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Everything posted by kurgut

  1. I've tried using MAS action groups, tied to certain parts, but I didn't succeed in making them work... (I used example from Moardv plus) Thus I sticked with RPM... But I'd be interested in knowing how you achieved that ! RO has configs for both, however on my case I was using BDB parts.
  2. And once again, Jeb was vaporized in a multitude of colored ionized particles, and merged back into the Kerbol star. Kerbal life is amazing.
  3. Hi, to my knoledge, the RO team didn't modify anything they use one variant of the DECK's IVA (he provides 2). And yes ! I added some props indeed, tho the ones you mentioned tho are already present, they're just action groups switches, which you can rename so that they display a text (done in the VAB, in vessel description : "AG1= enteryourtexthere". However, I added in the LM : speed indicator, phase angle indicator, and also repositionned the x pointer, added x pointer mode and scale switches, analog speed indicator, to make the manual landing, which is already very challenging and technical, more convenient. I also edited all the analog gauges in both capsules, so that they display the actual fuels used in RO, as their text labels : can see SM prop/S-IC prop/etc, and the fuels are aer50/MON1/RP-1/LOx/LH2, instead of the usuals LF/Oxidizer, which are usueless in RO. Cheers
  4. Today (and yesterday), I've spent a whole orbit revolution onboard the ISS cupola (in RSS/RO), while listenening to some music. was incredible ! Seeing what astronaut would see, and Earth is just... beautiful, no other worlds. It's with a heavy visual pack for RSS, with 64k ground textures, and cloud shadows (this makes it look very good and real, altough it eats RAM like a child eats cornflakes on breakfast). Quite incredible to see some continent or country comin' up, then 5 minutes later it's gone... Wasn't bored one second, even in the night time, with city lights and thunderstorms. And to see 2 sunrise in less than 2 hours provokes a strange and beautful feeling (yes, even while playing a game it procured me that haha). Some quick examples in the spoiler tab. I'd like to send my whole screenshot folder but... I'm also thinking about making a video, where I stay in the cupola during one orbit revolution, in real time, would this be enjoyable you think ? with some music in the background, and slight editing. Maybe some dialogues too (like the kerbal who I'm playing being amazed at the Earth). Oh also i'm using freeIva mod, which allows my kerbal to move inside the cupola in IVA view. Aral sea in Kazakhstan (today it has dried, since this mod's data is from before 2010), with a beautiful low pressure cell above it. And East of it (so top left of the picture), this is Baikonour cosmodrome ! And the sunrise : Cheers and let's take good care of this big pale blue dot.
  5. I just made quick but extensive tutorial about the FDAI (navball) - Flight Director Attitude Indicator. An incredible instrument ! First flown on Gemini, then Apollo, the Space Shutlle, and still used today ! : ) I talk about its history a bit, as well as its functionning, and then how it used in KSP retro styled IVAs, with some examples Cheers
  6. Thanks a lot for this indepth insights ! Good luck and have fun : )
  7. Thanks a lot for your work ! : ) I recently modified some IVAs with unity, but I hadn't ant problem with position and rotation... Maybe it has been fixed in the meantime ? Was also able to copy and paste those value between props too. But the prop search bar is...... I have no words < 3 Cheers
  8. Hi, Here's a extensive tutorial on the usage of the FDAI, found on most of the retro-style modded KSP IVAs. That great instrument flew on Gemini, Apollo, the Space Shutlle, and is still used today ! Following tutorials of this serie : Feel free to ask questions or provide any type of feedback : ) Cheers
  9. You might be interested, I just made an extensive tutorial on the usage of the FDAI, found on Apollo, and others KSP retro-style IVAs : )
  10. Today, I did nothing in KSP, except taking this screenshot, since it's the anniversary of the first steps on our beloved sattelite. Happy Moon landing anniversary everbody !! Today is the historical day ! : )
  11. Happy Moon landing anniversary everbody !! Today is the historical day ! : )
  12. Thank you ! The mission it self was the top of coolness so... ^^ Yeah I really enjoyed making those ! Cheers
  13. Hi again, I tried myself DECK's IVAs by curiosity, and to confirm it was it indeed. And it's basically the same, but what's funny is that the CSM has more details (nice fake instruments panels on the sides, etc), and also the seat is below the window, which I think is more accurate to the real one. Slight variation in the LM too. You can compare by yourself from my video. Cheers
  14. Thanks a lot for this ! Could you share thoes particular edits you're mentioning here too ? Thank you !
  15. Haha, Thanks a lot for you kind words : ) Mighty finely yours
  16. I'm using this version, for the saturn parts. But it also has Apollo spacecraft in it :
  17. Yeah it's an incredible work. Happy IVA-ing ! Also welcome to the forum !
  18. Thanks a lot for your kind words ! IIRC yes, the original IVA is from Decq's Saturn V, which is distributed by ROCapsules too now (it's the mod I'm using since I'm in RSS and RO here).
