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Everything posted by pmborg

  1. Hello! @Kartoffelkuchen I am still working hard on the real specs, now it is also compatible with KSP1.10, but I am still working hard on it. Realism Overhaul Configs [WIP] But, while I was trying to identify the all dependencies for the versions that I have done of the real falcons VAB/Ships, I discovered an interesting dependency: There is a part in "KK's SpaceX Pack" mod, 'Launchers Pack/Rockets/SpaceX/KK_F9FT_landingLeg_rescaled/KK_F9FT_landingLeg_s/KK_SPX_F9LandingLeg_scaled' which have a dependency of "MoarFEConfigs" mod. Without it, this error is generated: [LOG 15:44:59.913] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Launchers Pack/Rockets/SpaceX/KK_F9FT_landingLeg_rescaled/KK_F9FT_landingLeg_s/KK_SPX_F9LandingLeg_scaled' [ERR 15:44:59.916] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'None' was not found. at System.Enum+EnumResult.SetFailure (System.Enum+ParseFailureKind failure, System.String failureMessageID, System.Object failureMessageFormatArgument) [0x00023] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 at System.Enum.TryParseEnum (System.Type enumType, System.String value, System.Boolean ignoreCase, System.Enum+EnumResult& parseResult) [0x0017a] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 at System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value, System.Boolean ignoreCase) [0x00010] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 at System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value) [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 at ConfigNode.ParseEnum (System.Type enumType, System.String vectorString) [0x00000] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at ConfigNode.ReadValue (System.Type fieldType, System.String value) [0x00516] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at ConfigNode.ReadObject (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node) [0x00143] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, System.Int32 pass, System.Boolean removeAfterUse) [0x0001a] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at PartLoader.ParsePart (UrlDir+UrlConfig urlConfig, ConfigNode node) [0x001a9] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext () [0x005cd] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 [ERR 15:44:59.916] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part Its not a fatal error only this part and some other parts are not loaded. But, maybe is better to add MoarFEConfigs of ( @linuxgurugamer) it as a CKAN dependency what do you think? To test this is very simple, just a pure direct installation from CKAN just with these folders at GameData: Kartoffelkuchen Launchers Pack SquadExpansion Squad and then to fix it install MoarFEConfigs and the problem is solved. I was testing this on KSP1.9.1 test bed, but probably in KSP1.10.1 have the same problem. Cheers
  2. ckan.exe ksp default auto ckan.exe repo add Kopernicus_BE http://glacialsoftware.net/CKAN/Kopernicus_BE.tar.gz ckan.exe update ckan.exe cache reset ckan.exe install --headless --allow-incompatible --no-recommends Kopernicus-BE This is what I use to install this Kopernicus dev branch on KSP 1.10.1, at the command line. If you want to force an upgrade just type: ckan.exe upgrade Kopernicus-BE maybe can be also useful for some of you!
  3. Hello, I updated the version on Dropbox, with all real performance for the Falcon Family Crafts: I added an image with the crafts: and an image of all Structure: Download RO configs For [KSP 1.9.1]
  4. For this mod exist, its easier if you install it via ckan: But nevertheless, I would say that if you want to use RealSolarSystem with RO and in KSP1.8.1 you should use the one for (KSP1.7.3, because there isn't ant version specific for 1.8.1) and in that case you need to install the version of this mod 5.3: Here the direct link: https://spacedock.info/mod/269/SpaceX Launch Vehicles/download/5.3 Which is quite old...
  5. Hello @N3N, in this link you can check which version is suitable for KSP version. https://spacedock.info/mod/269/SpaceX Launch Vehicles?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'> [CLICK on ChangeLog button] The RO that I have done is a kind on top of (RO+SpaceXLaunchVehicles) only for 1.9.1
  6. @Kartoffelkuchen Hello, Finally I have the Falcon 9 v1.2 Block:5 and all tools cfg ready to Cargo version and "Crew Dragon 2", the link in drop Box was updated. Download RO configs [KSP 1.9.1] There are several fix's adaptations: fix-KK_SpXCD_capsule.cfg fix-KK_SpXCD_Chutes.cfg fix-KK_SpXCD_drogueCover.cfg fix-KK_SpXCD_heatshield.cfg fix-KK_SpXCD_mainCover.cfg fix-largeSolarPanel-due-dragon2-missing-panels.cfg FixDroneShipFloat.cfg Pmborg_Real_9_Engines.cfg Pmborg_Real_9_Tanks.cfg Pmborg_Real_Engines.cfg Pmborg_Real_Tanks.cfg I have added an automatic installation script of all dependencies I hope it will make it easier...
