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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. you might get some ideas from the mod being prepped for release this week: ODFC (on demand fuel cells). As long as you don't have to do windows or things like that (or even toolbar buttons) - just keep everything in the PAW - you don't have to really worry (much) about Unity.
  2. tiny and girders... two words you don't hear in a phrase much. This video made me laugh, and laugh, and laugh some more. the thrusters he liked so much - they stack to make a 5 way. I personally would describe the style as spacepunk. Expect a update in the next week or so. @Nuke
  3. # Transparent Pods Repressurized Download on SpaceDock here or Github here. Also available on CKAN. #### Formerly known as Transparent Command Pods v. - Check out the Space Squids! + *unplugging Val's kPod she left hidden under her seat in the CycloPod.* (maxEC should have been 75 not 70) + thank you to ***KottabosGames*** for spotting the inconsistency and for the review. + https://youtu.be/mUntbQHC4-g + darn extra trailing '/' in url's in Readme
  4. made my day: changelog: fixed the electricCharge in the cycloPod by unplugging Val's kPod... (maxEC was 70, should have been 75). Release incoming. thank you to Kottasbos Gaming for reviewing (and finding Val's lost kPod) in this glorious mod! PS - I want the .craft file for that bugzapper or is it spaceSquidHopper (or the other name for a space squid)!
  5. half-jokingly - if you want to throw in a couple fuel cells - I'd be happy! (the joke is FC for probes? I think not).
  6. soon: 65,5643,458 textures and still not a thing to wear says the fuel tank.
  7. yes. that 'Editor' window is all custom - from what is in it - to the spaces. I was pressed for time so I didn't have fun with the colors. Still - MechJeb doesn't provide the information in those two little KER windows - which is what I want, without KER. maybe when my quarter-potato, half spoiled notebook is replaced I will be able to run both at once.
  8. Found two fuel cells in Bluedog Design Bureau (BDB); one in Gemini, the other in Apollo. added StockPods.cfg - which copies most stock command pods and inserts a very small ODFC into each pod. Specs will be posted later for comment. Again, will see if can provide a +PART and a @PART patch. Seems RLA has a MP fuelcell. Adding it.
  9. this is KER Best I could do with MechJeb (Editor) Thank you - some of those things are quite helpful, even if I had to make a custom window to find them. - gives me some ideas on what I want - will have to make a mock up because I will try to write this as a mod call STAKX (STatistical Analysis for Kerbal eXperiments) or should it be STAKX'C (eXperimental Craft)
  10. just the first part. tank types is already a template, just want to extent a couple more things into it. Just was asking for the smaller undertaking. good to know that.
  11. Am already doing that, just wanted to know if could eliminate many points of possible failure by seeing if certain things could be inherited, and some are. Just asking for the rest to be able to be inherited as well. Maybe just something to consider implementing in the future.
  12. I understand, just want to be able to define those things (once) in B9_TANK_TYPE definition, so that when that tank type is used in a SUBTYPE, it doesn't have to be declared again (but could be overruled by a definition in SUBTYPE). This way could define in a B9_TANK_TYPE statement once, and every tank that uses that definition would inherit those variables already defined.
