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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. +1 I like this idea. The code exists (GPLv3 : Konstruction) - the issue becomes if there are more than two nodes - and how would one handle surface attachments. If it is only available for parts with two nodes - and no surface attachments.... Suggest dropping a feature request on GitHub. I also accept PR's (one can dream! :D) I will probably have a surprise or two in store for the next version.
  2. Interesting - is this in flight or just in editor? I will be working on stepping up to the current version of KSP. +1 oops - that WAS the link - now it is 2400.... had to delete and recreate. Can change almost everything except the name - and it is Stack not Stock. *chuckle*
  3. Version - Landing me softly zer0Kerbal released this 19 Apr 2020 RELEASE from pre-release adjusted Firespitter FSWheel settings to try and soften landings See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes* See Known Issues for known issues red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
  4. I am willing. However the license must change or something like that. Current license is ARR. I will message @dboi88 and see what can be done. I'd prefer GPLv2. I have sent the message.
  5. I have been working (slowly) on bringing back kTunes....
  6. according to @JPLRepo (I think it was IIRC) - the switch to 'auto-upgrade to latest version of Unity' has been set to true - so KSP should support latest
  7. sounds like something @linuxgurugamer would be interested in.
  8. I am willing to adopt.
  9. Janitor's Closet and QuickSearch by Malah (both now @linuxgurugamer) SimpleConstruction! by @MatterBeam allows in situ construction - just send up the RocketParts. Konstruction is another great mod - just for the konstruction ports.
  10. its a kludge - but will work three patches - one after another. 1. [*],* *= 173 :BEFORE[zzzMine] 2. [ElectricCharge],* /= 173 :AFTER[zzzMine] 3. [Machinery],* /= 173 :AFTER[zzzMine] I did say it was a kludge - but I think it would work. put them in order (top to bottom) in same file - or can do
  11. and :doh: I see that I had it listed as a suggests - not as a needs. correcting it now in CKAN and elsewhere. if all else - manually delete both the GameData/SimpleConstruction and the GameData/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads folders
  12. SCRocketParts - that should be SimpleConstruction! - do you have its dependency installed?
  13. I don't believe so. But suggest starting with the most simple version of the patch and then working your way to more complex. good luck!
  14. first - KISS - maybe: 2nd: never name anything _ or [ ] or even . (mod makers) . KSP is blind to those - so usually have to use a wildcard (in this case '?') to represent. hopefully this might help.
  15. @ringerc has graciously agreed to let me continue this mod, has also added me to the spacedock authors for this mod. more when there is more to say.
  16. thank you! carburetor fish taco's and MacGyver?
  17. is there a way to install manually? doesn't want to install in VS 2019
  18. found it. /YMMV/ https://github.com/TriggerAu/KSPPluginFramework
  19. thank you. rob Peter to pay Paul situation. They are and they aren't. its the way the model is set up. I don't know enough blender/animation to fix it (if it can be).
  20. didn't see this listing in TriggerAu's repo's issue list. ? Kindly elaborate. it got stuck - happens sometimes when adopting a mod in this manner. should be clearing up. @HebaruSan ? thank you. is corrected here, spacedock, github, curseforge. must have come over from this mod's good. I see that in the known issues list of the original repo. Kindly raise it as an issue on the new repo.
  21. DISCLAIMER: I don't know if this would work: but @PART[]:HAS[]:NEEDS[]:FOR[] { @MODULE[ModuleDockingNode]:HAS[] { isEnabled = false moduleIsEnabled = false } } might work. Just don't know how you would a) qualify/restrict and b) how you would enable it. might be easier to use KaboOom! or KML to prune the extraneous ones.
  22. I do expect it to work in 1.9.1 since nothing much (at least relating to this mod) from 1.8. to 1.9.1 unlike from 1.7 to 1.8 with the change from .NET 3.5 -> 4.* and Unity 2017 -> 2019. so far, no known issues. I have been scrubbing through the logs looking - and only found (and fixed) several texture compression issues.
  23. as was I - but for large swaths of time - I had limited internet - except sat. kindly take it for a drive, see if it throws any [ERR [WRN [EXC - I didn't see any but my testing wasn't as thorough as I'd would have liked it to have been. Besides, most like causes of error would have been during OnStart, OnLoad, or OnAwake. Mostly I depended upon having a quiet pre-release, and since I didn't see anything, or hear anything... but don't try it on 1.7.3 - that will not generally work. If things go well, I will release for 1.9.1 in a week or so. probably just after 1.10.0 hits.
  24. in the beginning - there wasn't any good way for a mod to stay current. I can see why. Just things have gotten so much better (CKAN) (AVC) since. - but last update was for 1.4.x - This is one of my more complex code mods , and it will take time to go through it - even as well written as it is.
  25. I am intending to either make it optional, or remove it all together and let CKAN / AVC do the heavy lifting.
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