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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. As I have indicatedto @Efour in a private message,I am willing / ready to adopt these wonderful mods for curation and hopefully updating. Am also asking @Efour to kindly update license to "CC BY-NC-SA-4.0". I do believe the current license does allow for the updating of the license, as long as the original license is included. Sorry to see you go, if you ever come back, just let me know and I will release them all back to you as the official maintainer. Will upload to Spacedock and CKAN shortly, just being polite and hoping that @Efour will pop on and give official blessing, although not needed as the post above clearly shows. current changes planned changes
  2. On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled v. - Set SCE to AUX STATUS: Release in short - fixes a bug where if set fuel mode to a fuel mode in editor, it would revert to default when transitioning to flight. (and other minor fixes) [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC BUG] Kerbalism is not compatible with ODFC - Kerbalism developers have chosen to not integrate since they have their own version. [D][BUG] Found the problem, Bill left a torque converter, which was set to moar, in the innards. Plus Val thought it would be fun to hide her signature in the code of the FCOS (Fuel Cell Operating System). In doing so, she overwrote the code to remember the editor settings when translating over to flight. This has been fixed by moving her signature into another mod's code. She's still happy. Updated to automated build (deploy.bat,buildRelease.bat/Assembly.tt) Known Issue Tracker [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC [BUG] TweakScale will not scale module ODFC [BUG] B9 module swapping - needs onLoad etc update to make work [BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode [BUG] Does not seeming work with BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods (being looked at) (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus). Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed. [BUG] Kerbalism doesn't recognize ODFC, ODFC still functions correctly Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 Unity 2017.1.3p1 .NET 3.5
  3. As I have indicated to @RealGecko in a private message, I am willing / ready to adopt this wonderful mod for curation and hopefully updating. Am also asking @RealGecko to kindly update license to "CC BY-NC-SA-4.0" in the repo, like LGG said: " Basically, I want to be sure that if/when I go away, someone else can pick it up. " thank you in advance! Sorry to see you go, if you ever come back, just let me know and I will release them all back to you as the official maintainer.
  4. Simple Logistics kindly. Spacedock / Github / Forums: zer0Kerbal. Also kindly update license to "CC BY-NC-SA-4.0" in the repo, like LGG said: " Basically, I want to be sure that if/when I go away, someone else can pick it up. " thank you in advance! Sorry to see you go, if you ever come back, just let me know and I will release them all back to you as the official maintainer
  5. and now 1.8 seems to have added this to its list of mod adoptions.
  6. Ah yes - the BSOD every 10 minutes, the 3.5" floppy installs with what 20 floppies, and having to swap in the same floppy every couple minutes.... and don't forget needing to reboot every hour or three. but at least it wasn't calling home to report its spying on you every second because the dial up was so slow and had to be manually initiated. I do miss the sounds of a good handshake.
  7. great set of parts and LGG is doing a great job in curating them. I do have another set coming - look in the Dev thread - KGEx - and Hot Beverages Irradiated will have stack fuel cells as small as .3125 (so size000?)
  8. thank you. All 'likes' have been disabled forum wide - something about a Kraken in the system and they need to find it ....
  9. why, thank you. It's the Jeb's Coffee. [D][BUG] Found the problem, Bill left a torque converter, which was set to moar, in the innards. Plus Val thought it would be fun to hide her signature in the code of the FCOS (Fuel Cell Operating System). In doing so, she overwrote the code to remember the editor settings when translating over to flight. This has been fixed by moving her signature into another mod's code. She's still happy. (fixed internally for
  10. @eightiesboi [NEW][BUG] ODC forgets its editor settings when moving to flight - in editor, place a part with ODFC installed - change the ODFC to use another available fuel (other than default) - launch vessel - ODFC reverts to default fuel mode. thank you. working on it for release. should also be updating the patches for release at the same time.(ish)
  11. I didn't put much effort into the autoswitcher - thought was KISS and keep it dumb - and very fast, very effective. In truth all it does is if fuelDeprived press the nextFuelMode button. seriously - that simple. yes, do kindly try with the autoSwitch set to off. you would have to add those lines to the patches yourself with a text editor - example: ps - all those lines do is 'hide' the patched parts in the editors (VAB/SPH) so you can't place them - but leaves all those currently 'in service' alone.
  12. I was able to find them - and they are currently on KGEx - waiting on some final tweaks before I release. would be nice if a graphical kerbal would update the textures though.
  13. seems like two issues: preference for LH/O in game settings - ODFC: is "Auto Fuel Mode Switch" enabled (on)? The appearance ODFC isn't working: Cornflower Blue means modified not copied. according to the PAW/RMB menu for ODFC - it is working as intended - no demand (threshold to turn on hasn't been met: vessel power is at 67% and the ODFC fuel cell threshold is set to 5%) Ampyear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC (which is an external bug) I am confident that ODFC is working as intended, try moving the threshold setting to above the vessels's current EC % and see if it kicks in and if the resouces show a change in EC drain/production. trust the ODFC status in the PAW - that hasn't led me astray yet. I will add AmpYear to the list of 'doesn't recognize' @JPLRepo Cats love em - but they sure do be finicky. AmpYear Issue report ODFC issue report. I am confident that all these issues are related / fixed by updating from onStart() to onLoad() and bringing the code to more modern methods - which I am working with @Lisias (hopefully) on the TweakScale part, which if TweakScale works, everything else should as well. Again thank you ! PS - in order to help you wean yourself from the Green (copied) parts - you can add the following to the patches
  14. welcome back! don't think grip'o'trons are NF - Infernal Robotics perhaps?
  15. no - that wouldn't work and @Lisias is doing great. It is something that changed in MM not in Ubio; they are working it out.
  16. *chuckle* yes, Murphy was / is (pop culture reference) a purple prophet! and :faceplant: am too lazy to do that.
  17. press <ALT><F11> in the space center - select 'quick database reload' (if you have MM 4+ installed)
  18. too much Jeb's Coffee to the web engineers (they are fixing something that required us to give up our like button for now )
  19. I understand - and fully support what you did/are doing. I tried to make some light/humor. hotfix value? why, I'd never forget I patched this.
  20. Finally - even though appreciate the notice, after seeing it for the umpteenth time - I decided to slap a straight jacket and Hannibal mask on TweakScale and throw it kicking and silently screaming into the dungeon called MMpatch land! ps - nothing can be done to fix these parts sanity (for now), so silencing the sanity check on them won't hurt, but will save my sanity.
  21. @nubcaker need to do a double flip? rotate 180" then mirror vertically? my bad - didn't realize they were already .dds
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