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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. I don't think so. Great mod - does one thing simply, elegantly and effectively. You might want to look at ODFC (On Demand Fuel Cells) (mine) - should still work and it should be getting an update soon™
  2. hmmm... line 282 of UPFMUtils.cs: GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("OhScrap/Plugins/Icon", false)); thing is - Icon.png is where it is supposed to be. unless it needs 'GameData/' or '.png' added. issue created.
  3. thanks - looking now. @jlcarneirokindly zip up your ksp.log file and pastebin it for me. funny - this beta has been around for some time - first time it was commented on. :eek:
  4. I wonder - with stock part volumes being a thing - if someone couldn't make a patch to divide volume by crew count to create a @PART[*]:HAS crew>0 just musing...
  5. Pushed out several prereleases out to CurseForge: 

    • for SimpleConstruction!

    and now working on updating:

    • Pteron
    • MoreHitchhikers.
    • and others

    see Patreon for updates!

  6. - TonkaJade 01 Jun 2021 for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.9.1] (because EL.version says so) DO A CLEAN INSTALL: DELETE EXISTING THEN RE-INSTALL WARNING: THIS WILL BE THE LAST RELEASE THAT INCLUDES THIS FILE: ghostparts.cfg minor housekeeping patch dusting (mostly removing construction dust (comments)) ELControlReferenceSC (ghostparts) has had its description updated to include the corrected text: "For those times where you need to switch control references quickly, such as doing a ventral landing. At the flick of an action button, this device will override your avionics and become your new fore and aft, with suitable indicators highlighting when active. At a second flick of the action button, the device will remove the override and the previous control reference will be active once again." please note: ELControlReferenceSC is going away. changed ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads .dll to 6.8.3 ScienceLabs.cfg v1.0.2.0 adjusted RESOURCE patches (presume part doesn't have any) tightened up patches @RESOURCE -> %RESOURCE ISRU.cfg tightened up patches thanks to @JadeofMaar Mono* to MonoProp FlowMode -> %FlowMode @RESOURCE -> %RESOURCE add tiny LF tank (fixes and closes #1) add tiny Oxidizer tank (fixes and closes #1) Back end add auto JSON update EL.version to match update automation to latest version start working with yaclog-KSP (thank you cineboxandrew!) updated Resources.cfg v1.0.1.5 thank you @Tonka Crash update 'ksparpicon' added abbreviation and hsp to Rocketparts and Metal updated unitCost for RocketParts from 1.0 -> 1.5 to match CRP added patch to update RocketParts IF CRP installed AlternateResourcePanel/Icons location (which lead to pushing an update to ARP) added Localization [en-us.cfg] thank you @Tonka Crash added #SimpleConstruction_RocketParts_abbv = RP added #SimpleConstruction_Metal_abbv = MTL GrapplingDevice.cfg v1.0.0.0 fixed B9TankTypes.cfg v1.0.1.0 added header/footer updated 'SCCombo/RocketParts/unitsPerVolume from 2 to 1 because it takes 50% of the tank, and 2 units per volume KPBS.cfg v1.0.1.0 added header/footer LaunchClamps.cfg add fix to all LaunchClamps removed CrewedPods.cfg v1.0.1.0 removed/cleaned old comments red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
  7. Pushed out several prereleases out to CurseForge: 

    • ScrapYard
    • Oh!Scrap
    • Komplexity
    • SimpleLogistics

    Currently working on for SimpleConstruction! and updating MoreHitchhikers.

  8. @Average joe thats not joeyes on both accounts. B9SP is high on my priority list to update. have some fine tooth combs all lined up. should see the parking lot that is my queue:
  9. it might be - but might just be easier to copy the part (and its artwork) from EL. KD needs some love. Soon™
  10. PS - have added a barebones wiki to the github repo.... any brave volunteers to flesh it out? @margonall the prices/densities are set in the Resources.cfg -- 1.5/unit for RocketParts; 0.5/unit for metal; it doesn't touch the cost of Ore. >> density controls how many units fit into a liter. << (you probably already knew that) SimpleConstruction! doesn't change the density, but it does lower the price of Metal (down to 0.5 from 14.24 in CRP) (am thinking of increasing this because of game balance). It does not change the cost of RocketParts which is set in CRP. the only other thing that could be affecting this is the tank.cfg patch - which I will look at now. all looking okay. famous last words... thank you. should be fixed when I push the next update, or I could just whisper @HebaruSan @HebaruSan @HebaruSan @Ericwidon't quite understand what you are cooking here. However, I did look and found some other small, tiny, miniscule bugs and promptly had Val stomp on them! the would be the recycler. I don't believe could use a stock part for it - well, maybe a docking port, or klaw.... but there might be one in Not So SimpleConstuction! (NSSC) or Keridian Dynamics - both of which are in queue to be updated. @KerbMavwould you please go to the github repo and put in a feature request for this. Thank you! @kennyc222thank you. credit goes to @MatterBeam@RealGecko@Ericwiand mostly to @taniwha! I have stumbled across a simple addon mod (.dll) that might do this. will see. It has been shelved in the garage gathering dust - so will see when I get time. Right now it is getting out the door.
  11. I think there is one in Keridian Dynamics (which is in my mod update queue - I have Adopted and the author has granted permission)
  12. you probably can't. that is why I strongly suggested reading the entire readme and thread. I also strongly recommend using CKAN.
  13. maybe the metal mice ate them? do you have a metal cat?
  14. try SimpleConstruction! ore-> metal -> rocketparts -> rockets read the entire, even though it uses the launchpad.dll, it replaces everything else - so don't replace EL on a live save unless you know what you are doing and backup your save first.
  15. that happens to all of us. my main game is >220 mods and at one point nearly 40,000 patches (now down to 17450ish) if I didn't have a SSD and SSDKeeper (software) my potato would be mashed! and then you really shouldn't see what other mods I have out there....
  16. :beta - Breaking up is easy Join release discussion Pe-release zer0Kerbal released this 28 May 2021 Version - Breaking up is easy Pre-Release 30 May 2021 Split patches into seperate files turn TrackingStation.cfg.O off by default include directions on how to enable TrackingStation.cfg.0 slight edits to documentation forum post created Tracking Station patch disabled by default to enable: copy GameData/KGEx/Komplexity/TrackingStation.cfg.0 to player patch folder such as GameData/MyGreatPatches/ and enable by removing the .0 so the file name is now red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
  17. Thank you. My Mod Tracker (based on @linuxgurugamer's) https://tinyurl.com/zer0KModTracker
  18. My Mod Tracker (based on @linuxgurugamer's)


  19. this is still pre-release; however the only real changes I see coming are splitting each building out of the one file into their own patch files with {TrackingStation.cfg.0} being set to off because even though it *seemingly* works, the levels don't display correctly in the VAB/SPH part information; and in mods like Antenna Helper. I was just going to release this into the wild, but want to wait a week to see if any balance suggestions come in.
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