To tell the whole history, insufficient VRAM leads to using RAM, than leads to contention, that leads to terrible frame rates due both processors (CPU and GPU) having to fight for a piece of RAM that are accessed under a slower bus by the GPU (to makes things even worse). However, on Unity, drops on the frame rates implies in some key code from your Application being called less times. So things that could had been run in 2 seconds on a 60 fps rig ends up taking 4 seconds on a 30 fps rig - or even 8 on a 15 fps rig. Tying your CPU to the frame rate was a less than ideal idea. On KSP, however, things got way worse because people just ignores concurrency, no one gives a rat's SAS about it. And so most of the code on KSP just tries to "do things fast enough" in the hopes nothing bad happens. But once you clog up your VRAM, that then lowers your framerate, that then makes things that usually runs in less then a second to start to take tens of a seconds (or worse) to happen, this castle of cards collapse. Recall and TweakScale were the ones being thrown under the bus when this happens, but I moved them into a place where (until now at least) there's no concurrency happening (the Scene transition from LOADING to MAINMENU). Apparently Kopernicus had the bad luck of taking my place on this mess. If Kopernicus finds his way out of the mess too, then someone else will end up being thrown under the bus in our place - and so something else will eventually happen. So it didn't worked? Yep, because on and previous, Recall was the one caught on the cross-fire and, so, it started to misbehave due badly initiated data before Kopernicus could had a chance to run. Once Recall withdrew itself from the dangerous lane, Kopernicus (apparently) took the hit instead, and so it was the one misbehaving due badly initialised data. This came to my mind because the VAB is slightly higher than the ground level where it is - i.e., the floor of the VAB is at ~70 meters above the sea leval, and the VAB have about ~80 meters - so when the whole KSC position failed to be initialised, the default for variables unitialised (0) should have told Kopernicus to draw KSC at high 0, i.e. under the ground, and so only the parts of the buildings higher than 70 meters were displayed to you.
  10. It was exactly what I was using on my beefier x5500 server turned into gamer machine - until the GPU gone kaput and I had to rely back to MacOS since them! (boy, running KSP on a dual Xeon 5570 is absolutely fantastic - until the next power bill…)
  11. Dear Kerbonauts, we have a new BETA release for AirplanePlus. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/AirplanePlus/releases I had messed up the configuration files for the deployment scripts, and I let a rogue DLL pass trough. On the bright side, you only need to delete the file GameData/AirplanePlus/Plugins/KSPe.Light.TweakScale.dll instead of downloading the new package, the only difference between this release and the last one is removing that rogue DLL and bumping the .version file. Removing this DLL is important, as a future release of TweakScale will end up being screwed by this rogue DLL. Cheers.
  12. Whoops…. I think I made a mistake on the AirplanePlus distribution…. (checking) YES. I made a huge mistake on the A+ distribution zip. Remove AirplanePlus/Plugins/KSPe.Light.TweakScale. I messed up the configuration file from the tool that automates the process. I can't say about KatLib.dll, however. I would try to preserve the one on KXAPI folder, as this is where the API is implemented. I'm fixing the AirplanePlus zip right now.
