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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Now I'm worried. Let's see your logs... (hack, hack, slash and hack again) Well, most of the problems are like this: [LOG 15:09:36.222] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part rocketNoseConeSize4 (Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk16A) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0 What suggests there're more than one dude patching these parts with TweakScale. Digging around, I found: [LOG 15:06:59.350] Applying update SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Aero/@PART[rocketNoseConeSize4]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion,TweakScale] to SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk16/rocketNoseCone_size4.cfg/PART[rocketNoseConeSize4] [LOG 15:07:03.513] Applying update TweakScale/patches/SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Aero/@PART[rocketNoseConeSize4]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion,TweakScale] to SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk16/rocketNoseCone_size4.cfg/PART[rocketNoseConeSize4] Confirming my hypothesis. We have TweaScale pathing things (<KSP>/GameData/TweakScale/Patches/SquadExpansion/yadayada), but also something else inside <KSP>/GameData/SquadExpansion itself, and whatever it is, it should not be there!! I think you will find a rogue file inside your SquadExpansion called <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Aero.cfg. Delete it, please, if it's there. As well the following ones: <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Aero.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Coupling.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Engine.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/FuelTank.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Ground.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Payload.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Pods.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Propulsion.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Structural.cfg <KSP>/GameData/MakingHistory/SquadExpansion/Thermal.cfg If they are not there, well, we have a hell of a problem to diagnose then… I also noticed that the KSP-Recall patches are installed on the wrong place!!! Currently, they are on <KSP>/GameData/patches, a completely wrong place. Please remove <KSP>/GameData/patches and everything inside, and install KSP-Recall properly! As a matter of fact, the whole KSP Recall thingy is messed up! Right now, I would suggest you to take a completely clean GameData from what you had download, and reinstall everything from scratch - following the install instructions to the letter: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/blob/master/INSTALL.md https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/blob/master/INSTALL.md I also suggest you to update ModuleManager to the latest, 4.3.4, as it have some important bug fixes that besides not affection you right now, it will eventually! Let me know if you need help on this process!
  2. Humm… On a wild guess, I think some of the files were shredded before you could remove them back from the recycle bin. Do you have how to redownload the SquadExpansion contents? I think that at this point, the best way out of the problem is to redownload the whole thing and then copy&paste the SquadExpansion directory from the fresh copy into your current rig. If even by doing that, you still get problems, please send me your KSP.log and ModuleManager.ConfigCache for inspection. I should be able to diagnose what's going on by inspecting these files.
  3. Need a Snowmobile, but all you have is a old Ford Model A? Don't fear, your problems are only in the begining…
  4. What a wonderful cacophony of voices, noises, instruments and light. Blue Man Group w/ Venus Hum: I Feel Love (without the Forum unfriendly preface) — — — Hey, she released a new version of the song 6 months ago!
  5. Being exactly this the reason it would be a Kerbalism - this is exact what a aerospacial engineer says about the Reaction Wheels! — — POST EDIT — — Humm, perhaps I had missed the point?
  6. Great! So I'm presuming you don't need me anymore to look into your problem, right? Cheers!
  7. I'm revisiting the topic, and concluded that your case is related to: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/41 https://github.com/KSP-RO/ProceduralParts/issues/315 and unfortunately also on https://web.archive.org/web/20230615130933/https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/9076 I removed AttachedOnEditor from Procedural Parts because, at least at that time, it apparently wasn't necessary and I was still wanting to prevent drama with CKAN (see my last link). This is the comment where I did it: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/41#issuecomment-1102662484 I thought this would be the wisest move to prevent friction about the respective authors. Obviously, on the urgency of getting rid of that unwanted attention, I surely missed testing some use cases and I'm betting yours is one of them. There's also the probability of the problem, now, is being induced by some 3rd parties that weren't present (or did exist at all) at that time - perhaps something new in the stack destabilised something in Editor, creating the problem. Or, alternatively, something that used to prevent the problem in the past is not being used anymore, allowing the problem to surface. Who knows? I'm surely don't! Anyway, now I have some time to burn and I will toy with your jankycraft thing on my test bed. I will know precisely what's going on now. Stay tunned!
  8. I would settle with 3rd parties following KSP standards, instead of going their own way just because it's easier for them. TweakScale works fine out of the box with everything that uses KSP Standard, needs a Companion when there're new things being inserted to KSP - but have problems when they go rogue and break expectations and standards just because doing that didn't broke anything under their noses. There was a serious problem of Team work around here. 1st, make a full backup of your rig - not to mention the savegames. This kind of experiment can go South badly - worst, go South after some time when you became confident that everything was going fine. That said, brute forcing AttachedOnEditor into Procedural Parts is easy. Write this patch on a file somewhere in the KSP's file hierarchy (I suggest GameData/__LOCAL/ProceduralPartsOnAttachedOnEditor.cfg for easy localising): @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ProceduralPart]]:NEEDS[TweakScale]:FINAL { %MODULE[AttachedOnEditor] { %active = True } } This should do the trick. Be aware that, perhaps, only some Procedural Parts would need the AttachedOnEditor injected on the Part, while others may misbehave by doing that - there must be a reason I withdrew AttachedOnEditor from the mainstream 2 years ago (and I wish I had took note of it on somewhere easily findable - I really don't remember the details). Let me know what you find. Cheers!
