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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. I need more information about. Exactly what's happening? Last time I tried it on my windows rig, the Installer worked... Humm... Exactly what installer are you using? The old or the Overwolf's new one? The old never worked correctly, AFAIK...
  2. Probably Wayland, leveraging the huge investments Valve is helping to make on it. But... All my systems are still on X11. I just can't wave X11 on my day to day workflows - VNC just don't cut it around here. Had Wayland a decent X11 emulation layer, I would had jumped ship on it already, the Steam Deck is a very solid piece of gaming hardware/software/firmware, Valve finally convinced me that Wayland may had a future after all. But I just can't ditch X11.
  3. Yes and no. Now that KSP¹ is 'finished', there will be no more updates and, so, no more breakages due it. And Steam is not mangling with files it doesn't knows anymore - some people are complaining about this now , I found a dude yelling on a Forum because he had to manually delete the game's installation folder because Steam wasn't deleting a botched configuration file that wasn't part of the game's manifest. Moving KSP out of the Steam's reach will, now, make your life harder if you are using an SSD because you will lose Steam's Integrity Check, and Kraken knows SSD how desperately users need this feature nowadays - I don't know exactly what's happening, but crashes are leading to corruption on the SSD's stored data. And since the KSP.log and the Player.log are, by obvious reasons, the very first data to be lost, no one could ever sent me them so I could at least try to make a educated guess about the reason. Until we figure out what's happening, we need a way to check the game's integrity to get this possibility out of our way. I'm wondering if moving the logs to another partition would not help on the problem... (and this is another educated guess, but pulled out of my... hat.)
  4. Well... Now we have two puzzled Kerbonauts scratching their heads... This is what I found about anything with "large" on the name in your log; > cat KSP\(2\).log | grep "PartLoader: Part" | grep "large" [LOG 08:15:21.154] PartLoader: Part 'FarFutureTechnologies/Parts/Control/RCS/fft-rcs-arcjet-large-1/fft-rcs-arcjet-large-1' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:24.739] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/nfa-enginepod-large-1/nfa-enginepod-large-1' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:24.781] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/nfa-intake-largecircular/nfa-intake-largecircular' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:24.790] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/nfa-intake-largeramp/nfa-intake-largeramp' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:24.798] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/nfa-intake-largeshock/nfa-intake-largeshock' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:26.128] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureExploration/Parts/Antenna/nfex-antenna-reflector-large-1/nfex-antenna-reflector-large-1' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:32.431] PartLoader: Part 'OPT/Parts/main/j_3m_largeDock/j_large_docking_port' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:35.727] PartLoader: Part 'PlanetaryDomes/Parts/DomeLarge/dome_large/dome_large' has no database record. Creating. And this is mine: > cat KSP.log | grep "PartLoader: Part" | grep "large" [LOG 15:57:07.663] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/gigantorXlSolarArray/gigantorXlSolarArray/largeSolarPanel' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 15:57:08.094] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-400Battery/z-400Battery/ksp_r_largeBatteryPack' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 15:57:15.461] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/large/Size3LargeTank' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 15:57:20.629] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab/Large_Crewed_Lab' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 15:57:29.665] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/largeAdapter/largeAdapter' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 15:57:29.754] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/largeAdapterShort/largeAdapter2' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 15:57:40.262] PartLoader: Part 'SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largeFanBlade/largeFanBlade' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 15:57:40.419] PartLoader: Part 'SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largeHeliBlade/largeHeliBlade' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 15:57:40.549] PartLoader: Part 'SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largePropeller/largePropeller' has no database record. Creating. Dude, almost the whole Squad is Kaput!! I double checked your log again: > cat KSP.log | grep "PartLoader: Part" | grep "Squad/" [LOG 