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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Update the TweakScale UberPacket to the latest: https://spacedock.info/mod/3202/TweakScale Companion (the "UberPaket")#changelog Waterfall 0.10.0 removed a type that I was relying to identify the presence of Waterfall, so I had to change the way to detect it . The latest Companion have the updated code to detect Waterfall 0.10, but also the older ones. Cheers!
  2. I would dispute the use of the term "legacy". I'm working on it, will edit this post with the results in a few hours. [edit: see below]
  3. How about building the infrastructure for Mars Dune colonization as envisioned by NASA? Place a Space/Fuel Station on polar orbit on Moon Mün. Build some Fuel Factories on the Mün's surface. Learn how to keep the Stations fueled. Launches from the Factories into the Mün Station Keep a Mission Report on Forum!!! Learn how to use Imgur and you are set! Then build some rockets that could deliver some serious payloads on Dune, but launching from Kerbin with the smallest amount of fuel possible. Perhaps would be a good idea to have another Station/Fuel on LKO (Low Kerbin Orbit) if your payload is too heavy that would be cheaper to bring Fuel from Mün to do an intermediary refuelling on LKO before goind to the Fuel Station on Mün to filler up the tanks.
  4. Or me? Seriously now (pero no mucho), thinking about the problem in the last days, I came to the conclusion that, perhaps, shrinking down the servers and taking the hit is the less worst solution they could do. There's no point on beefing up your servers and raising your grade on CloudFlare just to see the AI scrappers doing the same on their bots at the same time - you just waste money and your site goes down the same. Since the 502 errors are unavoidable at this point, at least they will save some bucks to help paying the Forum's license next semester.
  5. As from 2024-1010 and under @maja agreement, I'm the New Management for Who Am I. In a Hurry: Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2024-0921) It works from KSP 1.5.0 to KSP 1.12.5! Seriously! How to check Compatibility on CurseForge. IMPORTANT read this post before updating! Downloads on CurseForge. Soon™ on SpaceDock (for CKAN users). Soon™ on GitHub (for manual and/or KSP-AVC users). Description: Everytime you switch Kerbals in IVA, you must ask yourself, Who Am I? Now you know Credits: Contributions From: RealGecko. [original release thread] Maja [previous release thread] And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support: Identity your Kerbals Safe!
  6. As from 2024-1010 and under @maja agreement, I'm the New Management for Keep It Straight. In a Hurry: Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2024-0921) It works from KSP 1.8.0 to KSP 1.12.5! Seriously! How to check Compatibility on CurseForge. IMPORTANT read this post before updating! Downloads on CurseForge. Soon™ on SpaceDock (for CKAN users). Soon™ on GitHub (for manual and/or KSP-AVC users). Description: When I'm on a low orbit I prefer FREE camera mode, cause body I'm "falling to" has to be "below" However KSP keeps switching camera mode to AUTO every time something happens: switched to far away vessel, ended docking etc. So here is Keep It Straight - mod that saves camera mode between scene changes and restores it. Photorealistic pictures from high orbit made by RealGecko: Credits: Contributions From: RealGecko. [original release thread] Maja [previous release thread] And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support: <do something with your camera> Safe!
  7. As from 2024-1010 and under @maja agreement, I'm the New Management for Parking Brake. In a Hurry: Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2024-0921) It works from KSP 1.3.0 to KSP 1.12.5! Seriously! How to check Compatibility on CurseForge. Usefulness on KSP 1.12.5 is limited at this moment. IMPORTANT read this post before updating! Downloads on CurseForge. Soon™ on SpaceDock (for CKAN users). Soon™ on GitHub (for manual and/or KSP-AVC users). Description: Tired of seeing your Kerbals and Crafts wandering around when you are not paying attention? "Liquided" of reviving that embarrassing moments in which had to look for your parked car in the shopping center while playing KSP? Getting crazy while hunting down your land bases while they are slipping around? Fear no more! We have a solution! Parking Brake! Few notes: Parking Brake is added to every part which has the command module Your vessel must be landed Maximum speed of a vessel must be lower than or equal to 0.25 m/s It is not recommended to use the Parking Brake if you have Ground Tether toggled on (function of USI parts) Credits: Contributions From: Maja. [original release thread] And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support: Park Safe!
  8. As from 2024-1010 and under @maja agreement, I'm the New Management for Bon Voyage. In a Hurry: Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2024-0921) It works from KSP 1.8.0 to KSP 1.12.5! Seriously! How to check Compatibility on CurseForge. IMPORTANT read this post before updating! Downloads on CurseForge. Soon™ on SpaceDock (for CKAN users). Soon™ on GitHub (for manual and/or KSP-AVC users). Relevant Notes Bon Voyage only kicks when the craft is on rails. You need to switch scenes, or focus a vessel beyound the current physics range! Description: What's the best way of getting science from celestial body? The answer is DRIVE! What's the best way of delivering ore or supplies from distant location to your base? The answer is make your wheels rolling and ships rowing! But did you try to drive for 110 km for two hours, avoiding obstacles and keeping your speed in sane limits? It's not fun anymore. Don't worry! Automagic Industries brings you a new autopilot, which reduces driving accidents by 100%. Bon Voyage is here and it will drive your rovers and ships in background! Credits: Contributions From: RealGecko. [original release thread] Maja [previous release thread] And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support: Navigate Safe!