  9. It's the exact reason I tried to support PP in the past, applied pull requests with fixes, etc. But in the long run, there's so much I can do by myself. What I can do is to try to work around problems as possible.
  10. I got it too. It happens when the post have some formatting as Fonts, Links, Mentions and Spoilers. It's exactly the problem I described on this post: But now only when editing posts. I think that whatever was done to fix the posting, needs to be replicated on the Editing too — — POST EDIT — — Links to this Forum doesn't triggers the bug, as this edit demonstrates.
  11. KRAP. I can't edit comments now. (sigh). Anyway: This is weird. Procedural Part is being specifically avoided while patching AttachedOnEditor, that it's the PartModule that prevents exactly the problem afflicting you. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/commit/5d3056e78b85d2ba6fa462002ead237010d01bfe This patch have about 2 years already. Initially I wondered if this is not something related to an old issue on Procedural Parts ( https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/9076 ), but then I realised I withdrew AttachedOnEditor from PP one month before. I'm trying to remember why I removed AttachedOnEditor from Procedural Parts right now. On a superficial analysis, adding it back may fix your problem, but I need to remember why by Kraken's sake I removed it at first place. — — POST EDIT — — And now I can edit posts again.
  12. Oukey, first the good news: [LOG 21:55:23.742] Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/fundskeeper/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroid],!MODULE[ModuleComet],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]]:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-FUNDSKEEPER] to ProceduralParts/Parts/Tanks/1TankLiquid.cfg/PART[proceduralTankLiquid] [LOG 21:55:23.824] Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/refunding/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroid],!MODULE[ModuleComet],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]]:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-REFUNDING] to ProceduralParts/Parts/Tanks/1TankLiquid.cfg/PART[proceduralTankLiquid] [LOG 21:55:23.957] Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/stealbackfunds/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroid],!MODULE[ModuleComet],!MODULE[KerbalEVA]]:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-STEALBACKFUNDS] to ProceduralParts/Parts/Tanks/1TankLiquid.cfg/PART[proceduralTankLiquid] <...> [LOG 21:55:32.835] Applying update 999_KSP-Recall/patches/101_ProceduralPartsAttachmentNodesFix/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ProceduralShape*]]:N EEDS[KSPRECALL-PROCEDURALPARTS-AN]:FINAL to ProceduralParts/Parts/Tanks/1TankLiquid.cfg/PART[proceduralTankLiquid] Some of the KSP Recall Modules are being patched allright, including the Node Fixes. The bad news is that AttachedOnEditor, the PartModule that let attachment survives the Editor's screwups, wasn't patched on this part. I'm investigating the reason - I don't remember the detais of PP, I need to relearn some things here. — test -- this is a test.
  13. That's interesting… Please restore your rig, reproduce the problem, quit KSP and send me somehow the KSP.log and the screwed craft file for analysis.
  14. I think Forum still have that problem with attachments? Anyway, if you have a github account, shove the Log on a comment here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/41
  15. Wait!! Looks more like this: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/41 Please be sure this patch is being applied: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/blob/master/GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/101_ProceduralPartsAttachmentNodesFix.cfg Unfortunately, a proper fix on the Procedural Parts itself was denied, so we will need to deal with workarounds forever. https://github.com/KSP-RO/ProceduralParts/issues/315 — — POST EDIT — — You were faster than me. Yep, I agree. Looks more like Procedural Parts again. Please check above.
  16. This looks similar to this old issue : https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/168 Are you using B9PS? I'm firing up my test bed to check this possible regression…
  17. Hi, sorry for that. It's a known bug on TweakScale - https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/307 . The only known workaround at this time is to do not change Variants on scaled parts - set the part to the default scale, change the variant, and then scale it back to the desired one. The root cause of the problem is that I didn't fully understood what Editor does under the bonnet under certain circumstances. Apparently the Editor is breaking the Modules OOP encapsulation doing things outside the Part's life cycle, screwing with Modules that tries to follow the cannon Life Cycle. But it's a guess.
  18. Not entirely. A lot of business, Unity included, hired as there was not tomorrow during Pandemics. Unity, in special, also spent a huge amount of money on side business, neglecting their core ones. Following the Pandemics, we have what I call the Pandemonium - too much workforce hired for a shrinking demand - you see, with people being allowed to get out of their homes, they… GOT OUT OF THEIR HOMES! It's the backslash, whatever they had to do while locked down, they definitively want distance now that they are free again. And this include gaming. The whole Tech Industry spent the cheap money the Government were granting to them expanding their business to whatever side they could, completely falling into the Infinite Demand Delusion. Heck, even the Hardware Supply Chain got screwed by this. Well, the cheap money is over, investors wants their money back with interests and the demand just wasn't there - a receipt for The Perfect Storm. But, now, on the IT Industry. Expecting the Game Developers would pay for this bill is the same as expecting that the home owners would just take the hit on the Subprime Crisis. Just plain unfeasible.