08:15:38.855] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v3/rocketNoseCone_v3' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:40.298] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/10CSolarPanels/SP-10C/solarPanelSP10C' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:40.343] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/10LSolarPanels/SP-10L/solarPanelSP10L' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:40.644] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T45_v2/liquidEngineLV-T45_v2/liquidEngine2_v2' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:42.053] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/Fireworks/fireworksLauncherBig/fireworksLauncherBig' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 08:15:42.077] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/Fireworks/fireworksLauncherSmall/fireworksLauncherSmall' has no database record. Creating. And these is ALL parts from Squad in your GameData!! There're 352 lines like that on MY KSP.log, but yours have only what I had listed above! Well. out of desperation, I tried this on my rig: > cat KSP.log | grep "large.crewed" [LOG 15:56:34.168] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/large_crewed_lab [LOG 16:00:25.912] [DistantObject] TRACE: Adding Large_Crewed_Lab Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/large_crewed_lab And then on yours: > cat KSP.log | grep "large.crewed" [LOG 08:14:50.801] [Restock] Removing Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/large_crewed_lab.mu Humm... Completely remove ReStock, fire up your KSP and see if the missing parts are back. If yes, reinstall Restock from scratch and check it again. If the part is still missing, someone is screwing with Restock, preventing it from completing their patching. This will demand a lot of debugging... On the other hand, if the part is still there after reisntalling Restock, then something screwed up completely your add'ons in your GameData. It's better to reinstall everything from scratch, just in case. Are you using a SSD?
  5. So... It's near Seasons again, and I'm recovering from a somewhat daring breakdown, and then I though "damn, it's time to do something fun for a change, or my next post will be on asylum...". So I started to plan a new Career on KSP. A Caveman style career, I will set up a goal and I will try to accomplish it with the lowest tech possible. And with good economics, for a good measure, the cheapest as possible as long I don't kill Kerbals - and some redundancy on the crafts, of course, as sheet happens. But I'm not a masochist neither, so some mods will be used. Making History (and Missing History!), TweakScale for fuel tanks, batteries, structures. wings and gears, MechJeb2 for launches and transfers. And did I mentioned I'll will use KSP 1.4.3? (still looking for a Canadarm ). And I decided the goal will be a space station on LKO, at 120KM high. This thing will have 2 labs, a bunch of crew dependencies for scientists, operational crew, some tourists (space tourism!) and also as a stopgap transfer point for another station on Mün. Let's call it SkyLab, for fond memories from my childhood. Due economics, the program need to be the most cost efficient as possible - but not cheap. So I need to measure cost/benefits of unlocking science nodes, as I want to run the Station as soon as possible even if by using lower tech. So, the first requirement is cost efficient crew and cargo vehicles. So kiss baby byebye Space Shuttle. This is what I came as a Crew Rotation Vehicle: MK1 Drone Core With a so small crew capacity, I can't spare a seat for a pilot on every mission! 3 Crew 3 Cheap Puff engines 3 RCS Trusters 2 Batteries and 2 Solar Panels Since this thing is going to be stationed on the station (pun not intended!) for a long time, it's convenient to be useful and serve as a backup system for power. Heat Shield Shielded Clamp-O-Tron Cheaper than an ordinary Clamp-O-Tron attached to a Nose Cone. It ended up being a bit overkill, with a full tank it's able to reach the Mün and go back, but any extra propellant can be used to refill the station's reserves, helping savings on refuel missions. The launch vehicle ended up coming to this, as I was trying to use the cheaper and lowest tech as possible, as I intend to reach a sustainable station as soon as possible - i.e., with the lowest investment on R&D as possible: However, all crafts are disposable. At the end of a mission, this is all I can get back: Costing 13,280F (full tanks), or 31,606F (full stack) only about 6,650F is recoverable (assuming you splashdown on KSC shores!). So each seat will cost me, at very best, (31,606 - 6,650) / 3 = ~8,318.66F . Wondering if I could save some pennies by investing a bit more on R&D, I ended up getting inspiration on the Dream Chaser! But, by the Krakens, I just could not managed to shove this thing on the top of a low tech, light and cheap Launcher Vehicle as it's done with Dream Chaser! So I ended up coming to this: I will save you from the gory details, but launching this thing is a nightmare. A real nightmare. I posted the details on my blog here. But since this thing will land back on KSC, I will recover the full price of the vehicle (less consumables): So, we have a cost per set at (47,769F - 23,074F) / 6 = ~4,115.83F. Less than half, not bad! Once I have the SkyLab operational, unlocking the MK2 and the Big-S Delta Wing will be a priority! With a service bay, this little bird can reach Mün and come back, but this will raise the seat toll a bit - she just can't land with a bay attached, so it will be disposable. Full details and craft downloads here.
