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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. also Kerbal Reusability has grin fins
  2. I don't believe so - however add tweakscale to them and now you have. If you don't like tweakscale, easy enough to rescale existing parts using +PART and module manager.
  3. if you are talking about writing a mod/plugin - check out Field Training Facility and Field Training Lab - they have some code that might interest you.
  4. Thank you - one must try, and I have had some luck with other authors. Will proceed (roll with it) shortly.
  5. thought it might have been On Demand Fuel Cells, a mod I curate. Glad the reinstall worked.
  6. Basic Shielded PicoPort (+PART) RTG/Licence and permissions in order ( CC-BY-SA 4.0) Docking Port Descriptions by zed'K - Module Manager patch to add docking port sizes to parts descriptions. (CC-BY-SA 4.0) Radial Heat Shields by OrionSpaceIndustries - "Tired of blowing up? Use RHS!" (CC-BY-SA 4.0) - needs a little polish, and some new textures, and the shieldedProbe is being operated on. @FreeThinker
  7. just tried it. works. reason you might not be seeing effects is that by default the RCS is turned down to 10% - try using the RMB/PAW to turn up the RCS - and you should see the effects.
  8. do you mean the core? (the part with all the fuel, and 4 grappler arms) if so - it has a thruster power of 15 (internally scaled to 10%) using ModuleRCSFX. have you turned on RCS while in flight?
  9. add the following line to the file https://anatid.github.io/XML-Documentation-for-the-KSP-API/class_module_science_experiment.html
  10. it is a separate file. create a file, name it whatever you wish.cfg, and store it in a folder under GameData. You need to have module manager installed. This will patch the stock drills and add the science experiment to them. should work.
  11. CKAN once Spacedock up. Field Training Facility (FTF) Source here: License: ----------------- Field Training Lab (FTL) formerly Training Laboratory Source here: License
  12. Simple Logistics Restocked beta release (awaiting @RealGecko's nod) will make new thread/Spacedock release/CKAN/curse then. KSP Simple Logistics Simple resource sharing among landed vessels. originally by RealGecko Source # Software Only License (This only covers the code): GPLv3 # Non-Software (All other/General) License: CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA
  13. in theory - yes, best to use a module manager patch instead. SpaceDock is down - so this might be a bit off
  14. this might help: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Experience
  15. *chuckle* yes, the cassette player - Ti994a and so much else. please don't make me go any further back, like when HDD's were the size of commercial washing machines - and held a whopping 5 mb.... or even further back... those were the days...
  16. As I have indicatedto @Efour in a private message,I am willing / ready to adopt these wonderful mods for curation and hopefully updating. Am also asking @Efour to kindly update license to "CC BY-NC-SA-4.0". I do believe the current license does allow for the updating of the license, as long as the original license is included. Sorry to see you go, if you ever come back, just let me know and I will release them all back to you as the official maintainer. Will upload to Spacedock and CKAN shortly, just being polite and hoping that @Efour will pop on and give official blessing, although not needed as the post above clearly shows. current changes planned changes
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