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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. As far as I know, LGG is now only working on the KAS/KIS version Rover.
  2. this might work: and this is a simple scale patch for that part: (untested) I had fun writing this patch - added a new 'sanitykeeping' feature - the :HAS[MODULE[!TweakScale]] so no duplicate patches! (*knocking on wood*). Also note - smaller = lighter and costlier. Larger = heavier and uncostlier (ok, not a word).
  3. that I cannot answer since I do not know the correct answer. PS: manual welding can be fun and profitable! I did it for Orbital Tug's new Demolition Helper Drones - welded five pieces together for both! However, the impact drone will have to wait for now (need to weld in a heatshield, and an engine/srb --- not so easy.
  4. build your own part - cram it all into one part and yes - in part.cfg there can be a line like this:
  5. fairly easy, once you learn the basic syntax. However, it can get complicated and involved once you go past the simple and straightforward. TweakScale patches are relatively easy, as long as you remember to have ReScale.dll installed. There are several interesting MM patches that clone (+PART) stock inventory containers, one by @4x4cheesecake (iirc) for the landercan is rather fun. One bit of note: I believe (from testing) that the max number of slots is limited by the PAW GUI to something like 30 slots.
  6. Thank you, don't normally use Tokamak - and you are correct (I just looked) - they are there.
  7. Have it (seemingly) working. Needs some polish. Converted the .mbm textures to .png, and if I publish: might convert textures to .dds (greatly decreases size, strain on game). split each part out into separate files 0.625, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10m versions would be the final goal (or use TweakScale) balance against stock Since this was released under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license by @DennyTX, and DennyTX is active - I will ask if I may publish this on GitHub/SpaceDock(CKAN) or if he wishes, I can package the updates I have so far and he can publish. Thanks to @sebi.zzr for the updated part.cfg's.
  8. @pirx8 @Cavscout74 Have it (seemingly) working. Needs some polish. Converted the .mbm textures to .png, and if I publish: might convert textures to .dds (greatly decreases size, strain on game). split each part out into separate files 0.625, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10m versions would be the final goal (or use TweakScale) balance against stock Since this was released under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license by @DennyTX, and DennyTX is active - I will ask if I may publish this on GitHub/SpaceDock(CKAN) or if he wishes, I can package the updates I have so far and he can publish. Thanks to @sebi.zzr for the updated part.cfg's. Inline Ballutes work great. I use then all the time in 1.7.3
  9. will address this here in the old thread - @Alexander of Polaris - this should be corrected in the latest release. Now when the core is set for LF - the LiquidFuel is just under 400 units, because some of the tank space is used for MonoPropellent for RCS. Thank you for asking.
  10. if I remember correctly, depends upon how long you burst (turboboost) for, however, there is a max time you can burst for, which is configurable. I think the longest you can burst for is 30 seconds, and the cooldown is, I can't remember.
  11. @Beetlecat found a nice little mklink gui here ( Last Updated July 26 2019, Version ) also - should be using /j (junction) instead of /d
  12. There is a mod that lets you 'grow' new Kerbals (Civilian Population IIRC) and then there is the 'Skotty' method that allows you to instantly move Kerbals through time-and-space by using transwarp-matter-transport (aka Ship Manifest (SM) and turning realism off in the mod.
  13. I have been slowly working on a set of configs I like to refer to as "PartKaizen" or "KaizenKensai". So far I have SAS and most LFO engines with multiple upgrades. (The engine upgrades include thrust/ISP and curves) Eventually I want to have many more parts with upgrades, and am considering adding one or more lines on the CTT for these upgrades (have to unlock with science points) to be unlocked. Obvious choices are antenna (range,Tx rate, EC Consumption), part (mass, strength, heat) and so on.
  14. look up the mod 'KerBalloons' and 'Heisenberg Airship Parts Pack'
  15. make it subtler - a couple of spots where the ambient music changes to Kisco... (Kerbal Disco equivalent) K-M-C-A!
  16. I believe there is a setting to shut it off, also if you are playing with Chatterer, it also has a setting (iirc) to disable the science xfer soundfx.
  17. Been busy on another item - but finally found some time to start some updates: New release (and new version numbering) available on GitHub. Once Spacedock is feeling better, will updated there and that will spread to CKAN. Now supports B9 for fuel switching; will recognize if Near Future Construction is installed and expand choices. changelog: Unity 1.3.1f I believe is the current version. Working particle effects would be glorious! .psd isn't an issue, if any textures have changes will update. next release will reflect the r7 changes. Hopefully then the GitHub repo will reflect all current changes.
  18. PR for items crossed off above done. If someone writes the patches (NFP and Workshop) I will push them on github. some parts missing bulkheadProfiles. Will get to that this weekend.
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