  7. I think that odd and funny of the same time see the "Falcon 9 1.2 Blk:5" going home by him self, while "Dragon Crew 2" continue his Journey to ISS: -> Download RO configs [KSP 1.9.1] <- -> Separation Moment Direct LINK <-
  8. Always a good vision: Dragon 2 docked at ISS: I will update soon the link with the ships.
  9. HW Space Dragon 2 Realistic version (For Solar System) almost ready:
  10. Adding KOS to stabilize ISS Orbit in real position: clearscreen. PRINT "Keeping ISS in Real Orbit/Position:". UNTIL FALSE { // Real Position: LOCK STEERING TO HEADING(180, 90)+ R(0,0,0). wait 10. } PRINT "Free Orbit !".
  11. Next Stop will be Here: (ISS) Fixed the main solar panels inter-between distance, from the original model: "PMB ISS HT2 & TANTARES.craft" ISS added. I am locating ISS at Orbit: 408,757m (similar to real orbit: 408 x 418 km )
  12. Hey, Finally got the Droneship (I Still Love You) landing in a (smooth mode), full KOS: Vessel: https://kerbalx.com/pmborg/PMBT-SpaceX-Falcon-9-1_2-Block-5 Download RO configs [KSP 1.9.1] Adding the core-landing code for , for the last 8km, last 2 minutes: (This is a generic code that I use to land every where Mun, Moon, etc...) also land falcon on Droneship clearscreen. print "PhaseIII-Descending" at (0,0). runpath("boot/common.c"). set GM to mission_target:mu. //GM = 6.5138398*(10^10). (MUN) set thrust to 0. lock throttle to thrust. LIGHTS ON. // lights off RCS ON. print "@>5000km " at (20,0). if alt:radar > 5000000 //5000km { wait 1. set warp to 6. wait until alt:radar < 5000000. set warp to 0. wait 1. } print "@>1000km " at (20,0). if alt:radar > 1000000 //1000km { wait 1. set warp to 5. wait until alt:radar < 1000000. set warp to 0. wait 1. } //// ALT: 1000Km -> Max-Speed: 1000m/s set max to alt:radar / 1000. print "max speed: " + ROUND(max) at (0,5). print "@<1000km " at (20,0). until alt:radar < 1000000 { set r to altitude+1000000. set g to GM/(r)^2. set Vdown to (-1)*verticalspeed. set err to 1. set error to err*(Vdown-max). print "Vdown: " + ROUND(Vdown) at (0,2). if max+10 < Vdown { if maxthrust > 0 set thrust to error*((1000*SHIP:MASS*g)/maxthrust). } else { set thrust to 0. break. }. } set warp to 0. set max to 700. print "@>100km " at (20,0). UNLOCK STEERING. SET thrust TO 0.1. if altitude > 100000 //100km { steerToTarget(0, coreAdjustLatOffset, coreAdjustLngOffset). set warp to 3. set Vo to 0. until (Vo > 700 or altitude < 100000) { set vorbit to velocity:orbit. set Vox to vorbit:x. set Voy to vorbit:y. set Voz to vorbit:z. set Vo to ((Vox^2)+(Voy^2)+(Voz^2))^.5. wait 1. } set warp to 0. wait 1. } SAS OFF. RCS ON. set breakspeed to 1000. print "@<100km " at (20,0). SET x to 0. set err to 5. set t to 0. SET Vdown TO 1. until Vdown < 1 //or status = "LANDED" or status = "SPLASHED" { steerToTarget(85, 0, 0). // if alt:radar < 200000 // set max to 600. // if alt:radar < 100000 // set max to 550. if alt:radar < 100000 set max to 500. if alt:radar < 60000 { set max to 400. } if alt:radar < 30000 set max to 300. //if alt:radar < 20000 // set max to 200. if alt:radar < 8000 { set max to 100. UNLOCK STEERING. } if alt:radar < 4000 and x=0 { activateOneEngine(). set max to 50. set err to 1. set x to 1. } if alt:radar < 2000 { set max to 40. } if alt:radar < 1000 { set max to 20. } if alt:radar < 500 { GEAR ON. // retract gear if body:atm:height > 0 BRAKES ON. set max to 15. } if alt:radar < 400 { set max to 9. } if alt:radar < 300 { set max to 6. set SASMODE to "STABILITY". } if alt:radar < 200 { set max to 3. } if alt:radar < 150 { set max to 1. //6m/s //set max to 0.5. //m/s } set r to altitude + mission_target:radius. set g to GM/(r)^2. if (alt:radar > 5000) { set vorbit to ship:velocity:surface. //Surface!! set Vox to vorbit:x. set Voy to vorbit:y. set Voz to vorbit:z. set Vdown to ((Vox^2)+(Voy^2)+(Voz^2))^.5. } else set Vdown to (-1)*verticalspeed. set error to err*(Vdown-max). if alt:radar > 2500 //5000X 3000X { if max < ABS(Vdown) { if maxthrust > 0 and breakspeed > max { set t to error*((mass*g)/maxthrust). // t & Kn if t < 0.20 set thrust to 0.20. else set thrust to t. if (alt:radar > 5000) set breakspeed to max. } } else set thrust to 0. } else { if maxthrust > 0 set t to (error/5)*((mass*g)/maxthrust). if t < 0.20 set thrust to 0.20. else set thrust to t. if alt:radar < 200 and impactDist < 75 and x = 1 { print "(KISS mode)" at (0,24). set x to 2. set target TO LandingZone. unlock steering. SAS ON. wait 1. set sasmode TO "RETROGRADE". RCS ON. SET err TO 0.80. } } print "Vdown: " + ROUND(Vdown,1)+"m/s " at (0,3). print "alt:radar: "+ROUND(alt:radar)+"m " at (0,4). print "Next Max-Speed: " + ROUND(max) + "m/s " at (0,5). print "throttle: " + ROUND(thrust,2) + " " at (0,6). print "error: " + ROUND(error,1) + " " at (0,7). print "g: " + ROUND(g,2) + " " at (0,8). print "SHIP:MASS: " + ROUND(SHIP:MASS,3) + "t " at (0,9). print "thrust: " + ROUND(thrust,1) + "kN " at (0,10). print "maxthrust: " + ROUND(maxthrust,1) + "kN " at (0,11). print "t: " + ROUND(t,1) + " " at (0,12). print "x: " + x + " " at (0,13). if ADDONS:TR:AVAILABLE and ADDONS:TR:HASIMPACT { SET impactDist TO calcDistance(LATLNG(LandingTarget:LAT, LandingTarget:LNG), ADDONS:TR:IMPACTPOS). PRINT_STATUS (15). } } //wait 5. print vehicle_type+" has: "+status at (0,25). set thrust to 0. unlock steering. SAS ON. RCS ON. wait 10. RCS OFF. SAS OFF. BRAKES OFF. // Air Breaks off shutDownAllEngines(). //clearscreen. print "All engines, secure and shutdown" at (0,26).