  6. This is absolutely weird. Publish your KSP.log on dropbox or something, and paste the link here. Let's see if we can detect something by looking on it. The large.crewed.lab is a Stock part, I mean, really stock - not even DLC...
  7. Do you like levers and gear boxes? And this is the vehicle:
  8. As a matter of fact, I'm counting on it. You see, there're the greed suits, and there're the smart greed suits. I'm trying to reach the smart ones. I want them to consider that, right now, they are leaving money on the table to be taken by third parties without any counterpart. This gives them the following options: Ignore: allowing anyone to keep using this scene to make money and/or feed the competition; It's a solution, but I doubt any greed suit will choose this path - they made an investment on the IP, and they need to protect the Copyright and the Trademark against unauthorized use, or they will essentially lose money on the long run by doing nothing. Heavy hand: prosecute, or threaten to do, anyone breaking the EULA, infringing Copyrights or making money on the IP without paying royalties; It will effectively protect the Trademark, but I doubt it will protect the Copyrights To tell the truth, this will increase the risk of blatant piracy due the backslash. See Nintendo, the more they sue, more piracy they get. And Nintendo is spending some serious Money on this, and I don't think they are going to spend less (and I doubt they will get similar benefits from the stunt). It will prompt the current Scene to dismantle, and they will lose a source of free P/R and Advertising. And a lot of technical knowledge that can indirectly benefit the new product. Go Open Source, or at least some kind of Source Available. IMHO, this will keep the Scene tight, allowing the Community to thrive on for more time and, at the same time, allowing them to gather important information and lessons learnt about the game that can be used on the new product. KSP¹ source code is already on the wild, and that's a fact. Be by decompilation, be by leakage, the Source is available already - they (and people willing to follow the rules) are the only ones not benefiting from it at the present time. KSP¹ source code is pretty outdated, and it's unlikely that any competitor will get any kind of edge by using it. And even if someone does it, they can't do anything with the current IP (graphics, textures, missions, lore, etc). So why bother? If going Free Software, anyone using the code will need to publish back any changes made, and so the improvements will be available to the current code-base, in a self feeding virtuous cycle. And more often than not, the Scene itself will help to monitor infringements. It will really solve all the current problems this Scene is facing right now, and this will create a lot of good will around here. And some good will is really what's lacking around here lately... There's no easy solution - each one of the proposals above have advantages and drawbacks, and I had already talked about it on my posts that can be reached on this search - there's no free lunch. But the gains outweigh the risks with a pretty comfortable margin IMHO.
  9. As a matter of fact, it would be the best of the possible outcomes to tell you the truth... The franchise would survive doing its thing exactly in the niche in which it was born and succeed, the mentor would be back working on his creation, we would have some seasoned people working on the project, (hopefully) preventing repeating the same mistakes of the past, and a game studio that is known to deliver technically more stable games. Not to mention solving some problems we have nowadays by (ab)using exploiting grey areas (that aren't that grey anymore, by the way). But... Kerbal proposes, Kraken disposes... Pachinkos, here we go... Being bluntly honest, however, I'm counting our blesses. If this will be the way to keep Forum (and, probably, other complementary services) alive and kicking, so be it, and I will glad and grateful for that. Someone need to pay the bills around here. And if the new owner will, effectively, explore new markets for the Franchise, the current Source Code for KSP¹ would be worthless for them and, with a bit of luck, they would agree on a controlled release of this Source Code as I advocate on the link on my sig. This would really solve some... "inconveniences"... the KSP¹ Modding Scene has since some time by now....
