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Everything posted by pmborg

  1. Hello, I am not sure if you are referring to kks-spacex-pack or this new Realism Overhaul configs option (Pmborg-RealFalcons) mentioned by Kartoffelkuchen. Please note that this option, is only available in KSP 1.9.1 due some dependencies that don't exist in yet on KSP 1.10.x Welcome to forums, btw.
  2. Hello, All copies are in HardDisk so if computer is dead, due mother-board overheat (which is a very common problem in summer, specially in places without A/C to keep temp < 25º celcius) so all the data is still there. If you have steam all save files (by default) are also stored there. There is a very good software for that which is "Allway Sync" is free and do an intelligent delta copy of what you have with the backup in an external HD, directory defined by you, once a typically hard disk (magnetic) can live in average maximum 10years, so soon or latter will also die anyway...
  3. Hello @SPG, There isn't any problem with the mod of @TriggerAu, they just should do different things and sometimes that may cause confusion. [1] This image was taken, without turn-on the life support systems: Food is equal in both addons Water is equal in both addons Oxygen is equal in both addons Note: The electricity value in life Support Monitoring (means if I disconnet the nuclear reactor I will have those days of electricity) [2] When I turn on all the life support systems on board: The values change: The life support Monitoring values are like "stock values" (what you have if all support system stop) and the Alternate Resource Panel show the current real values with all the current recycle systems working in real time, which is more accurate: I hope it help to clarify. Cheers and welcome to forums!
  4. I think that this should be simple to replicate and is happening to everybody that will do the upgrade. Please try to uninstall this pack: Hangar GroundConstruction ConfigurableContainers 000_AT_Utils And install again in CKAN (latest) should be enouf to replicate this. Specially if Hangar 1st and then Ground Construction.
  5. Actually it seams simple, the problem seams to be the dependecy of Configurable Containers inside Ground. When I downloaded https://github.com/allista/ConfigurableContainers/releases/tag/v2.6.0 after install all of them in latest the problem was solved! Thanks to a hint from magic guru @Lisias
  6. ok no problem I will revert it back, until you fix it, enjoy your vacations! Cheers!
  7. As soon as I upgrade from: Hangar: 3.6.1 GroundConstruction: 2.6.4 ConfigurableContainers: 2.6.0 000_AT_Utils: 1.9.5 to: I will get this on loading: Actually this time the KSP dont boot just crash LOGS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qrmkw8sz30sgk3b/Desktop.zip?dl=0
  8. Hello, I was doing here VTOLS takeoff and landings... with that Ship, I will now upgrade it again and bring some new new fresh logs.
  9. Hello @allista ! Thank you once again from my side to fix the sliding problem in Hangars This new version might correct those 2 features... - But why now the Ground Assembly Line start with door open in editor ? and where is the button close it, disappeared? oopps :S I will need to revert back to last stable build then while this is happening. - Another-thing is that in the "Configurable Containers" that were resized previously (with last build), now appear with resize reset. Please let me know if possible if you are also experimenting this strange behaviors. Meanwhile I reverted back to last good pack, all working again ufff...: Hangar: 3.6.1 GroundConstruction: 2.6.4 ConfigurableContainers: 2.6.0 000_AT_Utils: 1.9.5
  10. I have good memory... Finally got the problem: I had reported this last year to @cybutek but curiosity made the cat, and I was wondering why this problem was there. In the end is a very simple thing file KerbalEngineer\VesselSimulator\Simulation.cs //stage.time = (stageTime < SECONDS_PER_DAY) ? stageTime : 0d; stage.time = stageTime; This was the cause and finally we can see times bigger than 24h I solved the problem for me but it would be nice to share the fix with the community!
  11. Besistes this one I will fix the other one (also already reported) in InterstelarSpace time for deltaV bigger than a day...
  12. Are you sure that this is a bug of KerbalEngineer? or a bug/particularity on this engine (which is the only one that lead to this behavior) and trigger this problem in KerbalEngineer? Actually the work-arround/fix can be just this one: Fix the KSP stability but this will just hide the problem.
