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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. FYI The borkage is still ongoing, and getting worst: at the same time personal access to the Forum is being handicapped (perhaps on an attempt to solve the problem? If yes, it's not working, sadly): Whatever is happening It's not directly connected to the http 429 events, as the 5xx continued to happen even after I started to monitor the former (at Aug 24th) and self-restrict when detecting them. It's getting worse over time, besides our best efforts to limit personal scrapings. Corollary: personal scrapings were never the problem. Correlation does not imply causation! From this point, I don't plan to further pesky you guys with such data. The problem is not being solved neither mitigated, and it may had ended up hurting my own efforts - without noticeable benefits. --- -- - POST EDIT - -- --- Explanations for the technically handicapped : HTTP 429 Too Much Requests is a message the server sends to us, requesters, telling us that we are hitting it too much and it would appreciate if we back pedal a bit. It's a HTTP 4xx series error message, meaning something made wrong by the client and to be fixed on the client side. HTTP 5xx error messages are nasty errors that happened on the server side. Even when indirectly caused by user action, it is considered a server error because the server is the source of the problem. Examples of such errors we are facing lately: HTTP 500 Internal Server Error : The request passed trough the stack, but something inside the worker broke (like an unhandled Exception) in an unexpected way and the process crashed. HTTP 502 Bad Gateway : Something got broken when the frontend (nginx, Apache or IIS - the process that acts like a telephonist, distributing the requests to the ones that will handle them) received the request and tried to pass it to whoever was responsible to really handle it (we call these backend processes), but there was nobody listening (usually, the worker process - daemon - had crashed, or sometimes in the middle of the restart). HTTP 503 Service Unavailable: Someone (or something) deactivated the backend, and the frontend tried to reach the worker nevertheless and (obviously) couldn't. HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout: The frontend managed to send the request to the backend, but it didn't answered back after a defined amount of time (the timeout). This usually means that something inside the backend is overloaded and taking too much time to finish its tasks, and by the time it finally does it, there're no one expecting it anymore on the other side. It's the worst kind, IMHO, because the current timeout problem incurred on expenses on the backend, and also contributes to it happening again when the problem is quota exhaustion (because, well, it consumes quota without providing any results, prompting the caller to ask for it again, in a self feeding vicious cycle). === == = POST EDIT2 = == == Updated repo with data from this afternoon. We had more 5xx events.
  2. Some bad patching is bitting you: [LOG 00:44:58.316] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 7057 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 2 Show Stoppers found; 0 Sanity Check failed; 3957 unscalable parts. At least, it's only 2: [LOG 00:44:57.481] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part NB0mLFOengine1 (MRS Liquid Fuel Engine, 0.625m "Sparkler") has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0 [LOG 00:44:57.483] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part NBfuelCell1m (MRS Inline Fuel Cell Array) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0_21.MoveNext () [0x005a4] in <d08a67791ddc409fad78e1e6485c71dc>:0 I'm pretty sure I had seen this recently, and I found this. You are using an old version of Modular Rocket Systems. I don't have a clue why you are using an old version, but anyway, you have two options: Manually install the latest https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/ModularRocketSystems/releases ; or Delete the file <KSP_ROOT>/GameData/NecroBones/ModularRocketSystems/Patches/TweakScale.cfg. Double patching, historically, leaded to disasters - but not always. Since I can't know when the thing is dangerous and when it's not, it's better to never allow a part to be erroneously double patched. This is usually a sign that there're some other things wrong in your rig. And wrong things in your rig you have! Your KSP.log is scattered with Exceptions, some of them in nasty places like the PartModule.OnLoad. I think you should try to clean your rig of these errors, as Kraken knows what they can inject into the game's runtime and when. The first I found is: [WRN 00:11:25.745] [Kerbalism] Profile.Nodeparse failed to load process System.Exception: resource LqDeuterium doesn't exist for process LqDeuterium Boiloff at KERBALISM.Process..ctor (ConfigNode node) [0x00131] in <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0 at KERBALISM.Profile.Nodeparse (ConfigNode profile_node) [0x00116] in <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0 Suggesting that you forgot to install some dependency for Kerbalism - perhaps Community Resource Pack? (I'm guessing). In a way or another, Kerbalism and TweakScale don't work togheter - Kerbalism has its own internal simulator, and it doesn't knows squat about TweakScale - AFAIK parts with TweakScale are not used by Kerbalism (or the TweakScale is removed from it? Dunno).
