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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. This pop up on my feed today, triggering some memories. In '93 I had finally bought a very decent sound card, a Gravis Ultrasound (magnificent at the time), and then could appreciate sound from the that already impressive PC demo scene. Before buying that card, I could only check the demos that supported Covox style dongles on the parallel port (essentially a resistor-ladder DAC). The Soundblaster emulation from GUS was somewhat crappy, but for games and demos that supported it, Gee, it was impressive. And Gravis were heavily investing on marking on these demo parties, distributing GUS are awards. Lots and logs of demos supported GUS, what made my life sensible more musical at that time! Anyway... not really anything especial - other than by triggering some fond memories.
  2. The Robotic parts have a thingy called dumping. Try to reduce it to 0% and to 100% and see what happens. They also have limits on the weight they can handle before breaking, you may want to activate some cheats, as Unbreakable Joints. You can also try your luck installing Kerbal Joint Reinforcement /Next - last time I toyed with it, it had recently implemented support for the Robotic Parts.
  3. Cities are just collateral damage if what you want is the control over the land. We have two major conflicts right now (Middle East and European East) clearly demonstrating it at the present time. There's money on rebuilding cities, anyway, someone need to pay for the expenses... It's about money. It's always about money... Or a cheap way to get rid of excessive/surplus stock. War is hell, dude. Really, really hell.
  4. You don't occupy territories without... Occupying it. Wars will never be unmanned, someone must be there so the enemy sign their rendition. Airforce and Mechanized Infantry will be eventually unmanned, part of the Navy too. But there will be always Infantry - Hooah!
  5. And exactly what's your point? Requests returning http 200 should only matter if the requester is not a human? Or vice versa? Your arguing makes absolutely no sense. Forum was borking even with less the 600 online Users/Guests/Bots/whatever. And now it's not with 1200 1600, so it's definitely an improvement. This conversation has no purpose. #HAL9000feelings.
  6. Makes no sense. If the bots are managing to crawl for longer/more aggressively, this is a CF problem, not Forum. CF is the tool that should had been preventing it. And they have some measures active, I can guarantee you - done that, been bitten on the process. Sorry, but this is not a consensus at all. Of course, now we can battle about the meaning of "entity", and this will go on indefinitely. What, frankly, would be a huge waste of time and efforts because none of that will change the numbers I have.
  7. Yep. I have no 50x events registered (what's not a cabal proof there's none, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence - but can be good enough).
  8. And I never said "humans", only "users" as stated in main Forum page: We had about 2.800 Guests near Christmas, by the way. This means that the improvement may had happened even earlier, but it would had been eroded by the increased volume of accesses. From the technical point of view, doesn't matter if a "Guest" is a bot or a human - the request was served without errors, and this is what is being measured here. Count your blessings. Exactly. I'm not evaluating Forums's SEO or Makerting value, or whatever, I'm measuring Forum's health - with concrete data.
  9. NEWS FROM THE FRONT Release for the 2024-12 is online. https://archive.org/details/KSP-Forum-Preservation-Project --- REPORTS --- In the last week of December 2024, something changed for the better on Forum. The response times were stable: And we got way less 50x events in the last week than since the problem began: Note that the chart goes only up to December 29th. This happens because from December 30th, I have no record of any event and I didn't coded anything to handle this situation - yes, this is the first time since I started monitoring Forum that this happens!
  10. Given that que Forum QoS is finally getting better (not perfect, but way better) at the same time the concurrent users rise in quantity, I believe que there're people working on it and, so, there's a good chance we survive this ordeal after all.
  11. Looks like a Localization issue. Are you using other language other than EN-US?
  12. "What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Neumann.
  13. The Human Military created R.A.T.O. Kerbal created Ab.R.A.T.O., ABusive Rocket Assisted Take Off: the most stupid way to takeoff with a ~800ton cargo. Long live the Kraken!!!! Craft available here.
  14. What I will not be able to do if they came in hundreds or thousands. I trust the individual, individuals can be easily made accountable for their actions - it's the gullible collective the problem. The only defense against an infuriated righteous mob is plain repression, what it's exactly what I expect Steam to do if this escalates too much. If by any reason there's(re) someone(s) pulling strings on this, it's our best interest to hunt them down and make them accountable for the consequences.
  15. Playing KSP is the better way to mod KSP. I ditched everything else these days, and I'm just playing, having fun and... (crap) finding hidden bugs.
  16. Thanks God. Really, really thanks God. Let's hope that all that "abandoned" similar effort ends the same - because the same mistakes will be made otherwise, but multiplied by Kraken knows how many witch hunters.
  17. Now multiply it for that myriad of easily influenced and manipulated kids. It's the reason I'm calling this a witch hunt: no one really cares about solving the problem, they just want to burn someone.
  18. About that curated list... On it, there *WAS* a game called OpenTDD. The game was update early 2024 December, but the game was still listed there, so until someone fixed the problem, a good, in active development game was tagged as "Abandoned" on this list until yesterday. And I know because I found this list yesterday, and found it listed there. So a single dude developer got his work tagged as abandoned because they have a life and could not match the expectations of some people, delivering updates and posting nonsense just to be there, pushing away people from a otherwise healthy (but slow) project. THIS IS NOT how a Indie friendly store should behave. This witch hunt will hurt innocent developers, and will backfire on the Indie Scene.
  19. "Ohh, that's a bingo!" Is @Drew Kerman online?
  20. Not for me. Dunno if it's still echoing on the network, or if Steam is listing your tags together the "popular" ones only for you. I have an issue with this. Now KSP¹ should be considered "abandoned" too, as it is in the exact same boat. This is going to backfire on us in a way we are not going to like. === POST EDIT === I think a better (and probably more effective) solution is pledging to add the game to this list: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41065531-Abandoned-EA-Games/ === POST POST EDIT === In a way or another, it's an improvement that I failed to recognize: no kid will be induced to abuse the Steam's Report and risking being penalized.
  21. Welcome to KSP. Believe me, we do it all the time. It only happens that we do it in a more convoluted way. I once got flabbergasted because my plane was twice the weight it should - it took me some hours until I realized that I had attached a part in mirror symmetry on the same parent node, and from that point everything I attached on that subassembly was diplicated in mirror symmetry. I only realized the problem when I finally noticed some texturing fighting, and after trying to debugging the rig for some texture switch problem (when you forget to install a part switch, all the textures are drawn at the same time).
  22. I am aware of my own weaknesses, being hot-headed and less then ideally fluent in English two of them. I know how the choosing of words can, even if unconsciously, shape a conversation. Even if not being a root cause, I had contributed for the mess. In a way or another, apologies were asked where (perceived) due, and forgiveness promptly granted where asked. Lets build something constructive from this mess, there are interesting information about how VALVe delists a game - it's not about being right or wrong, it's about understanding the problem. There're more people involved on this mess now, this can escalate badly: kids are easily influenced and manipulated. I will give a peek on the link you provided as soon as I finish the one I'm doing now.
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