  13. "there's something disabling TweakScale on that craft on @pmborg instalment, so perhaps this problem is related. " Hello @Lisias, This engines have a kinda dual behavior because above 8.000m +-, they become a super charged ones... Here on this image we can see tweakscale working well: the small engine and big engine:
  14. Hello @JadeOfMaar What @Lisias wanted to say about that duplicated button, is that once it was applied the Bad Bug appeared like here on this video: The duplcated that @Lisias mentioned is these ones (WJClosed ): MODULE { name = MultiModeEngine primaryEngineID = WJOpen secondaryEngineID = WJClosed } and MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = WJClosed But with the proposed fix: PART { // --- general parameters --- name = opt_sage module = Part author = K.Yeon, JadeOfMaar tags = opt mk2 deep sky magnet magneto surge plasma jet // --- asset parameters --- scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1 MODEL { model = OPT_Legacy/Parts/Engines/SAGE/OPT_J61 } // --- node definitions --- node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.17904, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 //node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4 // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = experimentalScience entryCost = 980000 cost = 34000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 title = OPT-E WarpJet "S.A.G.E." manufacturer = OPT Propulsion Science Division description = With the positive reception from the creation of S.U.R.G.E., demand was quickly raised for a compact and economical version for smaller spaceplanes. The wildly popular J-61 engine frame was chosen but some design considerations have made it inadequate in thick atmosphere. As a result, this was named the S.A.G.E (Stratosphere Accentuated (Undulating) Gauss Engine). // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 2.7 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 12 breakingForce = 400 breakingTorque = 600 maxTemp = 2700 emissiveConstant = 0.8 // engine nozzles are good at radiating. bulkheadProfiles = mk2, srf MODULE { name = MultiModeEngine primaryEngineID = WJOpen secondaryEngineID = WJClosed } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = WJOpen thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.03 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 250 heatProduction = 160 useEngineResponseTime = True engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.7 //0.1 engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.35 //0.25 useVelocityCurve = False flameoutEffectName = flameout powerEffectName = running_open engageEffectName = engage disengageEffectName = disengage spoolEffectName = running_turbine engineSpoolIdle = 0.05 engineSpoolTime = 1.0 EngineType = LiquidFuel exhaustDamageMultiplier = 200 exhaustDamageMaxRange = 10 PROPELLANT { name = ElectricCharge ratio = 3.1 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = IntakeAir ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { // Isp key = 0 300 key = 1 240 -22.22222 -12.72055 key = 10 190 -1.065011 0 } // Jet params atmChangeFlow = True useVelCurve = False useAtmCurve = True atmCurve { //Atm pressure vs thrust mult key = 0 1.5 0 0 key = 0.01 2 0 0 key = 0.1 2 0 -2.810402 key = 0.4 1.079561 -0.4394221 -0.4630589 key = 1 1 8.414095E-07 -0.2883541 key = 9 0 -0.1323353 0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = WJClosed enabled = false thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.01 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 375 heatProduction = 190 useVelocityCurve = False flameoutEffectName = flameout powerEffectName = running_closed engageEffectName = engage disengageEffectName = disengage engineSpoolIdle = 0.05 engineSpoolTime = 1.0 EngineType = Electric exhaustDamageMultiplier = 200 exhaustDamageMaxRange = 20 PROPELLANT { name = ElectricCharge ratio = 101.927 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = IntakeAir ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { // Isp key = 0.001 3000 key = 1 30 key = 1.05 0.001 0 0 } // Jet params // atmChangeFlow = True } MODULE { name = ModuleSurfaceFX thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0 fxMax = 0.6 maxDistance = 25 falloff = 2 thrustTransformName = thrustTransform } MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform gimbalResponseSpeed = 8 useGimbalResponseSpeed = true gimbalRangeXP = 10 gimbalRangeXN = 10 gimbalRangeYP = 0 gimbalRangeYN = 0 gimbalRangeZP = 0 gimbalRangeZN = 0 } EFFECTS { running_open { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 1 localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = Blaze modelName = OPT_Reconfig/FX2/SAGEBlaze transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.05 0 emission = 0.1 1 speed = 0 0.1 speed = 1 0.2 0.312365 0.312365 speed = 2 1 energy = 1.5 1 0 0 energy = 2 1.5 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = Stream1 modelName = OPT_Reconfig/FX2/SAGEStream transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.05 0 emission = 0.5 1 energy = 0 0.2 energy = 1 1 0 0 energy = 1.5 1 0 0 energy = 2 1.5 localPosition = 0.3, 0, 0 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = Stream2 modelName = OPT_Reconfig/FX2/SAGEStream transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.05 0 emission = 0.5 1 energy = 0 0.2 energy = 1 1 0 0 energy = 1.5 1 0 0 energy = 2 1.5 localPosition = -0.3, 0, 0 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = ShockPulse modelName = OPT_Reconfig/FX2/s2ShockPulse transformName = thrustTransform emission = 1.1 0 emission = 1.2 1 energy = 1.2 0.2 energy = 2 2 localPosition = 0, 0, 1 localScale = 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 } AUDIO { name = ramp channel = Ship clip = OPT_Legacy/Sounds/engine_1 volume = 0.5 0 volume = 1.5 1.5 pitch = 0.0 0.8 pitch = 0.5 1 pitch = 1.0 2.4 loop = true speed = 0.0 1 0 0 speed = 2.0 2 1.2 0 } AUDIO { name = scream channel = Ship clip = OPT_Legacy/Sounds/engine_2 volume = 1.2 0 0 0 volume = 2 0.5 0 0 pitch = 0.5 1.5 pitch = 1.5 1.7 pitch = 2 2.5 loop = true speed = 1.5 1 speed = 2 2 } } running_closed { MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = Blaze modelName = OPT_Reconfig/FX2/SAGEBlaze transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.05 0 emission = 0.1 1 speed = 0 0.1 speed = 1 0.2 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = Stream1 modelName = OPT_Reconfig/FX2/SAGEStream transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.05 0 emission = 0.5 1 energy = 0 0.2 energy = 1 0.75 0 0 speed = 0 1.5 speed = 1 2 localPosition = 0.3, 0, 0 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = Stream2 modelName = OPT_Reconfig/FX2/SAGEStream transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.05 0 emission = 0.5 1 energy = 0 0.2 energy = 1 0.75 0 0 speed = 0 1.5 speed = 1 2 localPosition = -0.3, 0, 0 } AUDIO { name = ramp channel = Ship clip = OPT_Legacy/Sounds/engine_1 volume = 0.5 0 volume = 1.5 1.5 pitch = 0.0 0.8 pitch = 0.5 1 pitch = 1.0 2.4 loop = true speed = 0.0 1 0 0 speed = 2.0 2 1.2 0 } AUDIO { name = scream channel = Ship clip = OPT_Legacy/Sounds/engine_2 volume = 1.2 0 0 0 volume = 2 0.5 0 0 pitch = 0.5 1.5 pitch = 1.5 1.7 pitch = 2 2.5 loop = true speed = 1.5 1 speed = 2 2 } } running_turbine { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = OPT_Legacy/Sounds/engine_1 volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.05 0.4 volume = 1.0 0.7 volume = 1.2 1.0 pitch = 0.0 0.5 pitch = 0.05 0.5 pitch = 0.5 2 pitch = 1.0 1 loop = true } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = OPT_Legacy/Sounds/seismiccharge volume = 0.5 pitch = 1.0 loop = false } } disengage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = OPT_Legacy/Sounds/seismiccharge volume = 0.35 pitch = 1.0 loop = false } } flameout { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 transformName = thrustTransform oneShot = true } AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_explosion_low volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } } MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = engine_light responseSpeed = 0.01 dependOnEngineState = True dependOnThrottle = True preferMultiMode = True // bind to the parent multimode module, not the actual engines. } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceIntake resourceName = IntakeAir checkForOxygen = True area = 0.002 intakeSpeed = 30 intakeTransformName = intake_transform machCurve { key = 3 1 0 0 key = 6 3 0 0 } } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir amount = 10 maxAmount = 10 } MODULE { name = ModuleLiftingSurface useInternalDragModel = False deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35 dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3 dragAtMinAoA = 2 } } All problems were solved.
  15. Hello @Lisias Thank you so much you got it right! Your proposed/fix solved all problems, no more huge logs that will crash KSP! No more B9 errors and so on... It looks more a kind of magic but hey am I am truly happy!!
