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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. rather than quoting @`Orum / @Orum post - will summarize. Yep - one release - multiple functions. sounds good. I have had to hold up release because of one showstopper bug - [BUG] ERROR!'s out when there is only one fuel mode. Was working on stock pod patch, and patch only adds one mode (monoprop - because pods usually have monoprop if they have any fuel). This bug was temporarily fixed by added a second mode in the patch (LFO). working on correcting this bug, will update the github release to .1.9 but hold off Spacedock/CKAN release until issue is resolved. All good. Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
  2. These parts are being updated for 1.7.x and will be released shortly. Permission has been granted by @Ph34rb0t
  3. Mixed feelings about that. On one hand makes it easy to maintain, but on the other hand makes the mod author responsible for updating and maintaining.
  4. @`Orum / @Orum Sounds great. I was hoping we could collaborate. What you have outlined sounds great. I wanted to continue to expand ODFC to what you had said - multipurpose resource converter. May I suggest that we can have ODFC have two part modules (at least for now) to simplify dev work. Some might just want a fuel cell module - entirely up to you. This way we can release what we have, and you should feel little to no pressure to get things done. RL is RL. We have expanded the variable abbreviations in the code - to make it understandable to us. Please, do correct if we got things - um, well, wrong. Any other projects you have lying around, kindly talk to me and maybe we can get your legacy back online.
  5. @Orum has posted in original thread (here). Today's planned release is suspended. Instead I will work on releasing Hot Beverages Irradiated (finally chose name) and KGEx (KerbGuise Experimental) - more fun parts.
  6. Significant code changes ( The plugin has undergone massive and systematic updates and changes. ).. You can see the changes on Github. I had looked for the new resource converter code, but it was lost (or so I had thought). My apologies @`Orum / @Orum if I have overstepped. How do you want to proceed? Do you want to take this back over (your post makes it seem like this is what you want), or do you want me(us) to continue? if so, would very much be interested in the new resource converter code. Either way, kindly let me know.
  7. @Nertea what do I have to do to make ODFC (On Demand Fuel Cells) compatible with this?
  8. thank you - my eyes must have glazed over from extreme g-force acceleration shock by then.
  9. also (can have both this and Better Time Warp installed)
  10. two things: am working on learning the Unity UI while updating a mod and creating another. Thankfully both are fairly lite mods. making the UI is easy, it is learning how to use the eventsystem and/or do things with the UI in game. I want to use the Unity UI event system because it should be overall better vs. writting the code to do the same in game. Examples am having issues with: using an existing button (btnClose) on a panel on a canvas in a gameobject to close the window(panel) using an existing button (btnMin) on a panel on a convas in a gameobject to minimize the window(panel) to just its title area add drag/resize handles and the related eventhandlers can save/load position be handled in unity? (code is simple and already have, just thought would ask) add dock to screen edge behaviour have used the very helpful "The Lazy Coder's Guide to KSP UI Design - a tutorial" post by @Fengist (thank you) - and now want to add code to close window when click on window's btnClose (s.i.c. code) thank you in advance for any help/insight ! +++ 1050 !
  11. update: attempting to install a B9 MODULE switch into the patches, there is an issue with compatibility - ODFC does things in onStart() that B9(and maybe other mods) needs done in onLoad() (and other changes). @blowfish is being very, very, very patient with my lack of C# programing skills(thank you). working on it. Am also working with @Lisias to bring in Tweakscale patches using the new generator scaling. The current plan is to release the plugin (.dll) /nakid/ meaning without any parts or patches, but also release two sets of patches as separate releases - I just don't know how to do this, yet. one that replaces part's existing fuel cells with ODFC versions one that copies existing parts and replaces the existing fuel cells with ODFC versions
  12. I have asked for permission to revive these parts. Under the existing license I may. I will create a new thread and post to Spacedock CKAN shortly.
  13. wonder if this means .NET upgrade as well (from .NET 3.5)?
  14. means that once a kerbal makes up their mind that they want to board (intention) the will, even if they aren't the current focus - even if that means hitting them with a ladder or ship or rover...
  15. Just added PAW grouping, will be in next release. I might try to make it even more spiffylicious. Hmmm... Next Fuel Mode shouldn't be active (showing) with only mode... bug.
  16. https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacExamples/ @HebaruSan any idea what " KSPField.category " is ?
  17. You are welcome. Haven't tried, but there is no reason why it shouldn't - yes, it would need a MM-patch - but that should be simple enough. here is the patch - untested, kindly tell me if it works for you: (github) Also - if the patch works (it should), suggest sending it to @Rocket Witch to include with the mod. I am planning on releasing ODFC v.0.0.19 this weekend to Spacedock and CKAN. It should be stable - been no complaints or bugs reported so far in this brief beta. The release should include this patch, and others for stock and several other mods fuel cells. I am also attempting to release stack mounted fuel cells (not the mods name) also this weekend. The last major issue is with BackgroundProcessing, and that is something that is being looked into, and is probably going to take an update to BackgroundProcessing itself. Hope this helps. Welcome back!