  10. Mine have this annoying tendency of transforming being reassessed into multi-stages-to-ground vehicles on reentry... It looks like a very stable design, by the way. Two hints: If you get a hard tendency of slidding off the runway on taking off or landing, make the main gears closer to themselves. The widest the gap between them, more stable on touch down but more instable while rolling fast as any small difference in friction will push her to one side or another. Moving the rudder to the fuel tanks on the side of the engines (making her a dual rudder, and moving them a bit farther from the CoM) will greatly enhance vertical stability while rolling on high speed (when the front wheel loses authority), and will help prevent her from "dutch rollling" in high speeds while flying (the craft "dancing" from left to right). Cheers!
  11. The turkey that are fed the best a few weeks before Thanksgiving, is the one that will not see Thanksgiving.
  12. Hi, I had looked into the problem. KSP.log could not help, because this was a Process Crash, something beyound Unity's Mono - it was killed before being able to log something. You can ignore what you found on it, these ones are harmless or not a problem at all. Fortunately, you provided us with the Player.log - the C++ land have more robust Exception Handling, and logged the event: Crash!!! SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;D:\games\Kerbal.Space.Program.v1.12.3.3173.Incl.ALL.DLCs;D:\games\Kerbal.Space.Program.v1.12.3.3173.Incl.ALL.DLCs;C:\WINDOWS;C :\WINDOWS\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;', symOptions: 534, UserName: 'xxxx' OS-Version: 10.0.0 D:\games\Kerbal.Space.Program.v1.12.3.3173.Incl.ALL.DLCs\KSP_x64.exe:KSP_x64.exe (00007FF60FA40000), size: 667648 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2019.4.18.4260 <yada yada yada> 0x00007FFD18586193 (UnityPlayer) UnityMain ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FFD18033F04) 0x00007FFD18033F04 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FFD180361E1) 0x00007FFD180361E1 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FFD18110791) 0x00007FFD18110791 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) 0x000001CC74B82F00 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.AssetBundle:LoadFromMemory_Internal (byte[],uint) 0x000001CC74B82E4B (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.AssetBundle:LoadFromMemory (byte[]) <yada yada yada> 0x00007FFD184ED5BC (UnityPlayer) UnityMain ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FFD182A272E) 0x00007FFD182A272E (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FFD182A148A) 0x00007FFD182A148A (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FFD182A553C) 0x00007FFD182A553C (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) 0x00007FFD182A902B (UnityPlayer) UnityMain ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FF60FA411F2) 0x00007FF60FA411F2 (KSP_x64) (function-name not available) 0x00007FFDA15D7374 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'The specified module could not be found.' (Address: 00007FFDA339CC91) 0x00007FFDA339CC91 (ntdll) (function-name not available) What appears to had happened is a catastrophic failure due lack of memory. The interesting bit is "UnityEngine.AssetBundle:LoadFromMemory (byte[])", the crash happened while trying to load something, probably this: woomerang_launch_site.prefab (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) Scenes: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) kspMissionEditor.unity (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) So, it's really probably lack of memory. You need to uninstall something. However, you can try something first before cutting out some fat from your GameData: If you don't use anything but the parts from Making History, you can convince KSP to ignore the Scene Editor from MH, as it eats some memory. Open Windows Explorer, go to the directory D:\games\Kerbal.Space.Program.v1.12.3.3173.Incl.ALL.DLCs\GameData\SquadExpansion\MakingHistory and rename the file makinghistory.kspexpansion to makinghistory.kspexpansion.bkp This will inhibit KSP from loading the Scene Editor saving you about 800MB to 1GB of CPU RAM. However, you still have a somewhat heavy installment for a 8G RAM machine. I suggest to upgrade the memory if possible. In the mean time, if this happens again, you will surely need to remove some memory intensive add'ons from your GameData, sorry!