  13. For Stock Kerbin Pe should be above 70km for Earth 140km (with Real Solar System)
  14. Hello, Falcon 9 now match closely the real telemetry! After tuning a little bit in the delta value o the pitch, to the launch gravity turn, and reduce the drag loses I got very similar value of a real falcon, very very similar with a real telemetry. Comparing all levels of altitude pith and speed, and several dozens of Launches. But to land, with accuracy, I really need the other gridfins (refereed before), because this ones almost useless... sorry to say, so I am about to do the final version of the falcon 9 1.2 (Block 5) LEO Cargo version The solution have ofc several files but here the Launch Core part: parameter FINAL_ORBIT. //Sample: 125000 or 150000 or 300000-- Set FINAL_ORBIT to your desired circular orbit set FINAL_ORBIT2 to FINAL_ORBIT. // For Phase-2 falcon stage-2 set FINAL_ORBIT to (FINAL_ORBIT/2). // For Phase-1 falcon stage-1 set thrust to 0. lock throttle to thrust. lock steering to up + R(0,0,180). set initialmass to mass. set Qmax to .5*1.2*(100.9^2). set Cd to .20075*.008. set r to altitude+BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):radius. //600000 (KERBIN) set GM to BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):mu. //GM = 3.5316*(10^12). (KERBIN) set g to GM/(r^2). set D to (mass*g)/Qmax. PRINT "Press [ENTER] to LAUNCH". set ch to terminal:input:getchar(). clearscreen. sas on. RCS ON. if status = "PRELAUNCH" { AG1 ON. //TOWER...! print "[0]-Counting down:". print "Falcon: v"+vehicle_type + " TRG: " + mission_target. FROM {local countdown is 5.} UNTIL countdown = 0 STEP {SET countdown to countdown - 1.} DO { PRINT "..." + countdown. WAIT 1. } print "Ignition...". set thrust to 1. //ENGINES... stage. wait 3. stage. // Liftoff... print "Liftoff...". } //Check if we have a BoosterStage: if stage:solidfuel > 0 { set BoosterStage to 1. }. if stage:solidfuel < 1 { set BoosterStage to 0. }. print "Check BoosterStage: " + BoosterStage. wait 3. clearscreen. set p0 to 1.223125. set e to 2.71828. set q to 0. print "[1]Launch: Falcon v"+vehicle_type + " " at (0,0). // + BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):radius print "Q-Max" at (0,1). print "Dynamic Pressure" at (0,2). print "q/Qmax" at (0,3). wait until alt:radar > 75. GEAR OFF. // LOOP1: UNTIL HALF Qmax until q > Qmax*.80 { set thrust to 1. set H to altitude/(-5000). set p to p0*(e^H). set r to altitude+BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):radius. //600000. set g to GM/(r^2). set Qmax to g/Cd. set q to .5*p*(verticalspeed^2). print ROUND(Qmax) at (20,1). print ROUND(q) at (20,2). print ROUND(q/Qmax*100,2)+ " % " at (20,3). wait 0.5. }. // Throttle is reduced to maintain a constant terminal velocity. print "Dynamic Pressure" at (0,3+4). PRINT "[2]Throttle down to reduce drag losses" at (0,0+4). print "Throttle" at (0,1+4). print "Q-Max" at (0,2+4). print "Dynamic Pressure" at (0,3+4). print "q/Qmax" at (0,4+4). print "Maxthrust: " at (0,5+4). print "delta: " at (0,6+4). set x to 0. until altitude > 30000 { set H to altitude/(-5000). set I to altitude/(15000). set delta to (1*(e^I)*(-1))*1.25. set p to p0*(e^H). set r to altitude+BODY(DEFAULT_KSC):radius. //600000. set g to GM/(r^2). set Qmax to g/Cd. set vsurf to velocity:surface. set Vsx to vsurf:x. set Vsy to vsurf:y. set Vsz to vsurf:z. set Vs2 to (Vsx^2)+(Vsy^2)+(Vsz^2). set q to .5*p*(vs2). set err to .002. set error to 1-err*(q-Qmax). if maxthrust > 0 { set Drag to ((Qmax*Cd*mass)/maxthrust). set Weight to (mass*g)/maxthrust. } else { set Drag to ((Qmax*Cd*mass)/0.01). set Weight to (mass*g)/0.01. } // S // NORTH ORINENTED:270 90 EST NORTH DW // N WEST SOUTH UP LOCK STEERING TO