  13. Ha! Typical behaviour on a race condition problem! I need to explain something: I didn't "fixed" KSP by removing the Recall and TweakScale's from the clash with MH at Main Menu. I drove myself out of the way, moving that code to some place that, besides not ideal, it's good enough and are far from the mess MH introduced. I, literally, took my car out of the dangerous lane - letting anyone behind me risking crashing in the pile-up in my place. So, anyone being instantiated on Main Menu are still prone to have some problems - and given the description of the mishap, I'm betting Kopernicus is now the one taking the heat. You have a pretty decent computer, but your GPU is not top notch anymore - only 3GB of VRAM. And, frankly, KSP became a VRAM guzzler. I'm reasonably sure that you need to trim down your textures to Half-Quality, or even Quarter-Quality depending on how much add'ons you have installed. I can advance to you that on my rig, with ~1.5GB VRAM, KSP 1.12 behave pretty nicely trimming down the Textures Quality to 8th. The Stock textures were still acceptable (they really scaled up things!), but the Add'Ons' ones became unbearable. This is the main reason I'm doing this research at first place, as I need to trim down the StockTextures to match up the ones on older Add'Ons, so I can balance the overall visual experience. Since you have twice the VRAM I have, it's reasonable that you should be aiming to 4th Quality (again, your mileage will vary due the add'ons you had installed). And why this happens? Because when you blow up your VRAM's capacity, the GPU driver starts to "steal" memory from the CPU to store the textures, and so the GPU and the CPU starts to get contention while accessing that shared memory. Contention is the bus injecting wait-states on one device while the other is accessing the shared memory, and obviously, with the GPU trying to cram more FPS, the CPU starts to starve a bit, leading to a slower processing, leading to MH being delayed its startup on Main Menu, leading to that problem GoAHead experienced - but now that I'm not on that lane anymore, the crash is hitting someone else. Making things even worse, everything and the kitchen's sink are using VRAM nowadays, including your browser. So the pressure on the VRAM is higher on recent Operating Systems - users still using Windows 7 should experience way less performance issues using weaker GPUs. Closing your browser will surely help (I can't open Facebook while playing KSP 1.12, otherwise the performance tanks!!). Apparently, you didn't drank enough! If you ever get some weirdness like that again, promptly quit KSP and send me the KSP.log, out_put_log, the whole shebang. By looking on the order of the events (and the probable exceptions), we can figure out who is the one being bashed this time, and then we can try to figure out a workaround for the problem like I did on Recall and TweakScale. Not everybody being loaded on Main Menu is being affected by MH - I suspect that only the ones trying to read and/or write to the GameDatabase are susceptible to this crapness. Cheers!
  14. is now available on CurseForge, SpaceDock and CKAN too. You should be fine by now. Anyway, anything weird kick me here, posting your KSP.log on dropbox or something - not everything is my fault , and I need to check the log to tell you what's going - when that weird MH problem happens, innocent add'ons bork relentlessly. It happened that, on this specific case, Recall was borking relentlessly due the MH problem, but also due a major brain fart of mine. I took some time until I could finally understand I was dealing with two different problems striking at the same time!
  15. Try the currently on github. It fixes my side of the ordeal.
  16. Do you want to give it a try? Download and instal the latest TweakScale Beta 2.5 , then create a folder on GameData called "TweakScaleExperimental". This will trigger the Robotics patching.
  17. Hi. The BDB issues, apparently, is due something missing on the config files - but I didn't checked it yet (that thing is huge). You will have the same problems on Tantares, by the way (this one is confirmed). While I can't say when (or if) I will cook a Companion for them, I'm writing something that will tell TweakScale about these problems and withdraw TS support for them if they are patched by accident. Task on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/258 . This will solve your problems with DBD (and the ones with Tantares for other people). About your specific problem on the logs, dude, you was bitten by a bad patching problem. It's some time since the last time I got it, I'm assuming you are migrating from an older game? I bet you are, because the double patching is coming from TweakScale itself: [LOG 21:45:35.689] Applying update TweakScale/Deprecating/patches/B9_Aerospace/B9_HX/@PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E] to B9_Aerospace_HX/Parts/Structure_HX/model_hx_size0_endpiece.cfg/PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E] [LOG 21:45:46.827] Applying update TweakScale/patches/B9_Aerospace/B9_HX/@PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E] to B9_Aerospace_HX/Parts/Structure_HX/model_hx_size0_endpiece.cfg/PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E] Everything non Stock was deprecated and removed from TweakScale/patches/ a long time ago (I don't even remember when! ). And, well, you are using a pretty old TweakScale version! [LOG 21:44:30.548] [TweakScale] Version /L I strongly suggest you update TweakScale to the newest one. Lots of improvements and bug fixes were made, and one of the most important for you using old patches is the ability to migrate Scale Definitions without loosing the part. Install the latest TweakScale and these problems should go away. For good. You may want to keep an eye on the TweakScale Companion Program for replacing some of the deprecated patches.
  18. ANNOUNCE KSP Recall is on the Wild, featuring: Fixes a huge brain fart of mine from Closes issues: #52 REPORT: Diagnosing the GoAHead Issue #49 ArgumentOutOfRangeException causes saving to break and makes my save file unplayable — — — — — This Release will be published using the following Schedule: GitHub, reaching manual installers and users of KSP-AVC first. Right Now. CurseForge. Right Now. SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Right Now. —— — — — I found a workaround for upgrading the SubAssemblies!!!! Use Craft Manager to load the SubAssemblies as they were Crafts, then drag and drop the thing back as a new SubAssembly!