  13. I didn't thought it would be useful before, but now with new ownership, perhaps it would be the time? I think they would contribute with specialized workforce - what would not be small humm.. "things" . The knowledge they have worth more than money, ask Musk about. But investing money themselves... Dunno. You just can't impose conditions on Open Source, so kiss bye-bye to the logos on the startup - unless they fund a Non Profit Organization themselves, in which that Org would be responsible for the "canonical" binaries for the thing (as Mozilla does with Firefox). Competing companies rarely manage to direct cooperate between then. This could work for an Org. But, being realistic, I don't see this going to fly. It would be somewhat expensive, as Ongs need to hire people to do Ong things, as bookkeeping. Part of the money would be used to fund bureaucracy, and I don't see KSP big enough to worth such boilerplate. Even Mozilla is downsizing their workforce, keeping an Organization afloat is expensive. And without a Non Profit Org behind this, I don't see them footing money themselves. The chances were always dim, I will not lie to you. But IMHO we have slightly better chances now, depending of who bought the thing and how they plan to capitalize on it. With the current trend of closed source, pay to play add'ons, whoever bought the IP, IMHO, will probably choose one of the following possible paths: Decide to stop leaving money on the table for others taking it, and decide to do it themselves; Expect them to demand royalties from anyone making money from the IP, or plain forbidding it to happen And then start to do it themselves. Decide to further develop the thing and, so, they would strongly prefer the current KSP Scene to stay as they are now, as this will greatly improve their chances to succeed by learning lessons from what happens here - mostly, detecting, fixing and preventing bugs. On this case, we have a better chance on convincing the current owner on releasing the KSP¹ source code for us. Please note that releasing the Source is not the same as waving rights over it, and absolutely do not involve the IP (graphics, characters, etc). There're many different models available, from Open Source to Source Available - and none of them allows anyone to use the IP. We need to keep in our minds: it's about the money, it's always about the money. Releasing the Source Code is something that must be good for all parties, including them - the new IP owners. This is the real challenge: we know what we will gain from them opening the Source, but we also need to propose something that would bring gains for them too.
  14. Or lease, partner with, or some other alternative. But, IMHO, if and only if Tencent (one of the RocketWerkz funders) was the one that bought it. Any other company with the money and the will to buy PD would be, probably, a Tencent competitor and, so, may be tempted to find alternative ways to profit from the IP. The only real and reliable Software Engineering metrics that I had ever used. Anything else are just wishful thinking or cosmetics to pump up performance reports.
  15. Since we are talking about boats... Never laugh again when someone shoves 3 Junos on a boat on KSP!!!
  16. I thought it would be better to create a new thread for discussing this subject, so I'm moving the discussion from the original one. Before my turn, the following games were mentioned: SFS 1 (and 2) - Spaceflight Simulator 1 on Steam 2 on Steam - unreleased at this time. Simple Rockets (Juno 1) On Steam Juno (Simple Rockets 2) On Steam Well... Since we are talking about similar games.... If you are on mobile, there's two little games from Nooleus that I like to play: Space Agency - a 2D game where you launch thingies into a 2D mapped solar system. Good sound effects, simple mechanics but fun if you need to burn time and you have your mobile with full battery. This game is pretty old, I was playing it way before even knowing KSP existed Something like SFS1, but for Android. And it ran pretty well on my Android TV device. Space Agency 2138 - a 3D successor for SA. Stylized graphics, somewhat kiddish but with a somewhat complex resources and economics engine. You need to acquire raw materials and then build your parts Still learning my way on it. Their business model will disgust some people (in game shop, with some "game accelerations" being paid, but I managed to finish SA(1) without buying anything but the extra parts for fun). SA on Google Play SA 2138 on Google Play
  17. Transferring the discussion from another thread: Forum's raw data (in WARC files) is currently "costing" me about 160G of uncompressed data. Check the links on the README of the preservation project's repo for links to download them - but keep in mind that it's still work in progress. Keep in mind: it's just data hosted by this Forum (posts, threads, profiles, forum hosted images, some uploaded files by privileged users). Absolutely no downloads for add'ons are present, as well images hosted from 3rd parties as imgur or discord.