LOOKDIRUP(SHIP:SRFPROGRADE:VECTOR,SHIP:NORTH:VECTOR)+ Q(delta,0,180,0). set tThrust to (Drag+ Weight)*error. if tThrust < 0.875 set tThrust to 0.875. if tThrust > 1 set tThrust to 1. set thrust to tThrust. if altitude > 3000 and x < 1 { print "( Begin gravity turn )" at (0,7+4). set x to x+1. }. print ROUND(tThrust*100,1)+"% " at (20,1+4). print ROUND(Qmax)+ " " at (20,2+4). print ROUND(q)+ " " at (20,3+4). print ROUND((100*(q/Qmax)),2)+ "% " at (20,4+4). print ROUND(maxthrust)+ " " at (20,5+4). print ROUND(delta)+ " " at (20,6+4). wait 0.5. }. SAS OFF. clearscreen. PRINT "[3]--------------------------------------------"+vehicle_type. print "Burn: from 30km to " + FINAL_ORBIT*.001 + "Km Apogee". set thrust to 1. set x to 0. RCS OFF. //LOOP3: After 30,000m the effects of drag are minimal so thrust is set to 100%, Burn to desired 1st orbit altitude level until (apoapsis >= FINAL_ORBIT) or (velocity:orbit >= MECO1) { set I to altitude/(15000). set delta to 1*(e^I)*(-1)*1.25. if delta < (-50) { set delta to (-50). }. LOCK STEERING TO LOOKDIRUP(SHIP:SRFPROGRADE:VECTOR,SHIP:NORTH:VECTOR)+ Q(delta,-11,180,0). PRINT "mass: " + ROUND(mass)+" " at (0,3). PRINT "thrust: " + thrust+" " at (0,4). PRINT "apoapsis: " + ROUND(apoapsis)+" " at (0,5). PRINT "(FINAL_ORBIT): " + (FINAL_ORBIT)+" " at (0,6). PRINT "delta: " + ROUND(delta)+" " at (0,7). PRINT "VERTICALSPEED: " + ROUND(VERTICALSPEED)+" " at (0,8). wait 0.5. }. RCS ON. SAS OFF. AG2 ON. set thrust to 0. WAIT 1. clearscreen. PRINT "1-INITIAL ORBIT: "+FINAL_ORBIT+"km, Done!". PRINT "Press [ENTER] to CONFIRM STAGING!!!". set ch to terminal:input:getchar(). //SEND PROCESSOR ID TO BOOSTER -------------------------------------------- //PROCESSOR_MAINID //PROCESSOR_STAGE1 IF PROCESSOR_STAGE1:CONNECTION:SENDMESSAGE(127) { PRINT "PROCESSOR_STAGE1: Message sent!". wait 1. } UNTIL SHIP:MAXTHRUST <= 0 { stage. // same as hitting the spacebar. WAIT 3. } // Wait for thrust: UNTIL SHIP:MAXTHRUST > 0 { stage.// same as hitting the spacebar. PRINT "Stage: "+ stage:number.// activated - MAXTHRUST: "+SHIP:MAXTHRUST. WAIT 3.// pause half a second between stage attempts. } // Stage-2 Initial Slow Burn: UNLOCK STEERING. set thrust to 0.25. wait 3. // S/N W/E SET myDir TO HEADING(0, 90)+ R(22,-81,0). LOCK STEERING TO myDir. wait 5. set thrust to 1. RCS OFF. PRINT "PHASE I OPT - ORBIT: "+ FINAL_ORBIT2+" km". UNTIL periapsis > 0 and apoapsis < FINAL_ORBIT2 { set x to eta:apoapsis. PRINT "periapsis: " + ROUND(periapsis/1000,1)+" km " at (0,10). PRINT "eta:apoapsis: " + ROUND(eta:apoapsis,1)+" s " at (0,11). WAIT 1. set dx to eta:apoapsis. if dx > x break. } SET myDir TO HEADING(0, 90)+ R(22,-85,0). LOCK STEERING TO myDir. PRINT "PHASE II OPT - ORBIT: "+ FINAL_ORBIT2+" km". UNTIL (apoapsis >= FINAL_ORBIT2) { PRINT "periapsis: " + ROUND(periapsis/1000,1)+" km " at (0,10). PRINT "eta:apoapsis: " + ROUND(eta:apoapsis,1)+" s " at (0,11). WAIT 1. } UNLOCK STEERING. set thrust to 0. PRINT "Orbit insertion completed". WAIT 5.
  15. Hello, @linuxgurugamer If you want a comet, or force a comet in a save file, you can play the comet mission, it will be added if the size that you want In KSP 1.10 I always have a comet there. Yes that is true the value can be zero, but its like win a lottery have it with zero, so that's why I suspect that is part of some bug, or a force default value as it seams... About the REF, yes is true by bad, is on wiki more info: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Orbit, not OBJ. So in resume: IDENT appears when we install Kopernicus, and we save a file with it: RuntimeUtility.cs: orbit.AddValue("IDENT", UBI.GetUBI(body)); I was assuming in the begging a touch of Kopernicus is the problem now solved, removing the comet, on that old save ?