  3. Probably reinstalling everything out of exasperation. There's this nasty problem with modern storages as SSDs: any failure happening while installing something can lead to data loss due how SSD operates (read a whole macrocell, change only the bits in need to change, write the macrocell back - anything bad, you lose the whole macrocell). Lots and lots of problems related to stock Assemblies (like KSPUtil) can be fixed by verifying the installation on Steam, or just reinstalling manually. Now, if stock Assemblies can get corrupted due storage mishaps, so any other file too - as add'ons. So, by logical consequence, if you fixed your rig by verifying the game installation you should do the same to the add'ons installed too.
  4. It make me remember of the symmetry issues I solved on Procedural Wings some years ago - essentially, the stock symmetry algorithm changed and anyone relying on that behaviour got screwed, I remember doing the symmetry by brute force. I'm wondering if an auxiliary PartModule could do the same for us here, trying to salvage the Stock wheels usage - apparently I'm a point outside of the curve, but I liked the "new" wheels on 1.4.0 (could reproduce some interesting landings I see on old videos! - Look Ma! No hook!!). But sometimes I think they concluded the task prematurely... Yeah, the backwards spinning drove me crazy, I bumped by head on the wall many times due this crap. Please send it to me, I will give it a peek (on the Saturday! ).
  5. The HTTP 5xx (Bad Gateway et all) errors on Forum are increasing, besides the efforts to limit the accesses from an individual: the more a dude is limited, worst become the problem. Fascinating.
  6. Common sense is anything but common nowadays. We would not have harassment nor hate speech otherwise. Censorship is merely bullies switching sides and exercising hate silence instead.
  7. Midnight Syndrome, Leb0wsky. Great Progressive Rock band from Poland!
  8. Oh, sorry. Being a thread in which I was talking for weeks only about archiving, I didn't noticed it by being somewhat biased on archives (this uphill battle have all my attention lately). IMHO yes, we should be considering what to do of the worst happens. But there will be some challenges on this approach, I want to suggest the following posts as a starting point for how to accomplish that: Concerning about name grabbing is pretty relevant. Additionally: (See also .my reply below)
  9. One would not be able to legally host the current content, as it would be IP infringement. The posts may be still be owned by the original poster (see here), but the poster had agreed to license it to Forum's owner. In order to legally host the current content, you would need to get a license from each poster - or convince the current Forum's owner to relicense the content to you (a right also granted by the original poster by posting here, under the ToS). The best outcome possible is to Forum just keep going, rendering all our efforts a waste of time. If Forum goes down, the less worst alternative is a IA style Archive (always keeping in mind that I.A. can take some content down due some litigation, so it's not wise to blindly rely on them), this one being mirrored (or plain hosted) by the alternatives trying to cut their teeth on the Scene in the exact same terms Internet Archive hosts their copy - as a Read Only, immutable but browsable (and, futurely, searchable) Archive with the content.
  10. Here (besides the Bad Gateways). Note: if you say my name 3 times, I will spawn in your datacenter and scrap your homenagem! I think I heard @AlamoVampire on the room?
