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Flush Foot

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Everything posted by Flush Foot

  1. Yakuzi, maybe I misunderstood the conversation before my message, (I did not see 'of take two' in Great Liao's message, stopping at "Nate will wind up CEO") but I was responding as if Nate was going 'all the way to the top'... I was not saying TT CEO is to blame for this/anything... In fact, either in this convo or another, I 'credited' TT for giving IG as much time as they did!
  2. And that "monthly / once per month" was missed in April
  3. I've never played Factorio, so I can't weigh in on that for you
  4. I could be wrong too, but I am pretty sure IG (and their predecessor Star Theory) never touched made changes to KSP 1's code.
  5. Yup! I watched it ~30 minutes after release yesterday (and am watching ObsidianAnt's "now")
  6. Uhh... Are you referring to when (I presume) Squad added a stock alarm clock function into KSP 1? [in a thread about IG / KSP 2's troubles]
  7. https://discord.com/channels/1039959585949237268/1039965578754007060/1235360830695145543 Dakota on Discord: “this server isn't going anywhere any time soon. same with the forums.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Vanamode’s response also mentioned “we don’t have any more information/answers than you guys” while @Scarecrow71’s secondary (if not actually primary) point was asking mods ‘why no damage control re: tempers flaring?’ (Though I do agree that “busy with our real/paying jobs” at least partly addressed both points)
  9. I’m not sure I spotted that distinction, but another one just struck me… - London closure: closing the studio and offering severance packages - Seattle closure: closing the office and cutting 70 jobs (roughly the number of people working on KSP 2) … no mention of severance?
  10. What Bloomberg actually said matches what we’ve known for ~24 hours: according to a notice filed with the Washington State Employment Security Department Monday. The notice revealed that Take-Two plans to close an office in Seattle and cut 70 jobs, or roughly the number of people who worked for Intercept Games. It does not provide any new details / confirmations that I can see…
  11. *sigh* Bloomberg article is just restating the same details we’ve been looking at for almost 24 hours: <quote> according to a noticefiled with the Washington State Employment Security Department Monday. The notice revealed that Take-Two plans to close an office in Seattle and cut 70 jobs, or roughly the number of people who worked for Intercept Games. </quote>
  12. Sorry @Scarecrow71... I take that back. It was "working" on the KSP 'home page' for me 20-30 minutes ago.
  13. It's working as well as the one in their Discord, which isn't well... last night something from January was suddenly 're-flagged' for no reason I could figure
  14. Absolute worst case, it might already be over (if they've "simply" been given 2 months of severance pay) And yes, I agree that as much as we're disappointed, we're not materially affected
  15. Date ON the WARN notice was actually Monday (Apr 29) and forums only started freaking out 'late' on Apr 30, though it is possible that T2 pushed the info to WA.gov on Apr 29 and WA.gov only published it 'late' yesterday.
  16. 33 y/o, but maybe a bit sheltered / different life experiences? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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