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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. Banned @kerbiloid & @RealKerbal3x for talking about wrong things while we're fighting using words that end with -ion. PrEpOsItIoN
  2. 82 (+) @The_Cat_In_Space, it's a bit late, but you'll be in the Air division. I'm still with my Bear. Aiming up, bomb bays open, ready to launch a missile outta mine.
  3. Well said, it's evening in my place! [Time-guessing intensifies] EDIT : We're at page 2007! And can I confirm that a page will consist a maximum of 12 posts regardless of length?
  4. I remember tryna do the same thing; adding "-force-d3d11" but without spacing from the location, which resulted in an unsuccessful attempt to apply that. Anyway, thanks for shading light on the correct way.
  5. Just discovered that my loading duration became longer with waiting to get a functional main menu. 30 Minutes.
  6. Not to forget my new planes; a fighter-ground attack plane and a bomber. The fighter became one of my best planes as it has a very short takeoff and landing roll. No, I took off from inside the hangar Kerbinside remastered provided for me to place. And not flying through it. And this is what I got for trying that. Engine #3 has been shut down after a long run with full afterburner and throttle open. Landing on the VAB Helipad. I'm on it! Flying manually, since autopilot & autoland will obviously never work for VAB helipad landings. More in here : The bomber, on the other hand, isn't good at pitching at speeds too high and too low, adding to challenges while landing. But still inherents the STOL performance of the fighter. Pictured are shots for successful tests. This is my first bomber that I dropped a bomb from during its first flight. More in here. Here's the shuttle. That's my first successful jetpack EVA on orbit! I never did one properly, which resulted in Jebediah's death in my previous save while testing my previous shuttle. More here. EDIT : My latest session is just about testing my spacecraft replicas for my next mission of putting up a spiced up Skylab into orbit around Kerbin. Station without life support section : With life support modules installed. Apollo CSM replica : More on my Imgur album. Soyuz spacecraft : During re-entry test. Don't worry, Jeb, Bill & Bob made it in one piece. It's not that for the sacrificial heatshield. The rest of the test is in here.
  7. And that's what I'm worried about. Anyway, my test review in the discussion thread I've started is almost done. Check it out.
  8. So that hangar will have a functioning door just like the airship hangar? That's cool! EDIT: Will you add in roll-away-for-launch VAB-Launchpads like the one in SLC-6, 37 and Kagoshima?
  9. Insert codings that will make everyone's post says"Nice." Why is a motor that spins slower, than how it supposed to, is called "Burnt" while there's no fire?
  10. 59 (+) @Boorang, you'll be in the Naval Division. EDIT : With another people.
  11. 55 (+) yeah the game turned into a positive steamroll after the first few matches, it really is currently a shadow of its former self Nah I was just tryna squeeze Ninja's Fail meme and came up with that as a subject. Anyway, back to War!
  12. 51 (+) Well I don't mean seeing lack of movement on our team; I meant the other one. Just not to make you guys feel pushed.
  13. 49 (+) Negative : *Literally passive* Me : I don't see enough movement!
  14. 46 (+) Oh God, new lads. @TheKorbinjer, join the infrantries.
  15. Which means, air-dropping from a supersonic jet is allowed?
  16. Made a shuttle using @NESD's Mk1 Open Cockpit and so far so good. Not to forget my shuttle collection put inside Kerbinside Remastered's Airship Hangar. It reminds me on the Buran hangar / VAB in Baikonur back during its golden age. Pictures incoming, that if I had time to post them. (Was back in the hostel after yesterday's 'extended' break due to diarrhea. Made and tested the open-cockpit shuttle in today's morning)
  17. 40 (+) Commander's back in office. Deploy all of our battle assets.
  18. These are the timeees, That, weeee've been prayin' for, These are the moments, That weeeee will nooot forget. This is the liiife, That, weeee've been waiting for, I wooould change it for nooothiiiing... Martin Garrix - These Are The Times (ft. JRM)
  19. EDIT: Top to down, ACA P-50, Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000T. P-50s didn't utilize a blower, while the Thunderbolt does. Both can still rattle your chest once it sounds healthily (No reverse-wired or burnt motors) and points towards you.
  20. 29 (+) Commander may be at day off due to food poisoning. I'm sorry.
  21. Yes, but I mean the Max. Thrust should state a high thrust output, while the Mass states a heavy weight as well.
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