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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. Version final countdown... zer0Kerbal released this 2 minutes ago Version - final countdown... DO A CLEAN INSTALL: DELETE EXISTING THEN RE-INSTALL download from Curseforge usual spring cleaning and automation update folder structure update to modern back-end automation resolves issue #6 Update recompile for KSP 1.12.x to .NET 4.7.2 to C# 9.0 to Version.tt [v2.0.0.0] correct changelog thank you to 7ranceaddic7 resolves #2 Update Patches to use :NEEDS:[ScrapYard]:FOR[ScrapYard] red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Kerbal Space Program 1.12.1 Unity 2019.2.2f1 .NET Framework 4.7.2 C# 9.0 Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
  2. name suggestion: workbench or even Bob's Workbench
  3. I have been intending to adopt both this and Fog. It is in the queue - but don't know the seriousness of the issues yet, so no promises.
  4. *sheepish grin* came about after someone () accidentally pressed the Kaboom! button in flight ---- and that ended that. I can see that - at the same time it seems to be one of the only ways to delete items from stock inventory. if it isn't debris - then it should disappear when you switch away away from physics rendering distance and come back.
  5. download it from: Version - MoarBooms! DO A CLEAN INSTALL: DELETE EXISTING THEN RE-INSTALL usual spring cleaning and automation GitHub .zip (release) does not contain the actual .dll; only Curseforge has it for now. update folder structure update to modern back-end automation resolves issue #6 Update recompile for KSP 1.12.x update to .NET 4.7.2 update to C# 9.0 renamed ModuleKaboom.cs to Kaboom.cs red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Kerbal Space Program 1.12.1 Unity 2019.2.2f1 .NET Framework 4.7.2 C# 9.0 Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
  6. I've heard back from @carmics- just forgot I had. I was going through old PM's on Curseforge and found it. Was from Jun of 2020. Paraphrased: sorry for my disappearance, profound changes coming and mostly will be redoing the parts from scratch. I've asked that someone be allowed to update and release the existing version. If I hear more - then will post more.
  7. might be a spell - have it compiled for 1.12.x (no errors or warnings) and it hangs the load at 'loading part upgrades' the code couldn't be simpler. looking into it. https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/Kaboom/issues/6
  8. it is both. both print parts to stock inventory. (at least according the forum threads)
  9. Moar! my theme song for launches... This (game) will never end because I want moar! Give me moar! give me moar! give me moar!
  10. Best way is to experiment in the VAB - not a great answer - but the best one I have. @taniwhaexplains it in the full manual (linked below)
  11. have you tried SimpleConstruction! the other choice might be using stock construction in concert with Sandcastles (which is in development)
  12. there is one - I just remember its name - I don't use it - but @linuxgurugamermight know.
  13. yes there is - just for mostly missing [] {} () - but it isn't wildly known, and it isn't mine - and so I don't know if I am permitted to say anything more. It doesn't fix anything - just spits out a log which you filter to find things and repair - then repeat until it finds nothing. Last time I used it - I had only about a dozen mods in my DEV/repo (haven't moved the rest) and it found several dozen issues, mainly with Keridian Dynamics - so I was pleased at finding those.
  14. depends on what you mean by code. If you are talking about a missing brace or so in a part.cfg - maybe. There is an addon for visual studio that helps with C code... However, @HebaruSanis correct, essentially no. everything is hand fixed by humans.
  15. I have decided to push KaboOom! up in the queue. not next, but sooner™. Current plan is to release a version for every version of KSP from 1.7.x to 1.12.x. Then I will go back and add features into the 1.12.x version.
  16. probably ^^^ this. Lanchpad.dll hasn't been updated. Once it has, I will release a new version. One word - will be putting the price of metal back to CRP standards (which is higher than it is now) Thank you! Credit goes to @taniwhafor Launchpad.dll, and @MatterBeam, @RealGecko, @Ericwi for creating and maintaining this mod before me. that sucks. goes with what I suspected. hopefully fixes / updates come soon. I will be watching.
  17. I've been >>>slowly<<< working on updating this. it is in the queue. except for idiot lights... they might not survive .
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