  19. Unfortunately, things are still rolling on the rest of the industry too. Banner Saga Publisher Has Shut Down and Laid Off . On Xmas Eve… https://gamerant.com/versus-evil-banner-saga-publisher-shut-down-lay-offs/ Stray Souls developer Jukai Studio announces closure https://www.gamesindustry.biz/stray-souls-developer-jukai-studio-announces-closure Archiact, the veteran studio known for a host of VR titles, announced it’s laying off a portion of its staff. https://www.roadtovr.com/doom-3-vr-studio-layoffs/ And not only on gaming. Things are escalating pretty badly also on the Big Techs… https://www.axios.com/2024/01/03/tech-layoffs-google-microsoft-employees-impact-anxiety There's a light in the end of the tunnels, however (let's hope it doesn't "peeweee" on us): https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/it-hiring-starts-to-pick-up-after-a-lull-for-two-quarters/articleshow/105999713.cms Traditional, "boring" and less glamorous jobs appears to be the future biggest employers in the industry. I think there're some lessons to be learnt on this whole ordeal - and this includes, indirectly, who KSP¹ and KSP2 will gather traction on the modding scene in the next months (or years?). But I think is still a bit soon to talk about, I want to observe the new Zeitgeist before risking opening my big mouth.
  20. Yeah, DOE is trusting the Current Working Directory in order to find its way in the file system. When that sad excuse of Software they call PD Launcher was released, it changed the CWD of the game to its own subdirectory, fixing it itself on second stage of the launching. To get rid of that crap, some less than skilled people decided to brute force their way on Steam Launcher, ignoring that Steam Launcher was hard configured (as I didn't managed to find a way to work around it on the Steam itself) had the CDW set to PD Launcher. This broke a lot of things, including KSP itself. If you care to check carefully, you will find some of KSP files (including the screenshots) inside the PD-Launcher's directory (unless you had installed something that patched KSP at runtime). So, nope, this is not something affecting only DOE, it's affecting KSP even until this date. Your REALLY safe option is to install KSSL or equivalent, what will preserve the new crappy status quo for Steam Users. But since people around here settled to cope with the mess instead of fix it properly, my add'ons will try to work around the problem. Apparently, I forgot to update DOE with the most recent version of my component that handle messes like that. I will check this right now. — — POST EDIT — — Well, I found a revision on the code that recalculates the ApplicationRootPath that was not published on DOE. I'm unsure if this is really the cause but we will discover it soon. Stay tunned. — — POST POST EDIT — — @Grem, I published a HotFix what I hope will fix your issue here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/releases/edit/PRERELEASE%2F2.1.1.5 Please follow the instructions on that page.
  21. On a second thought, I realised that simple text formatting appears to be allowed, but changing fonts doesn't. So it's not exactly a HTML sanitising component as I was thinking. check check 2 By inspecting the page's html using the browser's console I didn't noticed any URL being injected into the text when applying a font - and the tests above suggest some editing features are allowed while others aren't. Looks like a component denying access selectively to some features on the editor. This http 403 thingy can be related to some bill that was forgotten to be paid, leading to the component refusing to work.
  22. > Nuke said: > on the running out of teeth front, i just had my very first root canal. just barely dodged another extraction. that's probibly a good thing and doesn't belong in the negative things thread, but il get back to you after the novocain wears off. I had a bunch of these, and later extractions. I feel you bro, getting old is a pain in the SAS... Take the meds religiously - one of my root got infected, I spent the month trying to salvage the tooth. And it hurt as hell. > StrandedonEarth said: > Forum acting up on me or maintenance? testing.... Nah, I think some ACL got screwed on the last update. I can POST pure text, but no links or fancy text formatting - my guess is the thingy they use to filter unsafe HTML got its permissions screwed.
  23. P.S.2: By removing all text formatting, I managed to post on DOE's thread! https :// forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/205063-ksp-131-distant-object-enhancement-doe-l-under-new-management-21114-2023-0818/page/10/#comment-4355505 — — — Yep, at least one misbehaviour is confirmed: any non obfuscated URLs will trigger the http 403 . Everything appears to pinpoint to that security subsystem. Since pure text doesn't trigger the problem, appears to be something that tries to prevent unsecure HTML tags (as HTML formatted text also triggers the problem).
  24. ANNOUNCE Release is available for downloading, with the following changes: Closes issues: #37 Parallax may be inducing DOE to bork the Flares (invalid) #32 Body Flares are being deactivated when Dynamic Dimming Skies are See OP for the links. — — — — — This Release will be published using the following Schedule: GitHub. Right Now. CurseForge. Right Now. SpaceDock. Right Now. Being a simple fix release, I published it on everything and the kitchen's sink at the same time. Note: something on Forum is misbehaving, but I found that pure text posts appears to work!
  25. Com check. COM check 2. Hi! I'm having some problems while trying to update DOE's thread. Something about "[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 () (10, line 0)". Perhaps this information can be of use. P.S.: I can't paste images neither URLs here, but I can post text. Interesting. In a wild guess, some security subsystem may have the ACL screwed!
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