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Flush Foot

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Everything posted by Flush Foot

  1. Welcome to the ("tentative") pity-party [it started late-ish evening (North America) 30-April]
  2. I also would like to see that "we can't stop playing and are laughing so hard" version that was "advertised"
  3. GG to the devs… maybe/sadly not from the devs
  4. I will sleep tonight in the hope that this is the case, but I’m definitely starting to worry that endless “patience” and ‘trust’ might be coming to naught . Edit: I did not sleep well last night [had weird dreams of troubling forum-alerts being directly visible in my phone's notifications and so checked the forums around 3:30 am, and was then awake/reading it and then Reddit until close to 5 am ]
  5. Given that Mike’s comment was a week+ ago and the Washington State-Gov’t page showed “info registered yesterday*”, I don’t feel (myself anyways) as if Mike was dishonest, only that he maybe didn’t have the latest info. But yes please, more info plz!
  6. If this is the reason: then I’m both sad for you all and also upset for us
  7. Unless @Intercept Games are “burning the midnight oil”, I’d say we can safely assume guess that April 2024 will be free of any “once in a month” K.E.R.B. posts
  8. Even just picking them up and putting them back seems to undo fill-level changes (from my experience trying at the seaplanes, anyways)
  9. Is it not possible that she wrote two posts back to back and the forum merged them? 1) A reply. 2) Should stop pushing for jumbo patches ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Pretend item (3) moments later.
  10. @EvelynThe Dragon has urged the devs to do more regular, smaller hotfixes in other posts so no, I do not believe that was intended as a 'criticism' of you / your post. So it was a comment on the studio's apparent insistence on fewer, bigger patches.
  11. I agree, especially since we do now know that many electric-motors have crazy amounts of torque at their disposal <see: many EVs>
  12. Today is the last day of the month... K.E.R.B. today when? @Dakota Or is the UpNate the "April K.E.R.B."?
  13. That is actually something that terrifies me... if they were to make all scatter have collision, I'd probably give up landing / driving anywhere except the Minmus Flat (not Flats anymore because it's all one giant biome now )
  14. Sorry, but April 1 has already come and gone and they missed their opportunity to declare The Kraken a protected, endangered species that they were now legally obligated to protect and preserve
  15. Wouldn't it be closer to "without resources [or other limitations], KSP is only a sandbox experience"?
  16. And eventually I expect there should be a Science-only mode in KSP 2 that removes the “economy” for those who don’t enjoy it, such as @cocoscacao Indeed! It’s not like it’s <checks notes> rocket science /s
  17. @mattihase (On my work-PC, I cannot tell if that image is useful or not, nor if it survived the copy-paste... if not, just go back to the original post)
  18. Did you have the limited funding and choose to ignore Mission Control / available contracts?
  19. @Scarecrow71, what I think @steveman0 was saying in that [long] sentence was that it felt "out of place" for people to call IG's v1.0 vision of the game watered-down KSP1 (given the planned scope of having colonies, resources with automated routes, interstellar, etc.)
  20. @Dakota, @Nerdy_Mike I think that @chefsbrian's response is a very fair synopsis of many community-members feelings / experiences, if you'd like to give it a read.
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