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Flush Foot

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Everything posted by Flush Foot

  1. I could absolutely see them doing that "hack" for space-colonies (where the only causes for concern are collisions from failed docking-attempts) but I don't know if they could (or should?) do that for surface colonies as those could have structural failures if built improperly (too much weight too far from COG, for example) but maybe they could get around that by saying "we pre-simulate the structure for 3 local-days and there was no wobble, therefore it is 'fair' to weld it all together for performance-reasons"
  2. Hopefully later today? [I know the CMs did not promise anything today, only that last week "a non-colony dev update would come out 'Friday'", but one can always hope!]
  3. Thank you!! I knew I had heard "camp site" somewhere regarding colonies but couldn't remember precisely where/when. "experience will be whole"... <chin-stroking emoji> I really do hope that means "factory bits" required to produce resources at some set rate for use in a colony, even if not requiring explicit 'raw inputs' when v0.3 first drops!
  4. I was playing DSP fairly consistently within a week or two of EA going live. After ‘beating’ the game a while later (certainly did so in my second save, maybe also my first?) I may have set it aside for a little while (mostly for other games, not because I was bothered by it) but came back for any ‘notable’ updates. In fact, I was irked by the timing of DSP DF update being so close to both For Science! and Christmas travels (away from my PC) because it delayed my experience with both Dec updates. I alternated between both games off and on in Jan/Feb but had been consistently just KSP 2 until about a week/10-days ago (more travel, but also switching to very-modded KSP 1 after being in a discussion with someone on here).
  5. Bite your tongue! I thought DSP was “universally beloved”! (at least in the factory-builder fandom) I don’t even remember much in the way of catastrophic bugs (and even if there were, they pushed out patches quite frequently until things stabilized).
  6. And then remember to visit Settings > Input/Controls every time you launch the game so the adjusted-mapping reapplies. :-/ Kindly upvote the existing bug report for bindings
  7. Or even ‘footage of playtests’ of things like bug-testing, if not actually brand-new content, might be “entertaining” and “insightful” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Party pooper (Though yes, I know you "don't want to burst our bubble")
  9. Huh... interesting! I have literally no idea how they'd put two people "in command" of the same [initially] vessel, but maybe if 'their' agency's crew was in a commandable craft that splits off from the main vessel, they'd gain control over it... Same "problem" exists with docking your ship to a friend's station / base (who has control over what upon docking?), so it is something they'll have to figure out If the stratolaunch was via dropping the payload like a bomb / missile, whatever "docking to a station" logic they come up with could work if the crafts are launched separately on the ground but docked together before liftoff
  10. I went to do just that, only to discover that I'd already upvoted it
  11. Indeed! Happily we live in the former, not the latter
  12. And yes… I know this isn’t the Kerbolar system
  13. How about a couple of Sunspots captured at 20x optical zoom? And slow-mo footage into totality (but with filter on telescope, sadly does not show the corona we saw) Also, sorry for the jittering; fairly cheap telescope and it was quite breezy
  14. Don’t you want to safeguard your eyes so you can resume staring at our favourite little green friends after the show is over?
  15. I might move the milestone back 1-2 bodies, but otherwise I agree! Maybe the Minmus-landing mission could be that point where everyone reaches out to KASA, or perhaps it could be landing on Duna.
  16. So… secret recipe now has 12 herbs and spices?
  17. Don’t get me wrong… we would (I presume) all love it if v0.3 Colonies offered the refuelling-type ISRU/ore we had in KSP 1! The devs / roadmap have just been leading us to believe that we have to wait until Kerbals have had light from another star shine upon their faces before they unlock the mysteries of Resource extraction and so we’re trying to imagine (and/or guide) how the Devs see Colonies functioning in v0.3
  18. Oh… Fabrication-speed could also perhaps get a boost from Kerbals present onboard / in non-command spaces (2-, 4-, 8-, and 16-crew cabins) or else a productivity penalty for being uncrewed
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