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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. Of course - either PR or tell me what needs to change.
  2. @theJesuit Just the part title/description? Yes - kindly just push a change to the en-us.cfg (and other localization files) and will be updated in next release; along with any other changes you want to the part.cfg/model/textures.
  3. @JonnyOThan - still getting that issue? Kindly put in a GitHub issue - probably the quickest fix would be to make a personal patch to add B9_TANK_TYPE I depend on GitHub issues to well, track issues. B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch] { name = KDMaterialKits tankMass = 0.0 tankCost = 0.0 RESOURCE { name = MaterialKits unitsPerVolume = 5 } } If that fixes it - I will work on updating the B9 Tank Types and the fuel switch for Updated, but SpaceDock will always be at least one version behind.
  4. @JonnyOThan I have started to update all the patches. issue is the existing compatibility patches are complicated (well designed), and it will take time to figure them out and update them existing patch has the non-passable (KD-T*) tanks included in the passable patch for CLS with the (KD-ST*) @PART[KD-FabricationContainer,KD-ST*FS,KD-T*FS,KD-T*RP,KD-T*M]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleConnectedLivingSpace]]:NEEDS[ConnectedLivingSpace]:FOR[KeridianDynamics]
  5. Спасибо ДавианЛин!

    for providing the Russian language translation for 


    KSP version License
    Curseforge GitHub  

  6. CurseForge is used by many-Many-MANY more players than all other similar services. A very limited listing of Authors who publish on CurseForge (and several are KSP devs). @sarbian @Nils277 @Nertea @FreeThinker @blackheart612 @IgorZ @NecroBones @Papa_Joe @dtobi @OhioBob @DMagic @Athlonic @EmbersArc @TriggerAu @RoverDude @JPLRepo @Snoopy20111 @dboi88 @Fengist @Snjo @pizzaoverhead @Well @Lisias @Thrimm @bcink @OhioBob @Shadowmage Thank you to all authors who have added their uniqueness to the game we all love: KSP. proof? or more probably mere speculation. only affected MineCraft and was quickly resolved with open transparency. sadly true (with qualifications) and that statement is also true of CKAN. There are so many popular mods on CurseForge that are up-to-date. I have over 3x the addons that are updated on CurseForge first as compared to the number on CKAN (and that number is rising fast). The simple fact of this matter for me is that CurseForge support actually listens and works with me and other authors along with providing a much more robust service that doesn't go down because it's bandwidth is limited and ran out or due to subjectively applied standards or personal affronts. CurseForge staff are professional and love the games they support. CurseForge is under (relatively) new ownership, OverWolf and is actively working on improving the user experience of KSP (and KSP2 when modding is officially supported). CKAN was and continues to be a good idea, poorly executed. It screws up, even though it tries, really-really-really hard not to. and CKAN moderators have done squat all to use the new API to integrate CurseForge into CKAN, even though been requests to do so. Finally to the OP )@Dariusthedoggie( it comes down to personal preference as much as it does to what addons you choose to use and where you can find them. This becomes harder and easier due to the devs stating KSP's EOL. Your comfort level with manually installing mods is also important hence why several authors include a 'Manual Installation' guide in their releases. If you have a question about any of my addons - don't hesitate to reach out to me (many links in my signature) and the readme's of my addons.
  7. working on an update for this week
  8. Version - <Спасибо evanisrael> edition Released 12 Jun 2023 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5 by zer0Kerbal DO A CLEAN INSTALL: DELETE EXISTING INSTALLATION THEN RE-INSTALL Download only from CurseForge Change Summary Add localization: Russian (Русский) - Спасибо evanisrael See More Pages for so much more (WIP) Parts Catalog for part pictures Marketing Slicks ChangeLog for more details of changes Discussions or forums for discussions and news Known Issues for known issues and feature requests Localization red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe
  9. Why thank you! Needs to be added to an IVA attached to existing buttons/prop screen. Unsure how to do this.
  10. @Bizobinator https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/TheGoldStandard/issues/73 experimental fix in being releases as I type. As a general note - creating an issue/discussion on the GitHub repo is always strongly suggested. @Jiraiyah just like stock.
  11. Thank you for the suggestion. Always willing to review GitHub submissions!
  12. I support the release of KSP's source. Do not include the non-code assets (textures, models, et al (IP property) and only available for those who purchase the game, and the DLC's. Release not the latest version of KSP (1.12.5) but perhaps version 1.11 or 1.8.1 or 1.3.1 - under the Unity version. Not much code changes between versions so enough code would be visible to encourage the community to push real fixes for fundamental problems (like the re-root bug that seemingly is plaguing some of my addons). These fixes could be evaluated and be released upstream as a new version of KSP, and even help KSP2, which would help the game we so love, and the sales. I believe that even a release of KSP 1.3.1 would yield immediate and massive positive payback to KSP which would be reflected in sales, steam charts, and crystal balls.