  9. With good reasons - that thing was a death trap. The XP-56 didn't killed anyone, but was found lacking in performance and eventually abandoned. The XP-54 was ... hummm... "less unconventional", and probably the reason the US Military choose to pursue XP-55 instead. The British, however, proved this design was solid when equipped with jet engines.
  10. That's the spirit!! There's also a very, very nice video on the pinned comment of this video - but I'm unsure if it would be Forum friendly , so I used the audio only version.
  11. Remember the Japanese Kyushu J7W Shinden ? This is the XP-55 Ascender: Art imitates Life!
  12. Announce! New release 2024.10.09.0 for the TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket with everything (and the kitchen's sink) included for the lazy installers !! Updates the Companions: Frameworks to See the project's main page to details. Your attention please Completely remove all the previous contents in the GameData/TweakScaleCompanion directory, or you will trigger some FATALities on TweakScale's Sanity Checks! This thingy needs TweakScale v2.4.7 or superior to work Download here or in the OP. Also available on CurseForge and SpaceDock. (by night) [edit: nah... they are there already!]
  13. Good news, so! I had detected some not so good news from my side involving the last release of Waterfall, but apparently it's related to my rig and not to any code. Other than the glitch I had reported on the Waterfall thread, I didn't found anything cheesy on my side neither. I didn't made any magic, though. Just rewrote the code that detects Waterfall, everything else remained the same. Anyway, I'm promoting this release to.. "Release" now.
  14. Yikes... The files were available, the directory holding them wasn't... Fixed! Let me know if you need me to do any more testings (it may include recompiling the thing with some debugging info if needed).
  15. On EVERY Unity Game I'm playing on Steam(Deck), using the MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU=1 stunt gave me the very same performance, but the thing ran cooler and the battery life was extended. On my Computer, ditto (except by the battery, of course) - but on at least another one besides KSP, I managed to build bigger things than on the times I wasn't using the stunt because suddenly I had more memory to play with (hint: GC). [Oh, yes... It also allowed me to play Youtube while playing the game - something I couldn't do before] By this time, it became a Unity problem because... Well, this trick is working on the ones I had tried consistently - from older games from 2017 to new ones published this year. If people are "holding it wrong" unchecked for so many time, it's really past the time for Unity start to worry about this and do something about. At the very least, their documentation are lacking and their default settings are unsuited for the workload most games are using. - - - And, yeah, you are derailing the thread.
  16. Hi. I installed the newest Waterfall and started to get this weird magenta thingy instead of the plumes: This is an absolutely vanilla KSP 1.12.5 installment, with only: Module Manager 4.2.3 Waterfall 0.10.1 StockWaterfallEffects 0.8 The craft is a Stock AeroEquus - I just load it on Editor and launched it. The engine involved is the LV-T45 Swivel . KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Mh2OoO8o7O1oRi4cvar7KEZQxny-RQ4E?usp=drive_link
  17. If you are stup... uh... kourageous enough can you please try this Experimental Release? https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion_Frameworks/releases/tag/PRERELEASE%2F0.4.0.5 I changed how Waterfall is detected, but kept the rest of the code the same. I know for sure this will work fine with older Waterfalls, but doing a thoroughly test session with Waterfall 0.10.x (a huge change set on a monolithic commit - the QA tester nightmare came true!!) will take time I can't dispose until the weekend. === == = POST EDIT = == === Apparently, I found a glitch on Waterfall (and I'm not the only one).
  18. When you launch the craft, and then do a Revert to Launch, the plume's scalings are reset to the default and I can't rescale it again. When Reverting to Editor and then launching the craft again, the glitch doesn't happens. https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion_Frameworks/issues/3 I never managed to understand what's happening on this one.
