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Everything posted by kurgut

  1. Just added to the temporary named Munok Base Camp: Life support room and power room module, both in open preview at moment: Almost 1 year of life support, 23000 ec, all nuclear powered because our Kerbals wanted theirs skin to be purple instead of green thanks to radiations
  2. Back to crazy: I'm starting a new project of huge Mun base camp (or other vacuum world), now building and testing in sandbox, but one day career, sure it'll be put on the mun! It will feature habitat for 10 kerbals, life support autonmy (only food not), rover and his garage, science lab, and more Just started designing few minutes ago: far right is the garage, right habitat module, and left is the airlock module And just ended the first garage designed, with folding door And.. yes, our engineers don't know yet how we'll send this to the mun, but that's just a detail of course
  3. Continuation in sounding rockets era: the V2 rocket from the great Werner Von Braun, to carry a heavier scientific payload to space. Used for return camera launches, X-0 manned launches, and in two stage rockets with an Aerobee upper stage for sounding rockets contracts. Here in a return camera/biological sample mission from space: Good bye V2, have a nice barbecue time in atmosphere Landing at Cape Canaveral city, preecious science gathered with those launches. Later a bit, I started using the redstone engine when researched, to prepare for the first artificial sattelite contract by doing high altitude sounding rockets contracts. By the time the X-0 program ended, leaving great knowledge for future space sploration about human reaction to space environement, and to ascent and "reentry" . Next, spuuutnik!
  4. Yes ok, I guess you play in hard settings right? And finally yes, you're right, accepting contracts before launch with a backup rocket is the most useful for interplaneray launches : if no backup rocket, and if your first one fails, then the contract (flyby, orbit, landing, etc) will fail, because have to wait for next window to the planet targeted (200 to 400 days for mars/venus).
  5. Yes you're right for sounding rockets contracts, but for others ones it can be useful.
  6. @TriopParaglider in vacuum world? Ah sorry was looking like moon, didn't saw the grasslands as it is night in pic
  7. First manned mission to bring a Kerbal to space! The X-0 rocket, it uses modified V2 engines, and can reach Ap about 200 km (but cut off engines before for "safe" return). The V2 fuel tank was not changed due to save tooling costs. Scientif payload is return camera and temperature/pressure experiments. Crew: Youri Gagarine launched from Cap Canaveral, obviously, the cold war seems to be in a cool way What a red cloudy day! Reached space, first stage separation: Reentry (drogue chutes were deployed at high altitude to slow down a bit) And back! Edited July 30 by kurgut
  8. RSS-RO-RP-1 Career I will post here some stuff about significant and important missions in my ongoing career (already started so quite a lot of posts coming. Right know I'm in Moonar landings era, deep space probe, etc). Enjoy! Difficulty settings: -general: Hard -have to purchase parts after researching them -no crew respawn/no revert flights (save and quickload yes) -remotetech and all other realism settings and mods: yes Other things: I choose to not focus on accurate historical launch dates and take my time (since it was stressful on others games I did). Sadly, I'm not using Principia because it causes my game crash/performance hungry. And I was not happy with Mechjeb integration, but maybe it's better today I don't know (Say me if yes! EDIT: Yes, now with Lamont's PEG branch) Summary Let's start! As always, starting with a bunch of sounding rockets launches, and all those lovely testflight engine failures First rocket, first contract: The Wac. Wac: max apoapsis: 96 km. Spinned fins to stabilize trajectory, little unstability at few seconds before engines cut off. Xaerobee: using the upgraded aerobee engine in XARS configuration. Same as before, but with max Ap around 225 km. I'm also using it for sounding rockets contracts: it can bring a 20 SR payload to space quite easely: Jus passing the Karman line: And finally, first recovered rocket, the Xaerobee-Kombak using a modified xaerobee. Scientific payload is 2 biological samples. Ap around 120 km: Ditch the fairings Separation of the return stage. Chute aaarmed. And back. Landing in Cap Canaveral city
  9. After about 2 years of travel, the Voyager deep space probe finally arrived to Jupiter for a Flyby making it going to Saturn thanks to gravity assist. We can see the Earth, Mercury and Venus from here, home looks so far! The little moon passing in front of Jup is Io Good bye Jupiter: Next for Voyager: Saturn flyby in 3 years, and maybe Uranus after that
  10. Back to RSS/RO/RP-1 - First space station contract! As I did some Nasa planned (but not done) gemini stuff (like early moon landing), I decided to go for a MOL space station instead of skylab; Launched with Titan III-E from Cape. Neil Amstrong and Alan Shepard stayed 60 days in a 200 km orbit breaking new long duration record. At end of the mission, MOL was deorbited. Launch launch: Getting this thing to orbit was hard thing, here at 170 km with an insane pitch (since centaur stage has ~0.7 TWR here with almost 8 min burn ) Less than 100 dv left, ouf! And after about 2 months orbiting and grinding science, time to back, and say good bye to MOL: So, good bye MOL The crew back and safe, splaashed in Indian Ocean
  11. Good to know that! And yes IVA are very performance hungry
  12. Don't thing it's that, Kspedia is just a little kind of text file (but did it improve significantly your loading time? maybe I'm wrong); Anyway, longest thing to load are parts (from mods too), and textures (mods again, and mods in general).