  11. FYI At 2024-0827, 7:00 to 9:00 GMT-0 approximately, I'm getting trouble trying to access the Forum due that pesky http 5xx errors. Personal scraping are not the problem - I'm voluntarily backpaddling once I receive a 429 and any 5xx, and yet Forum is borking. If the same measures being applied to me are also being applied to everybody else, scraping is not the issue. 429 are harmless because I backpaddle on every one I receive, but they hint Forum is getting hammered somehow - the others, the 5xx ones, are the problem. The charts above make clear that personal scrapings are not the cause of the downages. Whatever is being done to limit us, is not working - what strongly suggests that the problem is being misdiagnosed and mishandled. === == = POST EDIT = == === Apparently things came back to normal at 9:30 Z
  12. FYI Some graphs with the (perceived) Forum status in the last 7 days (GMT-3 timezone): HTTP 429 are harmless, it's Forum telling me that I'm hitting it too much triggering embargos from the scraping tool. The nasty stuff are the 5xx ones. Since I first implemented the 429 delays last weekend, the 5xx incidence dropped drastically except between Aug 21th, 13:00 (GMT-3) and Aug 24th 8:00. Don't have a clue about the reason. Columns without any bars are timestamps without any occurrences other than HTTP 2xx or 3xx. Since I implemented embargos for these events (60 seconds minimum for a 429, 900 for a 5xx, with logarithmic backoff), these charts are not accurate as after receiving 2 or 3 5xx consecutively, I may embargo scraping for up to 2 hours and I don't know what happened in the mean time (Forum may be working, or may be issuing new bad gateway events - I just don't know). https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Forum-Preservation-Project/tree/master/torrent/reports
  13. NEWS FROM THE FRONT Scrapings are ongoing, but in a lower pace since I first implemented the 429 delays (see below) last weekend. Some graphs with the (perceived) Forum status in the last 7 days (GMT-3 timezone): HTTP 429 are harmless, it's Forum telling me that I'm hitting it too much. I wait at least 60 seconds each time I receive one. They are, fortunately, the absolute majority of occurrences for me now. I also implemented an exponential (to tell you the truth, logarithmic) backoff so if I start to receive too much 429s in an hour, I increase a bit the delay up to 60 minutes. So, yeah, scraping can get waaay slower now. The nasty stuff are the 5xx ones. The incidence dropped drastically except between Aug 21th, 13:00 (GMT-3) and Aug 24th 8:00. Don't have a clue about the reason. Each 5xx incurs on a 15 minutes embargo minimum, also with a logarithmic backoff up to 60 minutes. Columns without any bars are timestamps without any occurrences other than HTTP 2xx or 3xx. The following chart depicts the scraping times: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Forum-Preservation-Project/tree/master/torrent/reports
  14. Boeing sent a mission to ISS and a malfunction on the craft left the astronauts stranded. SpaceX will launch a recue mission. What could be more Kerbal? https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cwy47w9yndpo (oh, boy... Elon Musk must be laughing his cheeks out!)
  15. Can you share a simple savegame and craft file where the problem happens to you? (as well the KSP.log!). This is mostly odd, I never caught a similar problem where a part with inner nodes (nodes usually used to attach cargo inside it) being wrongly used before...
  16. I had already posted about the Lockheed 1105, but this video is just great - it not only shows how giganormous this monster would be, but somehow the youtuber found a BBC's report about it!!! Really great video!
  17. Yes. I strongly suggest you not only check the game (if you downloaded it from Steam), but also to tell CKAN to reinstall all files - chances are that more files got damaged in the incident - it's almost a statistical certainty. There're two types of Mass Storage devices that are nastily susceptible to power outs: SDDs, NVMe or any other kind of flash media HDDs with SMR. These technologies erases a significant amount of data in order to write a tiny little bit of it - they read the whole macrocell (or group of tracks) into memory, change the bits that need to be changed and write them back. If you have a power outage in the process, you lose the whole macrocell (or track group), and not only what you was writing at that time. It's usually a better idea to use a Journaled file system (like APFS on MacOS, or EXT4 and BTRFS on Linux - Linux really shines on file systems, there're a lot of different ones, each one of them shines on a specific niche...), but Windows users are out of options (and luck) at the present time.
  18. Oh, that!!! Yeah, you can totally delete GameData/Firespitter/Parts and GameData/Firespitter/Spaces . Cheers (and thanks to @Manul for the tip!)
