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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. I do believe I have permission from the author to continue. I am not a modeller, and in fact my current potato can't run blender 2.8. With that said, I am looking into updating/modernizing it. Very good looking ship. @Greg Cooper
  2. could try Kermangeddon Industries Stork Delivery System
  3. I cannot think of any reason for this - like miniavc, only something I won't delete right away. any way to have it delete itself after its first successful run? (just kidding) in all seriousness, I like this and probably will ask to include it with my part mods as well.
  4. could a mod use MM and patch the FiltersConfig.cfg perhaps? first part probably just changes the way things look (KGEx --> KerGuise Experimental engineering) second is just an ask - to be able to list a directory under GameData and have that split off in JC. thanks for the reply!
  5. been there, done that. was wondering, but how does one ask (is it saved as a .cfg file) without sounding condescending? Like tech support asking if it is plugged into an electrical outlet and is there power...
  6. All good and no programing needed. Just someone with the patience to stick a few lights on here and there.
  7. +1 ^^^ this I just thought the comma needed to be [SPACE][COMMA][SPACE]
  8. Query: I have a mod (like Recycled Parts) that has quite a few sub-mods (KGEx). Is there a way to have Janitor's Closet be cognizant of these sub-mods and include the option to filter based upon the sub-mod and primary mod?
  9. Working on the final polish for DaMichele's parts - mostly the patches, will probably disable most of the old patches and leave in to be updated later. Will require KGEx mod, which supplies common things like B9TankTypes and TweakScale Scales. LanderTek has just joined the queue for KGEx. Am considering putting that as separate mod since it and Dreamer and WhimChaser and SimpleCargoBays are all made by ArtWhaley under AxialAeroSpace.
  10. because if nothing in the patch is working - then odds are either you don't have MM installed (looks like you do) or the :NEEDS isn't being met. have you tried without anything past the @PART[] (so comment out the :NEEDS[]:FINAL)? have you tried with a comma (,) instead of the ampersand (&) in the :NEEDS?
  11. both good news and bad. Good news, glass half full, silver pod lining - 1.8.1 might arrive all that much quicker!
  12. could this be an issue with having TextureReplacer(x) or TexturesUnlimited installed?
  13. @VoidSquidHave several mods that are screaming for the IndicatorLights treatment MoreHitchhikers for example - and many others. Are you game? also have several pods coming out shortly as well (Yarbrough08, DuoPods, LanderTek, etc). Then there is MoreCupolas, and MoreGreenhouses...
  14. sometimes pressing the <ESC> key frees things up for me in similar situations.
  15. does the part.cfg use: mesh = and/or MODEL { model = texture = } ?
  16. @Efour made it originally, I just polished it up a bit. I haven't heard either way - which usually means it is fine. Nothing (that I know of (*knocking on Jeb's Head*)) should be affected by the changes brought to light by 1.8. I haven't installed 1.8 yet - so haven't tried it either; normally I wait until the first bug patch (1.8.1 in this case) to recompile if nothing has been reported. At the same time I am going to *try* to implement some new features (at least in the FTL).
  17. Have thought about this as optional as well - at the same time my design principle is KIS, (no, not Kerbal Inventory System by @IgorZ :D) . I do like and will keep this in mind; if it is implemented it would be optional. Have also thought about requiring moon rocks for advancement as well. Or requiring training while doing what they do - pilots pilot; engineers drill; scientists research. (part specific training)
  18. most part mods survive game updates. Yes, major updates (like 1.8) can mess with older versions. As far as balance - that is a personal subjective thing. Best is to have a separate save game and install to test it there. If if works, great, if it is balanced in your opinion (balanced enough) then even better.
  19. have you tried? @PART[nfa-enginecooler-25-1,nfa-enginenacelle-25-2]:NEEDS[NearFutureAeronautics&WarpPlugin]:FINAL
  20. thank you - will take you up on this offer when there is.
  21. my answer - add more antenna! many more antenna!
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