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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. my one desire is to have it also provide resource/craft info like KER does - so I can uninstall KER since that is basically all I use it for.
  2. @Gribbleshnibit8nice. Now I just have to convert everything over to B9 - nothing against Firespitter - just only want one switcher mod installed.
  3. To make things easier, link to github version of this beta test checklist. link to github version of the Stack/Stock fuel cells balance survey
  4. I have continued to (slowly) work on these parts. Some of them I am probably going to depreciate (meaning hide in editor but not remove, and move to a depreciated folder) Some parts I am thinking of adding additional sizes to like the tiny girders. The engines are my next pass. At least getting their FX's working again. I have been going through the last dev build (7) and comparing to what I have - slow going. Correcting the B9 patch to use :NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack] Will be moving into a new thread next release, which am planning for the next several weeks, once I have finished On Demand Fuel Cells and the Hot Beverages Part mod(which has more glorious fuel cells).
  5. he does a good job explaining it. I've done it manually in game before. My understanding is that there is one if not more versions of the epstein drive from The Expanse (or similar) being developed in game. I am confident they would need something like what you are requesting as well. doing this in kOS would be relatively easy - as a script. Like Scott Manley says - calculate Acc - factor in distance - point at target - strap in, go; when elapsed time is 1/2 of total time (less time to turn around) flip and go antitarget/retrograde target - and adjust. This is a job for a PID. Beyond my current ability to program, else I'd do it because I also would like to see this in game. so to help your definition: variables needed/things you would have to know: max Acceleration of vessel max G permitted time-to-turn starting point in space target agree.
  6. Kurikane also has small parts (engine, parachute etc). very true. something I have been mulling over and will respond more in that thread.
  7. going to take a spell to work through all 81+ parts.
  8. Being released shortly is an updated parts pack that contains (amongst other parts) stack mounted fuel cells. This discussion concerns those .1 (1/10) meter high stack fuel cells. Each part contains the fuel cell, fuel tank (in units) and a batteries. I want your input as to the game balance of each of the sizes, and where on the tech tree they should appear Don't want to use Tweakscale on these due to the need for fine tuning game balance. Fuselage versions (mk0-mk5) are included just in case a model/texture can be found/provided that will allow these to be created/included. Thank you in advance! the current plan is to introduce these as Monopropellent powered. With the ODFC (On Demand Fuel Cells) patch that is included, these will expand to Liquid Fuel + Oxygen, Liquid Fuel + Intake Air, and Hydrogen + Oxygen (= EC + Water) modes. Doing this might also be possible with the latest B9. Also any thoughts about if a patch to include a fuel cell in the stock pods and if yes, how much EC should it provide? Obviously the patch would not include the fuel or electricCharge. thank you in advance! For comparison Stock Fuel Cell: cost: 750 entry cost: 2250 techRequired: Electrics mass: 0.05 EC/s Produced: 1.5 EC storage: 50 Stock Fuel Cell Array: cost: 4500 entry cost: 13500 techRequired: Electrics mass: 0.24 EC/s Produced: 18 EC storage: 300
  9. brings out the Duct Tape... can you have only one variant on a part? can one directly import .mu into unity?
  10. doesn't provide those - but other fun small parts: I am (slowly) working on updating the parts to 1.7.x - the tiny girders are done.
  11. This discussion concerns .1 meter high stack fuel cells. Each module contains the fuel cell, fuel tank (in units) and a battery module. These will be released shortly in another (related) parts only mod which is being prepped for release. I want your input as to the game balance of each of the sizes, and where on the tech tree they should appear Don't want to use Tweakscale on these due to the need for fine tuning game balance. Fuselage versions (mk0-mk5) are included just in case a model/texture can be found/provided that will allow these to be created/included. Thank you in advance! For comparison Stock Fuel Cell: cost: 750 entry cost: 2250 techRequired: Electrics mass: 0.05 EC/s Produced: 1.5 EC storage: 50 Stock Fuel Cell Array: cost: 4500 entry cost: 13500 techRequired: Electrics mass: 0.24 EC/s Produced: 18 EC storage: 300
  12. any chance you would be willing to create/patch in the other missing icons? :funds: and if you do! @sarbian feature suggestion: add MechVal style (low thrust, multiple burn, Pe kick) transfer maneuver node planner: all the maths and fun stuff is all there. If you do - glorious glory! otherwise still thank you for thinking about it!
  13. okay, have thought about your question more and pose you this query: How about MechJeb2 - it has a porkchop transfer planner - which includes ASAP mode ?
  14. Would appreciate having the ability to change flight naming priority added to the vessel renaming window. Currently are able to rename and change the type but not the priority. As always - thank you for the consideration. VESSELNAMING { name = Orbital Tug type = Plane priority = 5 } github feature request added.
  15. if you use KOs - check out MechVal. thought solar sail navigator (the plugin you are referring to) was absorbed into KSPIe.
  16. Would you kindly help us out by trying this plugin (and the non-game breaking copied parts) and telling us what you think? Here is a Betatest / Checklist to assist you: To make things easier, have added link to github version of this checklist.