  18. that was, my last post - long. Let's simplify the discussion (for now). here are the sized planned to be included and their proposed EC/s production value. Remember, these are only .1 to .25m in stack height. size MaxEC produced 0.3125 0.45 0.625 0.75 1.25 1.5 1.875 4.45 2.5 8.85 3.75 18 5 36 7.5 50 10 75 20 125 mk2 5* mk3 15/ Stock (R)FC 1.5 (R)FCA 18 Universal Storage (payload wedge) US 16 Universal Storage II (payload wedge) US2Alk 1.6 US2PEM 5 Bluedog Design Bureau (integrated into Pod) Gemini 1.5 Apollo(B2) 1.5 Apollo(LEM) 1.5 Stock Mining Enhancement (MiningExpansion) Sz0Generator 6 Mk2Generator 75 Size1Generator 50 RLA (R)Small FC 1.5 radial1 0.5* radial2 4.5* radial3 15* radialArray1 9* radialArray2 54* radialArray3 170* * placeholder - actual value not known yet crewCabin mk1-3pod landerCabinSmall mk1pod mk1pod_v2 mk2LanderCabin mk2LanderCabin_V2 mk3Cockpit_Shuttle cupola add Fuel Cell that produces 0.5 EC/s
  19. possible to add tags to CKAN listing? like Graphics - MOD - Sound - Planet - Parts? Many new eyes on the game, would help them find their legs.
  20. First: Thank you Second: Love the pure fiestyness of the responses! Continuing: They are coming - very shortly. For a VERY early look - github. caveat emptor - I am still pushing through all the part.cfgs, and have asked for someone my graphically inclined to look at the textures. For the base part, yes MP for development purposes. For better or worse, am taking a meta-game approach to developing these parts for release. All the hard thinking is left to others, otherwise these parts would probably never get released. Now that might not please some, and that is fine. The target audience is most players. With that said am very willing to listen (and read) more in depth discussions - which is part of the reason for this thread. It is easier to build the part.cfg's around MP then change to another fuel if that is what is desired. Since the two stock versions both use LFO, then that is probably how they will be released. Exception to this is the fuselage sized versions, which will use LF+IA (LiquidFuel + IntakeAir). Also though, it is my (limited) understanding that MonoProp(Hydrazine) takes only one tank, and more potential energy can be stored per liter than LFO. Since space is limited, a MP driven fuel cell (and I now need to crunch numbers to verify) would pack the longest runtime into the smallest space. I could include two (or more) versions of the parts, but then we are talking about a very large number of parts, and they all currently look identical in the editor parts list. I am also going to try to use B9 module switch so that you can select the fuel mode in the editor so only one part per size - with essentially 3(4) variants. Radially attached. Yes, have considered that and will consider it. The biggest obstetrical is having a model/texture to use. There is this one part that should be released shortly, it works but haven't had the time to to the modernization pass. What about including additional sizes of the stock Fuel Cell and Fuel Cell Array? I have an idea for another and will see what time permits. If you install ODFC (being released hopefully in the next couple of days) there should be up to four total fuel modes. MonoProp; LiquidFuel + Oxidizer; LiquidFuel + Intake Air; (if you have Community Resource Pack installed) Hydrogen + Oxygen = EC + Water. I am willing to add additional modes to the ODFC patches once it is released and if someone helps by providing the consumption/production/byproducts specifications (just need one - and a scale multiplier). Am not concerned so much about 'realism - we are talking about kerbals here... rather keeping the specifications reasonably close to stock for game balance. Am currently now a teaser to go with that spoiler: am also considering adding partUpgrades (in a later release) to allow for the increase in efficiency. Scaling is one of the issues am trying to tackle. Could just include a Tweakscale patch (in fact am trying to get the new improved consumption scaling to work in the tweakscale patch), and will look to that for some guidance. Currently a spreadsheet is what is being used. Nothing fancy. Just plug in the EC/s production desired and it scales based upon the previous part. So if the previous (smaller) part produces x amount of EC, and this part is expected to produce Y then all other factors are directly scaled (multiplied) by Y/X. Simplistic, but wholly efficient and effective in its simplicity. With that being said, I imagine the smallest size (stack) being the comprised of 50% by volume of the actual fuel cell, 45% by volume of fuel tankage, and 10% by volume of battery (or capacitors). this would gradually change as size (and the tech level) increased. At the largest size, only maybe 15% of the volume would be devoted to a fuel cell (or maybe 30% if two fuel cells are included in one part); leaving 30% battery and 45% for fuel storage and 5% for maybe something else. Am open to suggestions, in fact am soliciting them. I do think I have to adjust the scaling and hand tune the parts much more. Instead of a straight scale, a cubic scale might be better. Thoughts? First things first - is the EC/s produced by each size appropriate for its size? Am also considering that if NFE (Near Future Electical) is installed, the battery be converted to a capacitor (stored charge) on the larger sizes in part or completely. This would also go for if KSEi (megajoules) is installed. Thoughts? If I missed any points - please remind me. Very pleased with the conversation so far! but what happens if the hamster runs backwards? and if a kerbal gets hungry enough ... combine these parts with On Demand Fuel Cells, and now you have the emergency back-up power supply, dark side supply, non-nuclear black and brown out protection that keeps kerbals alive, and warm. I agree about PAW's, and will keep that in mind. Somebody might include a feature request on ODFC to be able to collapse the section (thought that feature was added) in the PAW menu and/or move the PAW menu controls to a separate toolbar window. To keep things simple for now (can always add complexity) will keep the fuel cell small and single sized, and not include any battery or fuel, and keep it running on MP since pods usually have MP if they have any fuel. Thought is to go back and revisit once the parts are out.
  21. I was laughing through the entire vid. the number of times he says 'Tiny' and 'Grider' was like an OP drinking game! some of the emmissives I thought were broken - weren't - so am happy about that. I have to admit I didn't see the 'QuantumStuff' but am halfTempted to leave it because, well, it's "QuantumStuff" Do you think the 'more-balanced' stats are in previous releases/R7? I will look and bring them in line. Am thinking of adding more sizes of the girders. maybe a quartermeter? will give much more attention to updating shortly. PS - I thought the parts looked great!
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