  13. As stated numerous times - the FlowGraph issue is NOT ScrapYard - and that has been proven beyond all doubt. Issue lies in KSP 1.8.1 ReRoot and other mods mucking about inside KSP. To restate (and add - probably violates copyright laws) I stand by this statement because there is no hard evidence proving me wrong - there isn't enough transparency.
  14. Version - <Thank you NecroBones> edition Released 12 May 2023 for KSP 1.12.5 by zer0Kerbal Pinned Dependencies: SpaceY Corporation (SYC) SpaceY Lifters (SYL) search for syx or spacey in the editor search bar to find all parts in this pack. <ghostparts.cfg> is provided for testing. This file will not be active for v1.5.0.0-release. Can be disabled/deleted if installing this addon into a new save For best results - DO A CLEAN INSTALL; DELETE EXISTING INSTALLATION THEN RE-INSTALL Download only from CurseForge Change Summary 42/42 parts are now included parts are fully localized (English) including actions Phase I,II,III passes completed parts pass started (see for more details) DRAG_CUBES, cargo, node, tags pass yet to complete Parts updated (and included in this (pre)release) Fairings FuelTanks Heatshields Structural ThrustPlates CargoBays Command Control Coupling Engines NEW - Category fix [SpaceY.Expanded.dll] v1.4.99.3 - thank you Lisias Compatibility patches have been updated, not tested. NEW - [BUG] BFR tank issues - just doesn't look pretty See More ChangeLog for more details of changes Discussions or forums for discussions and news Known Issues for known issues and feature requests Marketing Slicks Pages for so much more (WIP) Parts Catalog for part pictures Localization red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe
  15. Version - <Thank you NecroBones> edition Released 09 May 2023 for KSP 1.12.5 by zer0Kerbal Pinned Dependencies: SpaceY Corporation (SYC) This is the next prerelease in a series of updates to this addon. Each update will update some of the parts and patches so that instead of one massive update I can update the addon in a more manageable way. search for syl or spacey in the editor search bar to find all parts in this pack. <ghostparts.cfg> is provided for testing. This file will not be active for v2.0.0.0-release. For best results - DO A CLEAN INSTALL; DELETE EXISTING INSTALLATION THEN RE-INSTALL Download only from CurseForge Change Summary 78/78 parts are now included parts are fully localized (English) included actions Phase I,II,III passes completed parts pass started (see for more details) DRAG_CUBES, cargo, node, tags pass yet to complete Parts updated (and included in this (pre)release) CargoBays Command Control Decouplers Docking Engines Fairings FuelTanks Ground HeatShield RCS-OMS Solid Rocket Boosters Structural ThrustPlates NEW - Category fix [SpaceY.Lifters.dll] v1.9.99.2 - thank you Lisias Compatibility patches have been updated, not tested. See More Pages for so much more (WIP) Parts Catalog for part pictures Marketing Slicks ChangeLog for more details of changes Discussions or forums for discussions and news Known Issues for known issues and feature requests Localization red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe no - you just didn't read the release notes.
  16. Patching is probably a poor choice of words. If KSP were to go open source it should go into a TT/Squad controlled repo on GitHub where there should be releases/issues/discussions/pull requests - and the open source community would provide changes/improvements that would fix/improve many long festering bugs.
  17. and as a plus - all the work done by modders like myself will only build KSP2 - for when KSP2 is officially supporting and sanctioning modding. Plus open source should help TT find and fix bugs in the code they undoubtedly reused from KSP to KSP2. In fact, that reused code from KSP into KSP2 might be the only reason TT doesn't OS KSP code. there is at least one other: r/KerbalAcademy/ you are right - hit and miss there, just like here. If you can't win a fight - call the person a r@ ... and/or ad hominem them (like we are seeing in this thread)
  18. Version - <Scanning Rodger, Rodger> edition Released 07 May 2023 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5 by zer0Kerbal For best results - DO A CLEAN INSTALL; DELETE EXISTING INSTALLATION THEN RE-INSTALL Download only from CurseForge Change Summary Kerbalism patch riding coattails - thank you @RodgerRodg88 Found the Science Container in the Reentry Segment (parachute), Val was using it to store her lunch. New manufacturing tech resulting from peanut butter spillage from Val's lunch has toughened up both segments BIOS/OS update now allows for SCANsat compatibility now can search for msrc in editors to find parts updating documentation new Hero logo/cover linting, updating and general tom foolery See More How It Works Pages for so much more (WIP) Parts Catalog for part pictures Marketing Slicks ChangeLog for more details of changes Discussions or forums for discussions and news Known Issues for known issues and feature requests Localization red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe
  19. Thank you @Rodger +1 I plan on pushing this out in an update later this week. kindly comment https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/MiniSampleReturnCapsule/issues/90 so I can give you proper GitHub credit.
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