  19. Today, I wrote a mission report about the video posted just a few posts above in this thread : Apollo 11 mission in Real Solar System with Realism Overhaul, only flown in First-person view (IVA), and manually ! It also turns out to be sort of a tutorial for using retro styles IVAs in the same flavor. : ) I really enjoyed making those "boards" (idk if the english word is correct^^) associating description, images and some Nasa diagrams to go along. Any feedback or question appreciated (below some example pictures ; click to enlarge) Cheers !
  20. For the occasion of Apollo 11 - 54th anniversary, I'm happy to present this video of the whole mission, entirely flown in First-person perspective (IVA), in Real Solar System with Realism Overhaul. Contrary to Apollo, the full mission here was piloted manually, except for the Earth ascent to orbit. Also featuring synchronized Capcom audio all along, as well as rarer archive onboard crew recordings, real images and 16mm films, which gives it sort of a mix between actual gameplay, documentary and cinematic feel. Due to those IVA limitations, I had to place maneuver nodes from the map view, which was the only time it was used. Note that the CM and LM instruments and panel layouts are mostly accurate to the real ones, however the instruments are adapted towards KSP gameplay and capabilities. I also tweaked the IVAs a bit, so that the analog gauges display the actual fuels, instead of LF/Ox, and added a few mandatory instruments to the LM (target phase angle display, speed indicator). This was definitely a challenging and fun mission to do, as well as learning a lot about the outstanding Apollo 11 mission and its crew. Below the video, you will find a section where I describe how each important steps is executed in IVA, with associated images. A huge thanks to forum user @JonnyOThan, who helped me a lot getting into the IVA modification bits. Squad for making KSP 1, KSP modders and especially RSS/RO team, Nasa, Neil, Mike and Buzz. Enjoy, happy journey to the Moon and back ! Also any feedback or questions are appreciated (Best watched with headphones !) Description of the key phases of the mission (click on images to enlarge) Below another look at the LM descent profile, directly took from Nasa Apollo 11 flight plan ! (linked in Ressources section at the bottom of this post) *** correction : the LM, on Lunar ascent, inserted in an elliptical orbit, not circular. I saw that first in the Nasa mission report, but then saw the Nasa doc which doesn't agree with that, so I forgot about it... That would've made the ascent to orbit sooo much simpler, Since doing a circular orbit in one burn was while managing rel Inc with Columbia was kinda spicy ^^ - I'm also sharing below the main ressources I used : - Mods used : Thanks for watching and reading ! Any feedback or questions are appreciated Cheers
  21. Today, I finished working on this project : For the occasion of Apollo 11 54th anniversary, I'm happy to present this video of the whole mission, entirely flown in First-person perspective (IVA), in RSS with RO. Contrary to Apollo, the full mission here was done manually, except for the Earth ascent to orbit. Also featuring synchronized Capcom audio all along, as well as rarer archive onboard crew recordings, which gives it sort of a documentary feel. Due to those IVA limitations, I had to place maneuver nodes from the map view, which was the only time it was used. Note that the CM and LM instruments and panel layouts are mostly accurate to the real ones, however the instruments are adapted towards KSP gameplay and capabilities. I also tweaked the IVAs a bit, so that the analog gauges display the actual fuels, instead of LF/Ox. This was definitely a challenging and fun mission to do, as well as learning a lot about the outstanding Apollo 11 mission and its crew. Enjoy ! Also any feedback appreciated (Best watched with headphones) Cheers
  22. Thanks ! Yeah I know, but I tried turning this around in multiple ways, and in this case I found out that the final patch was working ok (I tested with most of popular mods with no issues) but... ...if you indeed find something that would work in a cleaner fation (my first guess is per mod compatibility, but that would be a bit tedious, condisering it seems to work as is), I'd be glad to consider it ! Thanks for taking a look Cheers
  23. Hi, I've been having this very frequent issue with Kerbcam, however, I still didn't figure how to reproduce it consistently. Basically, kerbcam throws errors and doesn't wan't me to add keyframes, also, after clicking once on "controlling camera", and then unclicking it, the normal KSP camera becomes unresponsive and locked in one place. Only thing I can do, is move it using the kerbcam controls. Also, If I attempt to save and load a quicksave, then the whole screen goes black, nullref spam, KSP time is at 999 years, and all orbit vectors on the navball are in the same spot. Only solution is to altF4. But with the game relaunched on the same quicksave, everything is nominal again. Also sometimes, it just work ! ^^ Note that I'm using Camera Tools alongside this (but I didn't see it as being incompatible). Other camera related mods I'm using: keep it straight ; the mod that allow you to switch between vessels while maintaining a fixed camera pos (iirc easy vessel switch) ; through the eyes. KSP.log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/62g23u8szquzsgg/KSP.zip?dl=0 Thank you !
  24. Thanks a lot ! Yeah Jeb cares a lot about " strictly applied safety procedures" as you know... Thanks ! : )
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