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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. Wait, why does the end say it will be Indefinitely Delayed??? That doesn't sound good at all!
  2. ... It was supposed to be a twist on Well done... but... welp... er... heh... I screwed that up a little bit...
  3. Mell (heh, pun) done on rescuing your Merbals! Is this now going to be Whirligig World canon?
  4. 37 (+) Hey, don't leave the nerds behind or bad things will happen!
  5. Hey @Geonovast, what happened to the capsules? Have you gone back and recovered them yet?
  6. Bravo on the drawing, I can't draw that good! Looks good, can't wait to see more!
  7. Another 8 months later: Please sir, may I have some more?
  8. In addition, also try playing with CobaltWolf's BDB, it adds in a whole butt-ton of new things!
  9. Man, the ending one-liners just get better and better! Congrats to this month's winners!
  10. A grease-stained photocopy. Very Kerballic. Is that the right term?
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