  17. reserved for changelog (full changelog here): v1.2.0.0 - To Go Boldly (KSP 1.8.1 + .NET Framework 4.8) Released on 2019-11-30 *See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes* update to .NET Framework 4.8 update to Kerbal Space Program (KSP) 1.8.1. update .csproj: Reference Include="$(DevDir)\KSP_x64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine*.dll" / now can enter numbers instead of using slider by using the # on PAW recompile for KSP 1.8.1 Known Issue Tracker [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC [BUG] TweakScale will not scale module ODFC [BUG] B9 module swapping - needs onLoad etc update to make work [BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode [BUG] Does not seeming work with BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods (being looked at) (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus). Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed. [BUG] Kerbalism doesn't recognize ODFC, ODFC still functions correctly Feature Request Tracker + AYA integration + Add Heat production + Convert to On-Demand Resource Converter (still base of ODFC) by either adding or modifying v1.1.2.1 - Set SCE to AUX v1.1.2.0 -Stall Alert! aka Stall Tactics v0.0.1.9 (this is actually and next release will switch to v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. - >-- ORIGINAL --< v. - >-- ORIGINAL --<
  18. On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) By zer0Kerbal, originally by @`Orum adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Preamble by Orum The plugin requires a set of Module Manager patches to function, as it does not do anything unless integrated into a part. There are two different sets of patches available on CKAN or SpaceDock. One set that copies the fuel cells from Stock, Universal Storage 2, Jatwaa Demolitions Co, and Solid Fuel Cells (soon more) and replaces the stock modules with ODFC with three modes (four if Community Resource Pack is installed correctly) of operation. Also adds a 0.5 EC/s multimode fuel cell to all stock command pods (easily disabled since in separate patch) Another set that modifies the same set of parts instead of copying them. Features adjustable fuel cell use - much more than just On/Off operation multiple fuel modes (serial usage - one mode at a time) variable activation threshold configurable to produce byproducts (so O+H2 = EC + H2O) very small memory footprint Brown and Black out protection assistance PAW (Part Action Window / Right Click Menu) grouping with auto collapse, click the down arrow to drop the ODFC control panel down (KSP 1.7.1). Two new features from the game settings: Stall: fuel cell stops working if vessel total electric charge falls to close to zero (0f) and will not start until there is more electric charge. Fuel cells require EC to work. autoSwitch: automatically switched fuel mode looking for fuel if the current mode becomes fuel deprived. more features coming soon See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L Parts designed to use, or patches to modify existing parts This addon does nothing by itself. Supports GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) AllYAll - supports by removing Either BackgroundProcessing (exclusive to BackgroundResources) (see known issues list) Background Resources (exclusive to BackgroundProcessing) (see known issues list) Community Resource Pack Suggests (These mods have Fuel Cells) Hot Beverages Irradiated - Fuel Cells (HBI/FC) Bluedog Design Bureau Stockalike Mining Extension (SMX) Univeral Storage II Universl Storage RLA Reborn Solid Fuel Cells Jatwaa Demolitions Co Does not work with parts from (because they use own generation MODULES) Kethane USI @Angel-125's mods (Buffalo, Pathfinder, et al) CONFLICTS [ODFC-Refueled-CopyPatches][ODFC-C] [ODFC-Refueled-ModifyPatches][ODFC-M] REPLACES ODFC ODFC - On Demand Fuel Cells by Orum >-- ORIGINAL (outdated)--< [ODFC-Refueled][ODFC-R] Tags plugin, config, flags, agency, control, convenience, sound, resources red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @`Orumfor creating this glorious addon! @4x4cheesecake for helping with the initial adoption see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Known Issue Tracker [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC [BUG] TweakScale will not scale module ODFC [BUG] Kerbalism doesn't recognize ODFC, ODFC still functions correctly [BUG] B9 doesn't work on ODFC enabled parts [BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode [BUG] BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods don't see ODFC, so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus. Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed. any mod that requires to use onLoad() instead of onStart() to update a part Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  19. Am releasing a prerelease candidate under terms of the original license ( CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0). Download on SpaceDock here or Github here. Also available on CKAN. On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled zer0Kerbal adopts for curation the mod formerly known as On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) Continuation of On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) by by @Orum, now continued by zer0Kerbal with massive support from @4x4cheesecake, @linuxgurugamer and additional community support. The plugin has undergone massive and systematic updates and changes. On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled : v0.0.1.8 ODFC - Run Fuel Cell, Run! *** THIS IS DOES NOT COME WITH ANY PARTS; PLUGIN ONLY *** See below (sic) concerning parts. DOES NOT COME WITH PARTS, but has a patch to copy the stock Fuel Cell and Fuel Cell Array as new parts. The patch has three modes (four if Community Resource Pack is installed correctly). Features: adjustable fuel cell use - much more than just On/Off operation multiple fuel modes (serial usage - one mode at a time) variable activation threshold configurable to produce byproducts (so O+H2 = EC + H2O) very small memory footprint Brown and Black out protection assistance Known Issues: Does not seeming work with BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods (being looked at) Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed. Parts: DOES NOT COME WITH PARTS. There were custom modeled parts that came with the original ODFC, but they are under a restrictive license (all rights reserved) unlike the plugin which is under the CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 license. There are plans to release more Fuel Cell Parts under a different release (this is underway). Links will be provided to these additional parts. StockFuelCells.cfg patch copies the existing Stock Fuel cells (+PART) and adds three (*four) modes of operation: Monopropellent Liquid Fuel + Oxidizer Liquid Fuel + Intake Air *Hydrogen Gas + Oxygen Gas = Electric Charge + Water .* If you have the Community Resource Pack correctly installed it will give you the additional mode See Betatest Check list for a list of things we are looking for in this beta test Looking for balance issues, Requests for additional stock sizes and modes should be made below. CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA links to original: On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) by `Orum' Licensed under CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA new development thread:
  20. I tend to agree. nli2work's parts are glorious! @James Kerman or another moderator: kindly move this thread to Releases. TYIA.
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