  13. Universal Storage has one fuel cell (alkaline). it produces 16 EC/s max. done. have created the copy patch however, ssomething is not quite adding up with the consumption so will be asking @Paul Kingtiger about the discrepancies between US and US2 fuel cell consumption. I was thinking the same, three CKAN entries - ODFC (core, copy, edit). This way no special coding is needed (except for the timing of the patches maybe) just the core .dll and generic utility patches option one - copy existing fuel cells option two - patch existing fuel cells Thank you for the suggestions, will also look at @CobaltWolf's voluminous and wonderful BDB mod for fuel cells later. Found two fuel cells (one in Gemini, the other in Apollo) NFE one would think nfe would - but I've looked through all of @Nertea's glorious NF mods, and no fuel cells. KAS/KIS - again nothing. SME - nadda correction - 3xGenerator - patching Planetary Base Systems by @Nils277 might - didn't see any USI - by @RoverDude might - checking - yes but uses own system. @Angel-125's Buffalo (et al) might have has fuel cells, pretty sure they do, but they use their own module Feline Utility Rover also by @Nils277 might have fuel cells (didn't see any) KSPEi might as well. I have also added a Mk2 and Mk3 .(25m ish) fuel cell fuselage part (both with and without ODFC) into Hot Beverages (soon to be released) parts pack. I plan on releasing v. just as soon as I have the final numbers for the US(original) fuel cell. Should have both types of patches, and a slight adjustment to the PAW (having <<PREV>> above <<NEXT>> was driving me nuts)
  14. Am creating a patch for ODFC (On Demand Fuel Cells) for Universal Storage's has one fuel cell (alkaline). it produces 16 EC/s max. Something is not quite adding up with the consumption so am be asking @Paul Kingtiger about the discrepancies between US and US2 fuel cell consumption and production numbers. I want to make sure the ODFC patch stays true to the numbers for the original, am just concerned that the original Universal Storage Alkaline Fuel Cell's numbers are completely and significantly better than Universal Storage II's version of the same item. Which set of numbers for the US1 patch should I use? Next question - how about consumption per EC for say LFO? LF+IA (intake Air)? Monopropellent? Any thoughts? I have already computed those for US2 based upon existing stock references, but am interested in hearing what you think, and would use if provided specifications provided if you so choose. thank you. Alkaline Fuel Cell (Universal Storage) Alkaline Fuel Cell (Universal Storage II) PEM Fuel Cell (Universal Storage II Resources (Maximum) Hydrogen: 1400 Oxygen: 700 Water: 0 (2) Input H2: 0.064736 O2: 0.032368 Input Hydrogen: 0.853076042323157 Oxygen: 0.429248283745306 Input Hydrogen: 0.333647518775279 Oxygen: 0.167883773198164 Output Electric Charge: 16 H2O: 0.0000520721 Output Electric Charge: 5 Water: 0.000690070272156048 Output Electric Charge: 1.6 Water: 0.000269894150887699
  15. thank you. would it be possible to make it so they can be? Reason is much more effective to declare those things in tank definition once than having to do it multiple times in individual parts.
  16. blender won't run on my system. (long story) have tried importing an existing .mu into Unity (correct version with the correct part tools) - haven't been able to get it in let me rephrase the question about number of variants - is it possible to just have one variant instead of more?
  17. tell me which are missing - and the specifics (size, type (png. dds ?) and whatever else) - will see what I can scrape together - that is if you are willing to add them.
  18. Can the following (in bold) be declared in TankTypes? B9_TANK_TYPE { name = LiquidMono title = Liquid Fuel & Mono switcherDescription = Cargo Name tankMass = 0.000125 tankCost = 0.25 switchInFlight = True affectDragCubes = false RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel title = Liquid Fuel unitsPerVolume = 0.95 descriptionSummary = Liquid Fuel descriptionDetail = That stuff that Kerbals always seem to be running out of at 20,000m primaryColor = Black secondaryColor = Black defaultSubtypePriority = 1 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant title = MonoPropellant unitsPerVolume = 0.05 descriptionSummary = MonoPropellant descriptionDetail =That other stuff that Kerbals always seem to be running out of at 20,000m primaryColor = Blue secondaryColor = Blue defaultSubtypePriority = 2 } }
  19. in the editors KER provides two small but very helpful windows - see below image: only thing that would also be helpful would be to have a crew current/max added to the vessel (0/4)
  20. thank you for the response. I like those models/textures very much as well. done. already included is one patch (+PART) for the two stock fuel cells. done. There are two - the PEM and the Akaline Fuel Cells are included in Universal Storage 2. US2 support is fully uploaded to the github repo for the next version. I made sure to keep the specification true to the original. I have (briefly) tried them in game, but forgot to see if they change size like most of the other parts do (they don't). I will look at US(the original) and see if a patch for those parts is warranted (it is). Both patches add Monopropellent / LFO / Liquid Fuel + Intake Air / and if you have Community Resource Pack installed - Hydrogen+Oxygen=EC+Water. Currently the patch is a (+PART), but will add an update(@PART) optional version as well. I don't know which version should be default, the copy or modify patch. Believe it or not, I have been hard pressed to find other *current* mods with fuel cell parts. Am currently busy updating one that will remedy that. Just want someone to update the textures. What about adding a ODFC patch to include a fuel cell in stock pods?
  21. Is there another mod/way to have those little information panels (craft resources/info) in the editor scene without using KER? I like KER, but this is practically all I currently use it for.
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