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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. Probably not, like @DunaManiac said, unless it can be reproduced, it isnt a true Kraken.
  2. Asymetric control surfaces could be one problem, the control surfaces being upside down could be some of the problems. It doesn't sound like a trim issue, but nontheless, try to fine trim the plane using RB+LS in the roll direction. These all may help. Love the username, very unique.
  3. I am back to school. Its been a few weeks, or rather 2, but I will resume writing as I go back to hybrid. This week will be another Tues, Thurs and Friday week. I am saddened by the fact that we are back to hybrid, especially because the virus is very unlikely to affect anyone under 30, unless they have serious health problems. With that said, kids do get it, but it isn't typically as devastating. I am glad that we get to go back nontheless. I hate working from home, I end up doing half of my work and then taking a much needed nap, or playing Command and Conquer or Battlefield 2, or Stormworks. I actually got the pleasure to play with fellow forum user @Lewie in Stormworks. It was harder than I remember to fly. Even though I fly in Stormworks almost daily, mustve been the planes. Im suprised by how far this series has come. Its quite amazing actually. I would love to see it continue, and maybe even get TOTM (I bet I won't though). Thanks for being apart of this series, and I look forward to see yall on the forums, and I can't wait to share the rest of my first year in high school with yall.
  4. Its existed since 1.9 and has stayed since. Only time will tell man, could be either or. Or neither nor. Depends on how the devs see it. They may have done it on purpose, or it could have been rogue coding.
  5. Unfortuanately, you got me, Im back boys!! @Lewie, get back here dude.
  6. I think theyve done this as a patch to the no drag rotor glitch method of going to orbit. I could be wrong, but there has been a glitch/exploit wher you put rotors outside a fairing, then bring them in somehow, and the game is tricked into thinking it is at work inside the fairing, and no drag is produced from it. This sucks for Matt Lowne's Ring Station Designs. That means they won't work.
  7. Or Led Zepplin. I don't know why, but Jack Harlow's WHATS POPPIN' is stuck in my head, must be from a certain COD title's new additions..... Could be worse, it could be Queen. And the boys didn't vouch for you. Ouch, they aren't friends unless they help you out some. That mustve sucked, learning that years later, well, it is what it is I guess The cover is okay, not my favorite though, I rather the orginal song. We had to analyze I Am A Rock by Simon and Garfunkel, and my class was suprised to learn I knew that song. Simon and Garfunkel were better than most all modern artists can and will ever be. Play Call of Duty much? Orgin 12 user much? Toxic much?
  8. Flaming Phoenix, Phoenix, Eagle, Screaming Eagle, Flaming Eagle, Screaming Phoenix. My favorite of this list (applies to the red of duna) Red Phoenix. Department of Buildings?? In NYC
  9. Whats the fun in that? He could have somethig unused on that account....
  10. Your Opinion is invalid, it brought the science arm, and hinges, and props, but the other brought moar rocket parts and moar rocket sizes. But to answer the question, yes, BG is worth it 10000%
  11. Eay fix, delete your mods, then the game, backup the BHR file, and reinstall.
  12. Maybe, Mr. Reeves, maybe, but only NASA and SQUAD know for real

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mikenike


      You pic in the profile. The second one that is at the area where you follow members and msg them

    3. GuessingEveryDay


      Ah. Yeah, I kinda wish that was true. However, I am terrible with weather simulations.

    4. Mikenike


      Well, it wont kill you, or will it.

  13. Juicy, definetly going to follow this thread and looking forward to this storyline. Can't wait to see how it turns out for the crew. I'd have to say that stress and psychological breakdowns will be common there however. They have a long trip home if something goes bad, and an even lower chance of survival...
  14. Cause Moho is hard toho goho toho. Dres on the other hand is downright B-O-R-I-N-G, I mean its a scaled down Mun. I've gone a few times as a simulator for Moho probes and such, because they are quite alike. But other than having a colony, if you could call it that. Its quite large, however it is crewed by 3 Kerbs, all but 1 is a max security prisoner. They are in their own lander cans, and the guard has the only escape method, as well as keys. Guard rotations happen once an in game year. The arriving one spends 3 weeks on the surface with the leaving one, getting used to the prisoners, and all the systems. Each guard then goes to the station I have over Dres as a refueling/crew hub for long range, way out in deep space orbit type things. They then can return home on the craft I send every 6th month to resupply RCS and other materials, or they can remain as part of the QRF for the other guard should something happen. I have left a rover on Dres as well, it is a simple little one, with not much to it. I visited Dres on a high orbit once to show off some tourist what it was like over Dres, he paid me handsomely for it. I brought him back after his stint was up, he came in on a 6th month craft, and left just after the new year. It was more than what he wanted, however I wasn't about to send a craft right back after a few weeks to pick him up, just because you're a tourist doesn't mean that I will spend more funds than I have to, just to bring you home faster.
  15. No, I'm here. Go check out my blog in my signature, youmight like it. Keeping it on topic by asking @Deddly to come back and say hi, hello, how ya doin'
  16. I will unfortunately be taking a three week hiatus [snip] School has shut down due to the 10 positive tests we got, however only one has been officially declared as a real [snip]. They have also decided, as of me posting this, that school will be back to A nd B day when we return. All the positive tests were people at Halloween parties and etc. All info subject to change at this time. Will post more as week goes by and we get more info on proceeding forward.
  17. Its not written out, however it is widely expected and accepted. No game has never had a bug, in the history of gaming, ever. Even the big AAA gaame titles- COD, HALO, BF have bugs. So, yes, you did.
  18. Nope, you got me. @Lewie get over here.
  19. I've found the king of the 'roids No, your only crazy if you base jump off.
  20. Yeah, you have 171m/s in your probe, thats plenty to make it reverse orbits. Park it in a stable 100k by 105k orbit equatorally
  21. Mikenike


    I guess they tilted in and sideward and that was causing the most problems.
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