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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. This mod can be used (installed) into any part - just have to either modify the part.cfg or use a module manager patch to add it. It should work the way you want - and in fact that is how it is designed. However, does not work in the background - something I am working on hopefully in the new year (after tweakscale and B9). This mod allows you to set two things: at what point do you want the fuel cell to turn on/off? (% of vessel's total EC) how much EC do you want it to produce (from 100% of its capicity down to 5%) Hope that answers your question @B15hop. ps - tagging me will get faster responses. pss - I have been really busy in real life, and hopefully things will settle down in a couple of weeks. We are '' this close to getting ODFC to work with TweakScale. psss - this mod has patches to add it into stock (and other) fuel cell parts.
  2. I have - it has been recompiled for 1.7.3 (somewhere) but currently machine is down for .. a spell.. so haven't done it in 1.8.x - there is a rather large thread on the subject.
  3. yes, yes you have. in my sleep deprived defense, I forgot to include the word 'integrated'. and there are two nice little landing legs in Transparent (Command) Pods.
  4. looking great! any chance to get an animated antenna, solar panels, and maybe rcs?
  5. always willing to accept assistance. Especially in legs/wheels/animations/models/textures/just about anything. do you have a link?
  6. currently is WIP - and once I free my schedule up I will push to release. Can be had here - /YMMV/ and is PRE-RELEASE. May mess up save games etc. Some items *may* be packaged / most are not.
  7. this also might be working - I think it was recompiled for 1.7.3 /YMMV/ https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/Biomatic
  8. although the total load time is provided in KSP.log; I would love to see this implemented as well.
  9. I wouldn't change the part directly - rather (like @DStaal said) use a personal module manager patch - something like: // need part NAME from actual part.cfg between the brackets [] @PART[]:NEEDS[KIS]:FINAL { %MODULE[ModuleKISItem] { // replace with volume of item volumeOverride = 45 } }
  10. what type of parts? SSPXr is great - ReStock+ is another Universal Storage II yet another. Missing History is yet another. The entire NearFutureX line by @Nertea is a great example.
  11. PAW grouping - how fancy! *chuckle* love it!
  12. BIG difference on a SSD. you can always look in the KSP.log for 'Elapsed time' to help you track how long it takes to start the game. Any txt editor (notepad, adam, npp) will open it. examples: first one is from my dev install - which I use to well, dev. second one is from my career+Kerbalism with >225 mods (on my decade old great-grand-spud). Am glad you got this working. Happy exploding oops crashing oops - flying!
  13. I believe a new version for 1.8.x is now available for all @SpaceKitty's mods.
  14. they are currently using a Lua style for internal development, which might be exposed for release.
  15. I would use it. it has several valuable features such as making sure things are installed correctly, notification (and installation) of updates, and allows for command line switches such as what I use for my grand-potato (decade+ old nb) running a Kerbalism 1.7.3 career with 225+ mods, and ~18,000 module manager patches (even now some graphic enhancement mods, like ReStock). also great handy tool because it often has the links to the forums/github for each of the mods, and their dependencies/exclusions etc. still, personal preference.
  16. should still help with low memory systems. I'd suggest trying it, and seeing if it helps. If it doesn't - ditch it. hyperspace helps the game load faster - often significantly faster.
  17. seems little known (or remembered) that can have multiple size ports on one node by separating them with a comma.
  18. I've noticed ODFC has the same issue, and the KSPFields are (as far as I can tell) fully defined. Orum did a great job on the base code.
  19. yes. /YMMV/ /Test Before Use in Live Save Game/ I haven't used this in a spell - it is designed to ADD appropriate nodeType to stock dockignPorts. Use is enable patch when you want to weld, disable patch when you don't.
  20. it is sad that more people don't step up to support; however with the current state of licenses etc, I can totally understand.
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