  19. it should work, I checked the code - absolutely nothing even remotely related to KSP itself, just finding the file and renaming it. The downside of the thing, however, is that you need to reboot KSP after configuring it - defeating the purpose of having an Add'On at first place. We need a better and extensible Launcher. Good news. The next versions of KSP-Recall and TweakScale will have the MH workaround implemented. I can't fix the problem for everybody else, so there's a good chance that you will still need to keep MH renamed - but I least I can withdraw myself from the problem. (KSP-Recall also has the fix, but it also have the problem plaguing everybody else here, so it's not an option. Wait for - I think I can cook it on the next two hours). Yes… I was trying to avoid saying this with the full words - TweakScale was dragged down into the mess, not the cause of it. On the bottom line, most of the time TweakScale is only being bashed by someone - it happened that, this time, I was one of them! — — Well, that's the history: On Recall, I realised I needed to preserve more data on the Module. So I coded the upgrade tool to fill the empty spaces without overwriting the current ones - it looked as a good idea at that time. And the damned thing worked - besides looking into it now, it should not. In a way or another, I planted a bomb on that kept ticking until nowadays. On Recall, I realised that the part rotation was also missing on OnLoad, and AttachedOnEditor was updated to save this info too. Now, on Recall , I realised that I had to apply AttachedOnEditor on all parts, and not only on the parts that have TweakScale. It's counterintuitive, but in fact when attaching parts into each other, TweakScale is called to check if the nodes are correct - and on this process, TS needs to find the scaling part counter-part nodes on the attached part and if the attached part doesn't have it initialised as expected, TS borks. (and yeah, this is the KSP 1.9 Editor screwing up with us). And by this time, lots of people has already their surface of exposure expanded. And, now, on I had (finally) realised that if the part's attachment node positions are missing, so are the rotation and offset, and included these ones on the solution. But… (and this is here that huge brain fart happened), I forgot to increase the MODULE_VERSION. So the damned upgrade code was not detecting the problem, and so it was not running that specific upgrade - and this is the reason this was working for MODULE_VERSION 3, 4 and 5 (from and previous). Full history: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/52 Issue fixed on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/49 I will release today, not sure yet when, but it will be today.
  20. Oukey… Some news. We definitively have TWO DIFFERENT PROBLEMS kicking my SAS. People getting the ArgumentOutOfRangeException , please revert to KSP-Recall . On a pretty spartan KSP 1.12.3 test bed, I could easily reproduce the problem. So it's a problem on AttachedOnEditor - or perhaps a new bad interaction between it and KSP 1.12.3 (damn, I had tested that migration tool in the past!)[NOPE! It was a major brain fart of mine. How that damned thing didn't blew up before is one of the mysteries of life.] - the thing is not on that migration code I talked about, I completely removed it and yet I have the exact same issue (and not a new one as one would expect). Still working on it. What's really puzzling me is why this is happening only on ->, because that code should also be blowing on -> and it didn't. I think that going straight from to doesn't triggers any problems, but I still need to confirm it. [Boy, when I fart, I do it spectacularly… Geez...] @MgnfcntBstrd, @Merkurokrom, @arkaik, @Poppa Wheelie, @ss8913, @Krazy1 this will mitigate your problems. @AmanitaVerna, you didn't got this one because AttachedOnEditor is only patched when a known client needs it. If no known Module that needs it is found, it's not patched to save some memory and CPU cycles. Everybody else with weirder Exceptions, the quickest (and dirtier) workaround is to rename the file: <KSP_Root>/GameData/SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/makinghistory.kspexpansion to <KSP_Root>/GameData/SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/makinghistory.kspexpansion.NOLOAD This will prevent MH Mission Editor (and some other things) from being loaded (and kicking in that concurrency toe-stomping-fest I described above), but you will still have the new parts available. @GoAHead, I think your problem is related to this one. @Krazy1, @MgnfcntBstrd, @arkaik, you guys also had some weird exceptions on your KSP.log. Way different from the GoAhead one, but still, it worths a shot. Try renaming the makinghistory.kspexpansion and see if the game improves somehow.
