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Everything posted by SofieBrink

  1. BCS has 2 different chute covers, a version with the integrated nose fairing, and one with a 1.25m attachment node, the shielded one should fit on there quite well.
  2. Sure, but what is stopping you from using the stock shielded port? I don’t particularly see why it shouldn’t work?
  3. Modifying the stock dockingport is most definetly out of scope, but if i may ask, what's stopping it from working?
  4. There isn’t any such patches in any recent version of Tundra, I’m not sure what @Damon is referring to in the patch notes
  5. That is what i’d been imagining as that is a common issue with people installing these pre-releases incorrectly, My guess now is that you’re missing one or more of the dependencies. But i cannot confirm nor deny this without your logfile. you can find it in the root ksp folder, usually right above or below the exe, a textfile named KSP.log Edit: by you saying all parts have this, it sounds like you’re at the very least missing B9PartSwitch
  6. That link is inaccessible but in all likelihood this is your issue: Oops, it seems like you downloaded SEP's repository directly and your mod is missing the plugin. There is nothing wrong with the mod, this is intended behavior. The latest updates are going to be dropped in pre-release format on: https://github.com/Kari1407/Starship-Expansion-Project/releases You can find the dev updates with the orange tag "Pre-Release"
  7. Wow this looks really awesome, the legs and fins should be no problem from my point of view, i’m more confused about the exact way the boosters would attach. Anyways, i’d be glad to help out where i can, the two folks above both already know how to reach me
  8. Couple things: firstly, wrong mod, this is the thread for SEP not SLE, Secondly, could you post some screenshots and your ksp.log? lastly, for support for the kos scripts, please join the discord and ask in the respective channel, we’re not the ones maintaining them.
  9. StockAutoCutDrogues This mod is a simple ModuleManager patch to add the ModuleAutoCutDrogue module from KSPCommunityPartModules to all the stock parachutes. This module automatically cuts deployed drogue chutes when main parachutes deploy, allowing for more realistic landings without requiring you to set up complicated action groups. Installation instructions - I strongly recommend installing via the CKAN mod manager for KSP. It will automatically handle all the dependencies. Set game compatibility to KSP v1.12.0 and later. Compatible with **1.12.3** and up - Available on [CKAN] Alternatively: - Download StockAutoCutDrogues from the github releases page or spacedock.; the StockAutoCutDrogues folder goes into GameData. Github Download SpaceDock download - Download and install all the dependencies listed below. Note some of them may have dependencies of their own. Dependencies: - Module Manager: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/50533-18x-112x-module-manager-423-july-03th-2023-fireworks-season/ - KSPCommunityPartModules: https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPCommunityPartModules/releases - Harmony KSP (needed for KSPCPM): https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP/releases Recommendations: - KSPCommunityFixes: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/204002-18-112-kspcommunityfixes-bugfixes-and-qol-tweaks/ Incompatibilities: - RealChute Created by @SofieBrink This mod is licensed MIT: LICENSE
  10. Yes! it’s all working now, you can grab the latest version on github if you can’t wait, a release is pending some small internal changes regarding the depth mask module, shouldn’t be too long!
  11. Heya, just wondering, is this intended for RSS/RO? If so ignore this comment But if its not, then a lot of the sizes for the Tundra Exploration parts are wrong, all 4 of the F9 tanks are specified as 3.75m when they're 2.5m, the Falcon 1 Parts are 2.5m when they're 1.25m. The Rodan and Gigan pods and trunks do not have any labels, same goes for both the F9 V1 and F9 B4/B5 engine cluster/ The solar panels for Gigan, and the panels for the Dysprosium and Gaira 1 parts in TT have 2.5 and 1.25m labels when they're surface attached. The Gigan nosecone is set to SRF when its (i believe) a 1.5m part. And the rideshare adapters are also 2.5m when they should be 1.25m. Hope this helps!
  12. 1. Nothing anymore, Dylan is no longer working on BCS, Zorg is. 2. An IVA is planned for after the full release
  13. Beta 7 is out with some small fixes & included craft files! DOWNLOAD Updated workflows to include the CraftFiles folder in the release zips. Updated internal .CKAN to install craft files Tweaked parachutes, no longer will you decelerate at 26g's when the chutes deploy! Rejoice! Adjusted Heatshield CoL to reduce self-inflicted oscillations during descent under chutes. Adjusted RCS Block to automatically use the OMACS with throttle. Adjusted RCS Block Description to make clear to users what the different thrusters are. Added UI Groups for BCS Modules and the 2 thruster types on the RCS Block. Updated CraftFiles to reflect these changes + a few other fixes (Yes we skipped Beta release 6, for reasons) No fancy screenshots from me for this one, that's above my paygrade. Be warned that the nice UI groups for the RCS Blocks won't show up if you have the PAWStockGroups setting of KSPCF enabled. I've spoken with the folks at KSPCF and there's a proposed solution but its unsure how long this will take.
  14. Well vessel type ship doesn’t convey either crew or remote control specifically, and as long as you leave the crew requirement for the ModuleCommand at 0 it’ll work the same
  15. Alright that one threw me for a second, I've just had a look and the reason it isn't working for you is that the module looks for a ModuleParachuteOr one inheriting it on the same part as itself. It cannot find these in your install. This seems to be due to Ferram Aerospace Research, which from a quick look, replaces any ModuleParachute with a RealChuteFAR that does not inherit from the stock module. I'll look into a solution to make it work in the future (you can follow that here) but for now there's nothing i can do for you. The only solution would be removing FAR but that's obviously not a real fix, just a bandaid with severe consequences. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, and apologies for not being much help! By the way, i want to thank you for your amazing bug reporting ethic, you consistently uploading all the logs and screenshots without prompting is absolutely fantastic!
  16. The latter is closest, its actually the mains that tell the drogues to cut programmatically. So when any main chute deploys, and Auto Cut Drogue is enabledit is by default all other chutes that are known to be drogues will be cut.
  17. Just looking at your log quickly it seems like the BCS DLL is simply not present. Just to verify, did you install the latest release, or did you clone the repository? If you're not certain, could you check if the BoringCrewServices folder in your gamedata has a Plugin folder and that it contains a BoringCrewServices.dll file?
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