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Everything posted by mateusviccari

  1. Do you happen to have the part unlock costs enabled? Because if so, I think you must buy the size upgrade from inside the R&D, just unlocking the node is not enough. Just locate the nodes where there is a procedural parts size upgrade, and unlock each individual upgrade.
  2. That's an interesting question, I'm not sure myself but I'd bet it's not possible, at least not with these settings (star, planet, moon, sub-moon) because the sub-moon would need to be located far enough from the parent moon for its orbital period to be long enough. The problem is that you cannot put a sub-moon that far because it would escape the moon's orbit and become itself another moon of the planet. This becomes an increasing issue the closer the moon is from its planet, limiting even further the maximum stable distance of the sub-moon from its moon.
  3. That was a huge overlook on my part. I was targeting the modules to reapply original ISPs incorrectly. Here's the fixed version: https://github.com/mateusviccari/SimpleFuelsForRss/releases
  4. The patch "Engines/EngineSwitchesRCS.cfg" does indeed apply a 6000isp as a placeholder to be changed later, it seems it's not being able to do that. Could you provide a list of mods you're using? Maybe there's some conflict.
  5. I forgot to include DynamicBatteryStorage on my earlier test. Including it fixed the problem with the bare minimum install, so I started a test battery with my other mods isolating mod by mod, and found the culprit. My problem was being caused by Kopernicus. Updating it to the last release fixed the problem. It was apparently messing with solar panels at high time warp.
  6. I was having the same exact issue with the new Kopernicus version. Solved it simply by deleting the file KSS2_MultiStarSolarPanels.cfg fom GameData\KSS2\Configs\. It seems they have implemented a better solution to handle multiple star systems, and KSS2 is including the old config.
  7. Sorry I took a while to get back to my PC, is this enough to help identify the problem? KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GFvAeOUAkT3MgSO5rQgG43Oz9Qcp2T9U/view?usp=sharing Craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yZ0y4gm-V8slvzG2cvIgdGITOpNgqaug/view?usp=sharing Video showing the behavior: GameData content, bare minimum mods and dependencies:
  8. When using Better Time Warp, going above the maximum stock max time warp, the insulation gets disable (tested with 1.000.000x), causing the fuel to boiloff. Can something be done about that?
  9. If the mod is working as intended, Lh2 engines have higher isp, which will compensate the need for bigger tanks by giving you a lighter stage compared to a kerosene stage of the same Delta-v.
  10. By "everything" do you mean the moon and the other planets? If so, it's intentional. Earth is tilted in real life too, in the game earth has 0 tilt relative to the camera so the rest of the solar system is tilted, this was done due to a game limitation or something like that which prevents all planets from having an axial tilt, but you get used to it. You can install the mod "principia" that allows the camera to be tilted, but it also implements newtonian physics, so it has quite a learning curve and it's not for everyone.
  11. I had the same idea multiple times but didn't test anything cause I'm too lazy. But it seems like it's possible, take a look at this post from EL creator: You can also have a look at EL manual for more details: https://taniwha.org/~bill/EL_Manual.pdf If you manage to make some progress please share your work, I'm very much interested. I've always found weird how we could make a functional greenhouse full of plants completely out of Mun regolith. My idea was to make the original LS modules to also produce a "plant seeds" resource which could be used in an EL recipe to build new greenhouses, so I'd need to either launch seeds to the mun base or get seeds from an existing greenhouse.
  12. I always imagined something like this but didn't think someone would actually have the guts to do it. Looking forward to start a Titan mission that will arrive when my yet to be born son gets married (only to realise, years from now when I'm old and grumpy, that I forgot parachutes)
  13. Yes, that's what I guessed, sorry if I didn't phrase it correctly. So there's no way to make these parts storable in containers?
  14. I'm getting "construction only part" when trying to add some parts to storage containers (basically all crew pods as far as I checked), even with all the options enabled in the main menu settings. Can we change that? ---EDIT It's clear that the mod is bypassing the crew pods because they have ModuleInventoryPart. Is there a reason for this? Can we add volume to these parts anyway?
  15. Yeah I noticed I could change the values but for some reason the "Supplies" input lets me set it to 0, but it will revert to the default 0.005 after loading the game. The other inputs allow setting to 0, I thought this could be a hard limitation to prevent from disabling a core aspect of the mod or smth
  16. Can we disable all aspects of the mod except for the 0.01 EC / s for every kerbal on board?
  17. Ah everything is in order then. Guess I'll just have to be creative to launch the XL scoop into space
  18. Do I need a special requirement for the RR Particle scoop / RR Particle scoop XL parts to work? When I drag them from the parts list they're already deployed, and pressing the Deploy/Retract button does nothing. Also, they don't work in flight (there's no button to start the collectors)
  19. The available parts seem to be only small parts, is there a way to print bigger parts?
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