  16. Yes but the problem is the save game, is corrupted, for example LPE = 0, cant be. need to go now, catch you later...
  17. "Maybe" you have an "old addon" that is doing that corruption in the save game file, it seams that the old versions of KSP instead of IDENT, were using OBJ=#number and that number was a code to the central object in orbit, sample: ORBIT { SMA = 76875.4600066045 ECC = 0.136808532664149 INC = 32.6082297441138 LPE = 91.4665699628126 LAN = 305.802690796769 MNA = 0.556028537338098 EPH = 19189976.1161395 REF = 3 OBJ = 0 } Where 0 means Kerbol. Which is now IDENT=Sun I would say that now is just a matter of finding which addon is causing it, I would say that all related with Kupernicus are good candidates, but just guessing...
  18. Yes all my comets have it, is a mandatory attribute of an orbit definition. sample: ... ORBIT { SMA = 14510146109.909868 ECC = 0.072268052009404268 INC = 0.17273380632162127 LPE = 150.36950317684014 LAN = 271.72275194698381 MNA = 0.48202389435198006 EPH = 3762050381.8495355 REF = 0 IDENT = Sun } PART { name = PotatoRoid ...
  19. Hello @linuxgurugamer, I think that is strange why the Orbit don't have IDENT (orbit central object): { SMA = 630842177619.66125 ECC = 0.97469954410955661 INC = -9.688934326171875 LPE = 0 LAN = 144.62237548828125 MNA = -0.0064265099161463779 EPH = 6225711.4006192945 REF = 0 IDENT = Sun } Maybe the error is because of that? Still a bug anyway...
  20. Hello! The Dropbox was updated, with the *.cfg and the *.craft. After the takeoff, now the most complicated part, the vertical landing! Usually I record all attempts and so see all in detail ... So it is not with comments or explanations, maybe I will do later one video about how to use it and how it works. Uploading the video, with last smooth landing using my KOS code:
  21. Hello @Kartoffelkuchen SpaceX "Falcon 9 v1.2 Block 5", Landing... Now the landing if finally as expected, tomorrow I will try to upload a video/demo with my KOS code for auto/landing after Stage-2 Sep. Forgot to install "world stabilizer" mod, the rocket escaped from center, due KSP surface drag bugs. I am still not 100% happy because, I need to tweak the code to reduce a bit some undesired little shakes, on pitch 90º, which cause the rocket to shake a little bit about 3000m, but for sure is something that I will solve. Cheers!
  22. Hello, Today I am trying to use different grid-fins in order to try better results: New ones, from KervalReusabilityExpansion because of the DeployableAeroSurfaces addon:
  23. Hello @Icebo I updated the readme, for sure you are missing some dependencies referred there. Download Realism configs [KSP 1.9.1] @Dropbox\Kerbal\Pmborg-RealFalcons-v2\GameData\Pmborg-RealFalcons\ReadMe.txt I was updating also the Falcon 1.2 (Block 5) with the missing accelerators to do the math/calcs for retro-burn landing.
  24. @prestja Please Disregard! Found a solution to it, that needs to be added on this ship with (Real Solar System) So the solution is to add a resource empty (like an empty tank) to make it float: @PART[KK_SPX_ASDS]:FINAL { // Work for KSP 1.9.x @buoyancy = 4 // Work for KSP 1.8.x %RESOURCE { %name = LiquidFuel %amount = 0 %maxAmount = 10000000 %flowState = True %isTweakable = True %hideFlow = False %isVisible = True %flowMode = Both } }
  25. [1] I am working today on the code to land the Falcon on LandingZone. PRINT "PhaseII-Break:". RUNPATH( "boot/PhaseII-Break.c", mission_target ). PRINT "Falcon-Return:". RUNPATH( "boot/Falcon-Return.c"). print "Air Breaks on". BRAKES ON. PRINT"PhaseIII-Land:". RUNPATH( "boot/PhaseIII-Land.c" ). [2] I not sure how to solve the problem of having the DroneShip bellow water (on Kopernicus/Real Solar System) (KSP 1.9.1) I am not sure if @prestja can help
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