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  1. I tried yours as well, and it worked fine. So some of our module differences are for sure that my BDB is in sync with github, and yours - I believe - is the released version. Your craft had complaints about ModuleBDBDepthMask on my system, which means your parts came from the release, I think. Anyway - none of the module differences we had should affect this decoupler behavior you're seeing, afaik. I think, if anything, we've definitely narrowed everything down to some difference in our installs. Poop, I'm outta ideas for the moment.
  2. huh, gettin weirder. hopefully others will chime in with ideas, too. did you have a chance to try my craft file? my only guess has to do with which nodes are attached where. or here's a good test to try - if you remove the SIV-B tank so the IU is the bottom-est piece, are you able to remove the LM descent engine without affecting anything else? (assuming the CM is the root)
  3. No worries! I know how to find a handful or two of typical install problems, and you're good on that front, as far as I can tell. I made a couple tiny videos for you to show how it works for me, so we can at least compare something more concrete. I also uploaded the craft file I used and that link is below, too. Hopefully we can figure out what's up if you can identify something that looks different to what you're seeing.
  4. My suggestion here is to narrow things down as much as possible. Like, if you take a stock probe core or capsule, and you put in on the payload adapter node, and launch this to the flight scene, are you able to decouple just sitting on the pad? If you can do this two part test, and it doesn't work, then there's something really fundamental going on, and your log file is still the best thing to share. Your last upload of it gives access errors, so no one has seen it since you removed the extra MM.
  5. Permission denied on your upload. MM didn't really need to be "reinstalled" - just needed to delete the older one, and it's a necessary change whether or not it directly affects the other issues you're seeing, as the older one that gets loaded doesn't have the same features.
  6. I believe this is the first thing you should try before anything else: 584 [LOG 08:52:15.765] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ModuleManager' from assembly 'ModuleManager' 585 [LOG 08:52:15.765] [ModuleManager] Multiple copies of current version. Using the first copy. Version: It's loading the wrong version, which it does when there are multiple copies. You must have only the latest copy of MM present.
  7. Happy New Year - and thanks again to the BCS team for sharing this amazing work!
  8. idk if we're all talkin about the same things here, but in the video I posted on the previous page, right at 7 seconds, you can see the 3 panels separating. There are actually 3 shrouds on the engine.
  9. re: SoyuzV2 hot staging, here's how it's working for me ... numbers showing for comparison. Does get a heat bar for a moment, but no booms.
  10. yeah that's the exact reason I edit all the launch sites in KSRSS, especially the historical ones. Using MLP to build as historical as possible will often violate the footprint in the default values, so I've edited most of mine to have no size limits.
  11. If it's not asking too much, I know myself and I'm sure other people would be interested in your approach - if you had some details you could share about what you changed or what info you followed to know what to change, that would be an appreciated contribution
  12. Those parameters are editable via the KK editor UI. If you've never used it I'm not sure I can type out a full tutorial here, but let's try the major plot points: in the flight scene press Ctrl+K. find the launch pad in the local instances. click it and in the editor click Edit Launchsite. edit the obviously named values. use 0 for no limit. press save everywhere you can as you close windows. revert to vab. Idk whether that's all you have to do, or if you also need to close/reopen the launchsite with the KK button in the VAB. it might even get automatically closed when you edit it. to be safe, use the KK button in the VAB and find the launch site and close/reopen it. hope that helps!
  13. This is awesome, thanks for the updates! I seem to have a new nit, though. I'm in sync with Github and finding that the pipe sliders aren't doing anything on the Atlas stand. Here the sliders are moved but the pipes are still in their default position. Just me?
  14. I was able to reproduce this too. If I'm correct about the cause, there's not really anything you can do without a fix from the authors. I created a Github issue here: https://github.com/TundraMods/Kerbal-Reusability-Expansion/issues/5
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