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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. Don't get me started. I have a TV a blu-ray player, a microwave with Orvile Reddenbacher, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, HBO. Unfortunately, my sister is the best at that noise....
  2. Part of the reason I'm doing this project
  3. Just for you buddy... Just for you...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mikenike


      Same concept

    3. adsii1970


      I'm not upset, don't get me wrong. I think it is great you want to share your experiences with others the way I rant about life on the college campus. And wow, do I have some things to share about this semester!


    4. Mikenike
  4. Hahaha. HodgeTwins podcast is better. It wastes time, and is hilarious as hell.
  5. Onlybecause he partied hard and flew harder. Well to start today's episode, I should probably say that the football game got pushed back to Saturday. Well, here I am, sitting in 1st period, in the Media Academic Center or library. Why anm I here one might ask. Well the class that my Civics teacher is in is a combination room split via partition, and it is occupied by testers for some unknown test. So I am sitting in this overstatement of a library, taking a 17 point Civics test on early America and its influences. I think I did good. So I submit it. So I log off the testing application, and get to researching what OS my chromebook is running off of. Turns out it is running off of an in-house OS from Google. So then I log into my safe haven, the venerable forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com I see that I have three notifications, two quotes, and one like. I looked at the quotes. Which were noting too important just @Columbia working on some recreations, and @adsii1970 explaining why the term "Cult Classic" is not an insult. We had a very awkward conversation for ELA. It was mostly silent. So now I'm in P.E and my friends think that I am working on ELA. even though I'm on here. So apparently, we had someone set something on fire in the building. My sources are saying that it occurred in the weld shop. FUN!!! Finally something actually happened. Well, band was freezing because we are outside because of COVID. Physical science was boring. Just an isotope review. That may or may not be the test. And here I am, screwing around during lunch.
  6. I know that, I was simply trying to be annoying. Yes, it is a complement, but most of the times you hear cult following or cult classic, it revolves around a stupid thing, like the FAD in MW3.
  7. Cult?? Cult?? Look there Mr. Jason, we are not a cult. The people who use the Uzi (Any COD title with it) and the LSAT with target finder(BO2), or the F2000(MW2) are cult-followers. We are devoted fans, not a cult worshiping the game that we love. We love the game, but we aren't cult followers here. If I considered Bloomberg Media as a cult, you would be in absolute outrage.
  8. Not with Xbox limitations. and If I tried serious part clipping, it would summon a new kraken just for that purpose. Stratenblitz attempted a 1 kiloton craft and he said he had himself a slideshow of it
  9. @michal.don, the point of the shuttle is to launch, land and turn back around in less than a month.
  10. Make it togglable. I want to launch a 5 kiloton craft to space, why, cause I can.
  11. Agreeing with @Geonovast, get both, if you can get both, go for KSP and go work some, mowing lawns and pulling weeds, its easy, and pays well as a first job. I made 20 from cutting lawns in like 1 hour. That can get you it easily. Rinse and repeat x2, then buy both. Not soon.
  12. 500 content posts!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mikenike


      2 Signatures, 2 profile pics, 11 followers, hundreds of questions, and hundreds answered.

    3. Dirkidirk
    4. The_Arcitect
  13. All right. Its 3rd period right now. First period is Civics as always, we had a stupid review for our unit. Second period we had to start on a presentation on Slides, so a discount owerpoint. It was hella boring, and it will probably be bland and boring. Well now I am typing this super short set of sentances, listening to Kendrick Lamar and Jay Rock's Hood Gon' Love It. I don't know why, but I am, so live with it. On a side note, I got my braces off yesterday. Fourth period, Band, where I play trumpet 1 and 2, was interesting. We are learning yet another song, and preping for our football game preformance. This game Thursday will mark my first High School football game. I am hyped, but I know that inspection will be hard. 5th perod physical science was about ions, and ion notes. Then it was over to lunch. Thats all so far. I also found out that the nearest JROTC group is at another school on the other side of town.
  14. Preformance is slower on Xbox, less common updates, laggier.
  15. I will start typing in 3rd period, which isn't too long from now. I may post the first 3 periods events and speculate the rest of the day and edit it at the end to have the rest of the day documented.
  16. @GuessingEveryDay, what if they are console, and thats why they want it implemented into the core game. I would love if we got mod support like in Space Engineers where you have a website that is like the steam workshop, and is directly connected to the workshop for craft files and various other things on the workshop. I'd like to see KerbalX.com do this for KSP, as it would be HUGE because we console players could share files for craft.
  17. Alright, a Kraken is replicatable, so try again. I would like part counts to this craft, as well as a picture. Is the rocket a single stack, or does it have boosters on the sides, if it has boosters on the side, then you probably need to strut the boosters to the craft. What was the error code? There is a list of all major Krakens that have been documented here. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Deep_Space_Kraken#Main_Krakens
  18. Glad to hear. Next edition coming out tommorow or tonight. I don't know yet.
  19. @Gargamel or @adsii1970, can we git this merged with the thread @kerbiloid mentions above.
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