  18. Pachinkos here we go!!! Serious now: There're rumors that RocketWerkz had bought KSP, but RW is... well... Pretty small compared to the price TTWO was asking. So, and assuming this rumor is true, it's almost sure RW partnered with someone else. Tencent is a known funder for RW, so assuming that leak is true, they are the ones I think bought the whole farm, and sold/leased/whatever KSP's IP to RW. On the other hand, Embracer would be another serious contender for the buyout. They have the money, the expertise to extract value from "dead" IPs and, perhaps, the will to do that. However... At this present time, all bets are off. Really. The only concrete information we have is that TTWO is not the current owner of the Franchise anymore.
  19. Well... Looks like TTWO is going to pay some Electrical Bills after all!
  20. You will probably not believe me , but the most successful car sellers I ever know do exactly that: buy cars exactly like you are describing it, fix, rebuilt, whatever, them and then sell the things working. Obviously, they usually do that for older cars that are still desirable nowadays, but sometimes they do it for cars still in production. I totaled a car once (stupid kid, I was). The Insurance declared a total loss and paid the full premium to my dad. Later, one of that car sellers I told you that knew my father told him that the Insurance company sold him that car pretty cheap and he managed to fix the car (he owned a hydraulic machine used to realign bent chassis) and sold the car to a good price after replacing what was irremediably broken (not that much, glasses and mirrors essentially). Interesting enough, its also a viable business model for Companies - I know entrepreneurs that buy crippled companies for cheap, sanitize them, make them profitable, and then sell them to anyone willing to keep the business ongoing. Only the people that effectively bought KSP2 is mad. Everybody else or don't know KSP yet, or are still willing to get a proper sequel. Besides, buying famous trademarks to pimp up your products is a good deal. Branding is the name of the game - do you know that a lot of famous brands of the past, like Telefunken, is now owned by Chinese manufacturers? As a matter of fact, I was one of the "victims" of them bought a "nice" Telefunken headset because, as a Kid, I remember the high quality ones my dad bought from them. This damned thing is on my head right now, it's not bad. But it's not excellent neither, I could had bought something so good as, but somewhat cheaper, from the same manufacturer but sold without the Telefunken name. I didn't knew what happened to Telefunken in Europe, just realized the trick after buying this head set. And this happens all the time - people are draft by brands they respect (or respected in the past).
  21. moved to a new thread. We are derailing this one. My apologies.
  22. Moved from another thread. Yes and no. Mobile was bleeding money from Siemens, while PD is... well... just dead in the water. So there's not exactly a urge to get rid of them. But it's still money being left in the table - selling PD will, at very least, help paying some electrical bills. The objective will be the same: to make things look better on the Bookkeeping. Really, this is all what matters... One possible outcome, but not exactly what I was talking about. HOW they would use the assets was out of the scope from what I was saying. Siemens didn't cared at all about what BenQ was going to do with Mobile, all that mattered is that they managed to turn that lemon into a lemonade that BenQ was willing to buy. Well... The other games are out of the scope of this Forum, so I didn't bored to think about them - but if you are willing to waste some bandwidth into a brainstorming about how it would be possible to rub some sugar on them... As much as I value KSP myself, I don't fool myself thinking that it will be by itself the one solution for all PD problems. But since it currently have twice the number of Steam Players than everything else PD has there, it would be a hell of a sugar cube... Did you ever sold an used car? You don't fix only one problem, neither fix them all - you focus on fixing the problems that the buyer cares about.
  23. That, IMHO, was a mistake. Sometimes it worth the pain to keep a product alive at loss, and save later in P/R. Once upon a time, we had more professors and aerospace engineers (or, at very least, people studying to be) around here - they are missed IMHO. Being the reason I called PD a lemon, and suggested they would be willing to spend a bit on water and sugar, and try to sell lemonades instead. It worked for Siemens - they are still around, only without Mobile.
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