  19. It's the reason I didn't merged the fix yet. Yes, there're plans to have it fixed for sure: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/AirplanePlus/issues/3 And yes, I know - it's taking a bit of time... Yes. You can remove any parts from the AirplanePlus folder you don't want to use, but unless disk space (and/or memory) would not be at the absolute premium, usually a patch to "deprecate" the undesired parts is the best solution. In your case, shove a file named (for example) AirplanePlus-without-Firespitter.cfg somewhere in your GameData (I suggest GameData/__LOCAL so you don't lose track of it): @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[FSalternator],@MODULE[FSbuoyancy],@MODULE[FSengineBladed],@MODULE[FSengineHandCrank],@MODULE[FSengineSounds],@MODULE[FSmeshSwitch],@MODULE[FSplanePropellerSpinner],@MODULE[FSpropellerAtmosphericNerf],@MODULE[FSswitchEngineThrustTransform],@MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],@MODULE[FSengineHandCrank],@MODULE[FSswitchEngineThrustTransform],@MODULE[FStextureSwitch2]]:FINAL { %TechHidden = True %category = none } Note that this patch will hide everything that use one of that FS PartModules, and not only AirplanePlus' ones. Of course I can trim that patch to patch only AirplanePlus if you prefer, but right now I'm still fighting to restore the content of a computer that failed me on Day Job©, so I took the faster approach. It's usually better to patch things out of your way than physically remove them, as they will not suddenly come back from the dead after an update neither prevent you from loading a savegame or craft file that you forgot had used them. But if you choose to really delete things from the GameData, what probably will include Firespitter itself, delete also the file GameData/AirplanePlus/Plugins/AirplanePlus.dll so it will not pesky you about the dependency on Firespitter. Yep, the parts will not work or will look weird, but nothing will be sent to space in the most unpleasant way. But they will still clutter the Part Manager, so applying the patch above will probably help.
  20. Fire up KSP until the Main Menu, then close KSP and then publish the KSP.log on Dropbox or something and paste the link here. Whatever is happening, almost surely is leaving a breakcrumb on the KSP.log. Check this post if you don't know how to do it:
  21. Yes, it did. I forgot to mention, in the future quit KSP first before copying the file, because there's a thingy called "write buffer" that delays the writing in an attempt to be more efficient, and so if you copy the file with KSP alive writting on it it ends up being truncated. Fortunately, this time it was truncated after the breaking point, so I could find the problem! [LOG 22:08:36.177] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies [ERR 22:08:36.280] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KSPUtil, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 22:08:36.280] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KSPUtil, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 22:08:36.284] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'B9_Aerospace_WingStuff': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 Additional information about this exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'KSPUtil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. File name: 'KSPUtil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'KSPUtil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. File name: 'KSPUtil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' The Assembly B9_Aerospace_WingStuff is borking on a ReflectionTypeLoadException (a thingy that when happens breaks something inside KSP that by itself screws up everybody that needs to use another thingy called Reflection, which DOE needs to use to support Kopernicus). And this is happening because something called KSPUtil is not being able to be loaded. Problem... KSPUtil is part of KSP!! It must be present, otherwise KSP is badly installed! On Steam, there's an option called "Verify integrity of game files". (Source) Use it. I think your KSP got corrupted somehow. Do you use a SDD or NVM2? Did your computer crashed or rebooted abruptly recently?
  22. Not a problem. I'm assuming you are on Windows, right? Do you use Steam? You can find it on the steamlibray folder: (source) Use dropbox to share it with us: https://help.dropbox.com/share/share-with-others (there's a video on this link) You can open that directory from Steam: (Source) Or you can ask Windows for the File Location of a shortcut from your Desktop, if you (or someone else) created the shortcut in the Desktop (if the shortcut was created by Steam, it will not work): https://fileinfo.com/help/windows_shortcut_original_file_location Cheers!
  23. Check in which nodes the parts are connecting each other. If I'm right, somehow a sub-tree those "sub-root" was attached to a external node on its parent ends up being attached to an inner node by mistake, tricking the engine into believe everything is inside that part those inner node ends up being used instead of a outer one. Welcome to the dark side of the Force! We offer the best Health Insurance available! (Angry issues not covered.)
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