  21. Not a problem! Thank you very much. I need your logs because I want to compare it with the other ones, in an attempt to rule out suspects. If a bunch of add'ons are working for you, it's unlikely (but, granted, not impossible) they could be the problem on someone else - unless we have a environmental problem (as a overloaded rig). About the 7z, I really prefer this format. Thanks. I'm on a UNIX by the way, I can easily handle even tar.bz2 if you prefer to share things on this arcane format! Humm… I'm trying to use CKAN to install your ModPack, but... macmini62:MacOS lisias$ mono ckan.exe install -c /Users/lisias/Downloads/Modpack.ckan installed-Kerbal-Space-Program-LastGame dependency on AirParkContinued 2: version (any) not satisfied If you're lucky, you can do a `ckan update` and try again. Try `ckan install --no-recommends` to skip installation of recommended modules. Or `ckan install --allow-incompatible` to ignore module compatibility. I tried both —no—recommends and —allow-incompatible , without success. By the smell of it, I'on considering that at least your case is a toe-stomping-fest due something deprecated or outdated…[Never mind - it's CKAN , I realised that I can't install partially a ModList, CKAN refuses to install anything if anyone of the itens are not recognized] I'm installing things by hand now.
  22. @AmanitaVerna, I need the full KSP.log . As it appears, we have TWO different types of problems, and they are not mutually exclusive . I need the full log to check where else things are borking (and what it's installed). additionally… Posting long cuts of the log on forum overloads it - I could not answer you soon because I was unable to edit a post with all that text on my mobile! Apparenltly you are getting the Skipping Frame problem. Try to install Recall to see if anything changes - if you are using TweakScale, try the 2.5 beta. Thank you very much for your logs. That's the problem: I think Recall is innocent on your case. You see this entry? [LOG 19:51:53.103] [TweakScale.Sanitizer] ERROR: part=Interstellar-Technologies.AM-Catalyzed-ICFE-Afterburning (KSPIT KN-162 Af at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x00000] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x0014a] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x0014a] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 at ConfigNode.CreateCopy () [0x00006] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 at GameDatabase.GetConfigNode (System.String url) [0x0002f] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 at TweakScale.Sanitizer.Abstract.GetMeThatConfigNode (Part p) [0x0002a] in <b3d0cbc25641492b91ba97c2ac25adf8>:0 at TweakScale.Sanitizer.HotFixes.CheckForHotFixes (Part p) [0x00000] in <b3d0cbc25641492b91ba97c2ac25adf8>:0 at TweakScale.Sanitizer.HotFixes.DoCheck (AvailablePart p, Part prefab) [0x00002] in <b3d0cbc25641492b91ba97c2ac25adf8>:0 at This is happening BEFORE the Main Menu, because TweakScale beta do it's business on the Scene Change - and it does it at once, on the same "frame" so, nope, this time I'm not guilty of trying concurrency stunts. Something is very wrong on your rig way before the Main Menu. Recall on the other hand, didn't borked at all: [LOG 19:51:53.605] [KSP_Recall] INFO: SanityCheck: Started [LOG 19:51:53.606] [KSP_Recall] INFO: Removing AttachedOnEditor support for kerbalEVA () due this part is not supported.. [LOG 19:51:53.606] [KSP_Recall] INFO: Removing AttachedOnEditor support for kerbalEVAfemale () due this part is not supported.. [LOG 19:51:53.606] [KSP_Recall] INFO: Removing AttachedOnEditor support for kerbalEVAVintage () due this part is not supported.. [LOG 19:51:53.606] [KSP_Recall] INFO: Removing AttachedOnEditor support for kerbalEVAfemaleVintage () due this part is not supported.. [LOG 19:51:53.606] [KSP_Recall] INFO: Removing AttachedOnEditor support for kerbalEVASlimSuit () due this part is not supported.. [LOG 19:51:53.606] [KSP_Recall] INFO: Removing AttachedOnEditor support for kerbalEVASlimSuitFemale () due this part is not supported.. [LOG 19:51:53.621] [KSP_Recall] INFO: SanityCheck Concluded : 5565 parts found ; 0 parts using Resourceful ; 0 parts using Driftless ; 0 parts using Attached ; 0 parts using ChillingOut ; 0 parts using RefundingForKSP111x, 5541 parts using AttachedOnEditor, 0 show stoppers detected . [LOG 19:51:53.622] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From LOADING to MAINMENU ===================== Flawless. So, in your case at least, Recall and TweakScale are only inocent bystanders being hit by the splash damage and yelling about. I'm trying to reproduce your installment here to see what I get.
  23. This is a truck to move floatplanes. Absolutely Kerbal! Source: https://news.autos101.com/en/catchingly-trucks-weird
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