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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. IR-Next seems to have a magnet part.... let me check the part.cfg - IR_MagneticGrabber So if you have IR-Next installed - you could install that part or that module into your part. Don't know if this will work - it should. the :NEEDS for IR-Next I don't know how to write, so I tried to say it needs that part that the code came from. Also included a fix for the original part - bulkheadProfile.
  2. well golly-kee-whiz-bang-buffs, my mistake, you are correct.
  3. hmm... let me exit out of the Dev game and load of my career (only takes about 657 seconds) - to make sure -
  4. the one and hopefully only kindly tell me when you have it so I can delete. PS I put things in the patch to debug/ensure the patch as a whole was working - including the rescale =. thank you in advance. and I never read the Manu - just wing it and if there are extra parts, they weren't meant to go in or are spares.
  5. Bugs! Tried that - here is the resulting _MMCfgOutput for the RADAR: and here is the patch: am flummoxed, the patch is there, is correct, and it isn't working.
  6. been trying to patch SCANsat to use TweakScale. Got it to work last year, but now. I check the MMCfgOutput and it shows up - just not in the game. the patch I am using is: rewards: 100 4 1
  7. My next question is: about ModuleManagerMath (or M3). Is there a direct or indirect way to round a number in MMM? Even if it is just to remove digits (so 2.718 from 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995) would a REGEXP work? same as for ABS (Absolute value)? (so -2 becomes 2) win a :medal: or :cookie:! ( optional)
  8. agree. great mod. another suggestion is to add :eyes: (look at) and :camera: (aimcamera) - both toggle (so clicking one activate, clicking twice deactivates). OOH stretch goal request: list all docking ports (available) on targeted craft... hint: click target on targeted vessel to unselect.
  9. all I can say is dockingPorts have come along way. Many mods have dockingPorts - from PicoPorts to NearFuture to name just two. Heck, even InfernalRobotics-NEXT has one. Hope you find it!
  10. A dev article from1.4 (Whats in a Vessel Name? ( By TriggerAu)) explains how to set showVesselNaming in the part.cfg so that it shows during flight. Great. I love this. One caveat, it doesn't seem to allow one to change the Priority Level during flight. I want to be able to easily change the VESSEL_NAMING_PRIORTY_LEVEL of a craft during flight. Is there a way? How? Can something be added to the part.cfg to enable it to be done? Or is this a something requiring a mod to do? Would be nice if stock allowed it in flight, seems like a bug. Add this to the part.cfg to allow showVesselNaming = True From settings.cfg SHOW_VESSEL_NAMING_IN_FLIGHT = False VESSEL_NAMING_PRIORTY_LEVEL_MAX = 20 VESSEL_NAMING_PRIORTY_LEVEL_DEFAULT = 10 Under the root part (and seemingly only for those parts that are manually set in the VAB) is VESSELNAMING { name = vesselName type = type (new type also from BreakingGround = DeployedScienceController and DeployedSciencePart) priority = priority (default = 10; max = 20) } also - it seems that if a vessel doesn't have at least one part with this set in the VAB, that these are not written to the vessel in the save; so if a vessel with this set docks with a vessel that doesn't - there might be some alterations... checking
  11. airbrakes and horizontal landing legs as well. will have to remember the magnetometer as well.
  12. quick update next will be in about a week. Since nodes are done, will be focusing on other items. Once new release out, will flatten my git, and proceed from there. Making progress on the helper variations.
  13. was mistaken about RCS on pod. removed experimental patch. should the DronePod / Helper have a RELAY or INTERNAL Antenna? (have made it DronePod RELAY and helper INTERNAL)
  14. @linuxgurugamer v0.20 pushed. kindly verify the engines - since multiple patches (including your changes) were around. will do the Interstellar version of the engine once the dust has settled on the original engineOnArm. Changelog.txt
  15. am working on OT right now - will look at it. almost done merging in most of the patches. Made KIS.cfg.OFF by default Seems the Pod is missing the RCS module - added in separate patch to make sure is right. working on merging the engine - the OT patches took the thrust from 40 and raised it to 50, and then you (rightly) lowered it to 29. Maybe put it back to 40? (leaving it at 29) Am leaving all the additional nodes and the related B9 node switch in separate patch. Will be pushing v.20 in the next 45 minutes. will attempt to drop by twitch later today if you are streaming.
  16. got a little sidetracked attempting to recompile an old mod. still got a little work done on OT. after get some sleep will ask a couple of questions then work on OT and push the changes. KIS - think that should be made into an optional patch (default = off).
  17. Dusting off the old compiler to try to fix an old mod that I really like. It has been over a decade since I touched programming. Asking for help. Have the following installed (and linked up) : VSCode (with c/c++/c#; coderunner installed) : Unity 1.3.1f ( @JPLRepo says here that " Unity 2017.1.3p1 " but can't find that specific build/release) : current version of parttools, although I don't think that is needed to compile a .dll : dotnet v4.7 --- project is https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/KSP-SimpleLogistics not compiling - error messages targeting .Net v3.5 (if I understand that is the correct version for KSP) - and spent hours trying to install it, finally dusted off some old Win install CD's and installed from there. scratching head. Do I have to uninstall the current version (which is the current version) and reinstall 3.5? can both be installed at once? (I believe so) - am at a loss
  18. thank you. works great. exactly what I've spent the last two hours working on. Now I just need to figure out how to do this for myself. (the recompile) certainly feel way old - trying to get things to line up to recompile in vscode. *sigh*
  19. KSP 1.7.2 with MH and BG - log is spammed with tens of thousands (if not more) of the following: [EXC xxx] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'UnityEngine.Texture2D.LoadImage'. SimpleLogistics.Core.OnGUI () This is without and with @Usgiyi's 1.4.5 recompiled .dll Love this mod - hope it continues to live!
  20. toolbar, toolbar controller, and now unBlur.
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