  13. Don't you accept the contracts just before launching the rockets? I do this, and most of the time I can manage completing contracts without problems since I've a bit more time then and I also often build (duplicate the first one) 2 rockets for each mission, since the most expensive thing is rollout costs, and if not needed, I just scrap it, you get funds back hopefully)
  14. Back to Kerbol system to relax a bit from RSS/RO, did some manned mission and back to laythe: A little bath to clean those kerbals in Laythe ocean, taking one or two fishes for our scientists (but Bill ate them during way back to Kerbin..), and we can go See you Laythe
  15. Hi, thanks for this great mod (especially like the choosable systems for download, save me a bit of FPS). I followed installation instructions, but the systems added don't show in tracking station/map view, I'm KSP running 1.3.1. An idea? Thanks EDIT: Don't mind, strange thing that restarting my computer fixed the problem
  16. Now simulating the Pathfinder mars rover landing, , for the next mars window. After a direct reentry, drogue deployed first then fairings and heatshield jetisoned, and at about 200m above terrain, retrorockets firing to geeently land the rover, and just at touch down, this "delivery" system is decoupled, and crashed on Martian surface Slowing down Good bye heatshield, now FIRE! Landed, good bye delivery system! Ready to explore now
  17. Nice! Are the so cute rcs (and their exhaust) one of your mods?
  18. Oh ye, no I'm using it with realsolarsystem and realism overhaul (that includes patches for aerodynamics, or RSS don't remember) and work just fine, but ye you're right, in stock produce drag, and less lift, but stilll flyable for me. Didn't try in 1.4.5
  19. Ye, I understand, making it all stock is great achievement
  20. If you are aricraft enthousiast, and want to save part count, you might check B9 procedural wing (for instance, the wings will need I think about 50 parts max).
  21. Done!! First Kerbal to land on the Moon according to early Gemini one man lander NASA plan: Full mission report here
  22. Early crewed Moon landing Nasa proposal Gemini Lander I've just managed to do this early "low-cost" Nasa proposal to a cheap and fast moon landing, since our space program is often running out of money ( big hug to RP-1 team) . Of course, this little thing never flown in reality, was one of the possible applications of the Gemini spacecraft (one design even was planned to a Mars landing!). First, have to launch the landing module, attached to a Centaur stage (2 RL-10 with restart capacity), in LEO. Launch vehicle is the great Titan III-E: first stage 2 solid boosters and LR-87 (burning aerozine/NTO in AJ-9 configuration), second stage is LR-91 (same, AJ-9 too), and last stage is hypergolic Centaur stage , just to finish orbit. Of course we have to launch in the plane of the moon, so waiting, to have right relative inclination. Initial ascent Booters separation, aiming orbit at 250 km: Then LR-91 firing, and finally centaur stage just a bit to finish the work: The Lander is hidden in the fairings, and on top of that, agena probe core/docking port for gemini spacecraft. Now let's launch the crew! The gemini spacecraft have been upgrated with a better service module, providing enough deltav to hopefully come back from moon orbit, and enough life support stuff. Same Launch Vehicle. Crew: Neil Amstrong, Alan Shepard. And launching from Cap Canaveral (same as before) Standing by the launch: Neil and Alan photographs from the launch tower for their respective wives when they will (we hope) come back: Now get in, and launch! Waiting to have the same inclination as our target and an acceptable phase angle to minimize rendez-vous deltav cost. Hmm, all this thrust, glorious. After getting rid of boosters and first stage, centaur is as before finshing orbit: After rendez-vous maneuver, let's dock this! Docked! Now go for the moon: After about 2 days of travel in this tiny spacecraft, and after circularization burn, Neil Amstrong is getting in the Landing Module, leaving Alan Shepard a few hours alone in moon orbit: Undocking, and centaur stage firing its last precious amounts of deltav doing the decceleration burn, after that the lander will be released juuuust to the do final descent, at about 2000 m above the terrain, meaning Neil Amstrong will land with a Centaur stage going to crash.. just under him. What a brutal Nasa idea! Almost, almost, now let's do it smooth (the lander is propelled with 1 or 2 kn engines burning Aerozine/NTO (unthrottable) and have very few life support on it). I made the lander with descent and ascent stage, but not necessary at all, as you can see. And done! Now let's get out quickly of this flying scrap, plant a flag, take one or two pebbles for our scientists, eat a snack on moonar surface, and get back! Good bye moon: Rendez-vous with Gemini, and EVA crew transfer: Now let's go back to our dear old Earth, have to aim the return Pe at 71 km to capture first, and then land, for good ( since the Gemini heatshield will burn up under that, and we don't wan't that). Second and final reentry: Chuutes, chuutes: And gloriously, marvelously, splashed in the Indian Ocean:
  23. Aaaalright, thanks didn't know that
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