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Everything posted by Emilius73

  1. I've always felt that stock Kerbal Space Program, along with tons of other mods, are lacking in one particular area. Solid Rocket Boosters. SRBs of different sizes are usually included in a larger parts pack, meaning I would need to install a massive pack for just a few parts! Sure, there's other SRB mods but they are either: 1. Small 2. Ugly 3. Old and abandoned 4. Not having what I need! So, if I can't find it, I'll make it! Introducing Kastor! Kastor is a mod that will add SRBs of all different shapes and sizes for any need you may have! In the future, I also plan on creating a system of modular boosters, with segments and engines. As I develop Kastor, I'll post my progress in this thread, and in the future when Kastor is closer to completion (or initial release), I'll open a release thread. When will Kastor come out? The current target (for the first release version) is 2021. Stay tuned!
  2. This is a known problem. Modded fairings don't work in 1.10. Also, 1.10.1 went live today. Here's one of the fixes regarding fairings: Fix ModuleProceduralFairing to allow mod override of base transform name and null check.
  3. While a pad could be made with Tweakscale and the VAB gizmos, I think it would be amazing if custom parts were made in the KSO's artstyle, maybe even using a different tower layout.
  4. I saw this topic being discussed in a post all the way back in 2013 and of course with the Modular Segmented SRBs mod. I'm thinking on developing a mod featuring all sorts of SRB parts, including these modular segments with engines. Now, I have much lower modding skill than linuxgurugamer and his advanced modular SRB system, so I got the idea (in the 2013 post) of making this simplified modular SRB system work like a liquid fuel stack, with the segments being caps and the motor nozzles acting as engines, with a custom resource (titled Solid Propellant or something), and replicating the characteristics of real SRBs (can't be stopped, thrust curve, blah blah blah). What do you think? Could it work?
  5. Me: sees a Benjee mod titled “Apollo Recreation Kit” Me: Oh my god! He made a Saturn V now! clicks on link lmao
  6. It'd also be super cool if @AlphaMensae agreed to make some Modular Launch Pads parts for the KSOS...
  7. Oh, I see. Also 40 ATMOSPHERES!? Holy sh*t! It works. Don't worry.
  8. Can someone explain the whole "ruby slippers" thing with Nara? I don't get it Or do I need to go to Nara to find out myself?
  9. Here's a suggestion for a future Restock update, I don't know if it could be done. Please add Dark variants to all the fuel tanks and fairings! It looks so badass! And for the engine shrouds! Please!
  10. After downloading this mod and trying to open the .zip file, I cannot open it, with Windows claiming it's "invalid". Are the zip downloads corrupted? Edit: Nevermind, I can open the files with 7-Zip
  11. Is there a way to change the planet scale of JNSQ? I'd love to play this in 10x scale? (10x the original Kerbin's scale, not 10x the JNSQ scale)
  12. For some reason, this doesn't work with the 2.5m and 3.75m fuel tanks from Restock... how can this be fixed?
  13. There was a config that adds the "Dark" fairing variant to larger fairings, where is it?
  14. SOCK + JNSQ = Bliss I've been working on a cinematic series and a Youtube channel with the Shuttle. Hope you enjoy.
  15. I mean, why not? If someone has bought the game they can download every version since 1.0. Why not release the old alpha/beta versions (0.7.3 to 0.90) to people that have bought the game? It'd be really cool if people could look back at the old days of KSP and have some nostalgia flow through them! The first version of KSP I played was 0.18.2 (the introduction of Eeloo), and I'd love to go back to take a look!
  16. I don't know if you'll be able to add these textures, but I'll suggest them anyway in the case you could. In early orbiters (Columbia and Challenger) the cockpit area and some areas on the sides of the payload bay were covered in white tiles instead of the blankets on newer shuttles. Here you can see Columbia's cockpit and payload bay And here's Challenger, with the tiles on the front as mentioned. And finally, here's Discovery with the blankets instead of the tiles. Now, the stock SOCK textures have the blankets on them, but I was wondering if it was possible to make textures of the cockpit and payload bay to have these extra tiles like on Challenger and Columbia. Could it be done, or is it too heavy of a modification?
  17. Yes, but I also use TUFX, which only works in DX11.
  18. I'm having a lot of flickering in 1.9.1, maybe has to do with the new DX11 single camera system, hope it can be fixed @linuxgurugamer
  19. It's a replica of the ACES suit, but I deleted it and can't find it anymore. Sorry Also @benjee10 does the switch to DDS textures affect how the custom shuttle names need to be made?
  20. What do you mean by "scale model"? I'm using JNSQ, EVE, Distant Object, Planetshine and TUFX with Zorg's configs.
  21. Use the SSMEs that come in reDIRECT and don’t forget to turn on fuel crossfeed in the tank’s decoupler
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