PS - have added a barebones wiki to the github repo....
any brave volunteers to flesh it out?
@margonall the prices/densities are set in the Resources.cfg -- 1.5/unit for RocketParts; 0.5/unit for metal; it doesn't touch the cost of Ore.
>> density controls how many units fit into a liter. << (you probably already knew that)
SimpleConstruction! doesn't change the density, but it does lower the price of Metal (down to 0.5 from 14.24 in CRP) (am thinking of increasing this because of game balance). It does not change the cost of RocketParts which is set in CRP.
the only other thing that could be affecting this is the tank.cfg patch - which I will look at now. all looking okay. famous last words...
thank you. should be fixed when I push the next update, or I could just whisper @HebaruSan @HebaruSan @HebaruSan
@Ericwidon't quite understand what you are cooking here. However, I did look and found some other small, tiny, miniscule bugs and promptly had Val stomp on them!
the would be the recycler. I don't believe could use a stock part for it - well, maybe a docking port, or klaw....
but there might be one in Not So SimpleConstuction! (NSSC) or Keridian Dynamics - both of which are in queue to be updated.
@KerbMavwould you please go to the github repo and put in a feature request for this. Thank you!
@kennyc222thank you. credit goes to @MatterBeam@RealGecko@Ericwiand mostly to @taniwha!
I have stumbled across a simple addon mod (.dll) that might do this. will see. It has been shelved in the garage gathering dust - so will see when I get time. Right now it is getting out the door.