  19. Well, I fired up my test bed using the 0.9 Waterfall and 0.7 StockWaterfallEffects to see what I get (it's what I used to smoketest the respective Companion last time). No problems detected (other than that pesky and stubborn one on Revert to Launch): [LOG 02:30:33.047] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Startup' from assembly 'TweakScalerModuleWaterfallFX' [ERR 02:30:38.158] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: TweakScalerWaterfallFXIntegrator [LOG 02:30:38.161] [KSPe.Binder] Looking for TweakScalerWaterfallFXIntegrator.dll on GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/Frameworks/Waterfall/./PluginDa [LOG 02:30:38.162] [KSPe.Binder] Found it on /Users/lisias/Workspaces/KSP/runtime/1.12.5.acp/GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/Frameworks/Waterfall/Pl [LOG 02:30:38.184] [TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks] TweakScalerWaterfallFXIntegrator Version /L BETA is loaded. This is was I expected to see on your rig. Oukey, I didn't screwed up (this one :P). Then I updated both to the latest (0.10 and 0.8 respectively): misbehaviour reproduced. Yes, something changed and fooled the Companion. I will work on it ASAP. Until there, there's a chance you can revert Waterfall to 0.9 while I don't update the respective Companion? https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion_Frameworks/issues/10 In time, the double call I mentioned above happened on my rig too. This is something I did wrong. I will fix it Soon™. https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion_FS/issues/12 [LOG 02:30:28.124] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Startup' from assembly 'TweakScaleCompanion_FS' [LOG 02:30:28.125] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Startup' from assembly 'TweakScaleCompanion_FS'
  20. Wow, thanks for the comprehensive logs! Yeah, I found the symptom: [EXC 14:18:44.103] DllNotFoundException: An Add'On Support DLL was not loaded. Missing Interface : TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall.Integrator.Notifier KSPe.Util.SystemTools+Type+Find.ByInterfaceName (System.String qn) (at <4596164eec694c33b823d99d5882d3b1>:0) TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall.TweakScalerWaterfallFX.InitModule () (at <a85d8dd814874d41a200154164b60c50>:0) TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall.TweakScalerWaterfallFX.Update () (at <a85d8dd814874d41a200154164b60c50>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) But I didn't located the trigger, because apparently the supporting DLL was loaded: [LOG 13:28:20.956] Load(Assembly): TweakScaleCompanion/Frameworks/Waterfall/TweakScalerWaterfallFX [LOG 13:28:20.956] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\KSP_win64\GameData\TweakScaleCompanion\Frameworks\Waterfall\TweakScalerWaterfallFX.dll ... [LOG 13:28:20.956] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'TweakScalerModuleWaterfallFX' V0.4.0 ... [LOG 13:28:28.188] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Startup' from assembly 'TweakScalerModuleWaterfallFX' ... [LOG 13:37:53.549] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SanityCheck' from assembly 'TweakScalerModuleWaterfallFX' ... However... I didn't found the message "TweakScalerWaterfallFXIntegrator Version {0} is loaded." and it should definitively be there. This explains the message above, but not why it happened. At least I'm sure that TweakScalerWaterfallFX is loaded (its the one trying to load he other one). I double checked, and I found the "TweakScalerWaterfallFXIntegrator.dll" file on the distribution files (both the standalone and the UberPacket). I have now two Working Theories: I screwed up something the mentioned DLL is not present in your hard disk in the directory: "GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/Frameworks/Waterfal/PluginData" I'm firing up my test bed to see about the Theory 1. If you read this before I finish, please check if the mentioned file is present in your rig on the right place. === == = POST EDIT = == === Humm... Found something fishy... [LOG 13:28:28.216] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Startup' from assembly 'TweakScaleCompanion_FS' [LOG 13:28:28.216] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Startup' from assembly 'TweakScaleCompanion_FS' This DLL was started twice... It's probably unrelated,but yet, it's an anomaly.
  21. And you make it sound like it was fixed already. You see, shifting to 64 bits was what allowed the problem to grow bigger, as it allowed more textures to be loaded exacerbating the symptom. This is the expected behaviour of a long standing problems that are not solved (for a reason or another - some problems can't be solved at all): new people came, became experienced and then detect (again) a problem, talk about it, veterans explains the situation, new people gets acceptance and became eventually veterans. And then new new people came and the cycle continues with the new veterans taking the torch. Yelling "old news" to new people will not help to solve the problem, neither help on keeping them around so they would eventually became veterans. But you could had helped by linking the posts you had read about, so the "new veterans" like me could get new glimpses of the problem, instead of relying only on my own results as well the posts from other people that talked about on my time. There're at least 168.673 visible threads on this Forum (as on Oct 1st early morning). No one (including you, I bet) had read them all - and the Forum's Search engine, besides useful, is not Google and it's lately imposing delays of many seconds between an search and another, bittering the process. Relying on the experience of people like me and you (and yes, I'm pretty sure you have some knowledge to contribute to this discussion) is still our best way to feed a good and constructive discussion. As a matter of fact, it used to be this way since our times living in caves...
  22. On a side note, sometimes I flirt with the conclusion that they managed to get that huge success they got exactly by doing (almost) everything "wrong" during development. Some of the worst and most lingering problems on KSP happened on the very first release after the original team left the company, and where replaced by professionals that made things "right". Fun fact:
  23. And I think both of you missed the point. I want to quote the OP on this: Again, we DON'T NEED to know the OP's mod list to answer this guy. He's talking about an architectural decision made on KSP that, besides IMHO had server the base game well over the years, is starting to bite our collective arses nowadays with VRAM hungry add'ons being published by modders. There's no difference between installing 10 mods with 10MB each, or installing 5 with 20MB each, or installing a single one with 100MB - the net result is you consuming 100MB of VRAM. In all cases, if you by some reason are exhausting your VRAM, no matter the add'ons you have installed, you will need to experiment with the Graphics Settings to recover your sweet FPS. And I need to remind you that even Browsers eat VRAM nowadays, and I'm pretty sure it's the reason the OP listed the other processes running on the rig at the time of testing - note the OP said Chrome is unstable - this means that it's also starving while playing Youtube - something that I managed to mitigate on the stunt I mentioned before : May I ask you both to reread the OP's post?
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