  16. While nobody fix this I solved the problem recompiling KerbalEngineer and removing the spam: FILE: C:\Users\pedro\KerbalEngineer\KerbalEngineer\VesselSimulator\Simulation.cs This is just a Work-Around, for the stability problem, it's solved no more 1GB of log after some hours that kill KSP... But the real problem with the engine is there.
  17. But nevertheless its curious why this happening with this engine.
  18. Actually @FreeThinker the KerbalEngineer (from @cybutek) is spamming this (post/video above) and causing a severe problem in to KSP stability: [LOG 10:58:18.948] burnTime = Infinity [LOG 10:58:18.948] StepEndMass = NaN [LOG 10:58:19.098] RCS exceeded loop count [LOG 10:58:19.098] stageStartMass = NaN [LOG 10:58:19.098] burnTime = Infinity uninstall it, remove this spam.
  19. Thank you @JadeOfMaar I definitely will test/study your ideas (WarpJet MARGE and WarpJet FVT-L ) on this ship as alternatives/possibilities.
  20. Hello @FreeThinker I know that you have being busy with SolarSail and Persistent Thrust Extended but about the Kerbstein Fusion Drive, today I found the source of all those messages in log, and that eventually after 2 or 3 hours kill the KSP and Crash... because of this and also because the log become too big, due to this problem. ERRORS on log cause by Kerbstein Fusion Drive from KSPI. [LOG 23:23:47.946] stageStartMass = NaN [LOG 23:23:47.946] burnTime = Infinity [LOG 23:23:47.946] StepEndMass = NaN [LOG 23:23:47.947] RCS exceeded loop count [LOG 23:23:47.947] stageStartMass = NaN [LOG 23:23:47.947] burnTime = Infinity [LOG 23:23:47.947] StepEndMass = NaN [LOG 23:23:47.948] RCS exceeded loop count [LOG 23:23:47.948] stageStartMass = NaN [LOG 23:23:47.948] burnTime = Infinity [LOG 23:23:47.948] StepEndMass = NaN [LOG 23:23:47.949] RCS exceeded loop count When I remove the engine in the editor from the ship the spam of almost 100 messages per second stop. Any idea of what is causing this? Added a small video showing this behavior:
  21. What do you think @JadeOfMaar ? Correction the option 3 solve the problem!. I still wondering what this engine have so special that is the only one that don't work well with Scaling :S But with the option 3 all work well Thank you!
  22. Hello @Lisias, You can download the craft here: https://kerbalx.com/pmborg/Space3D-KSP110B And you can install all addons with this one shot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z9qp84i9soxrhes/Install-ALL.zip?dl=0 The version Space3D-KSP1.10C in addition to version B is that I added the parachutes to land on EVE.
  23. It's live now going to Mars: just a some minutes before liftoff @NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV:
  24. Hello @JadeOfMaar @Lisias! OP-1: If I use for example the engine OPT-E SCOOP Rocker "ARI-73": even with tweakscale it works without any problem. OP-2: Just removed the scale ones and add new ones (default size) no spam errors, the problem seams gone, but I need tweakscale Uploaded a video still processing the HD: @JadeOfMaar Trying now the op-3, wihtout: OPT_Other_VIsp.cfg_ OPT_SAGE_VIsp.cfg_ It's strange with this option, the error actually don't appear again, but the engines have power 0 kn! so don't take off.
  25. Updated: K:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\__LOCAL>type hack.cfg @PART[opt_sage]:FINAL { %RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { %amount = 1 %maxAmount = 1 } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { %PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { %ratio = 0 %DrawGauge = False } } K:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\__LOCAL> KSP is loading... The patch was applied: [LOG 13:09:04.176] Log started at 2020-07-30 13:09:04.176 [LOG 13:09:19.508] Checking Cache [LOG 13:09:21.755] SHA generated in 2.245s [LOG 13:09:21.755] SHA = 24-9F-2A-F4-54-C9-CC-B1-CD-18-D7-FB-08-8D-BE-73-39-72-64-E5-09-75-5B-09-21-2C-88-DC-43-5D-46-BA [LOG 13:09:23.343] Changes : Changed : __LOCAL/hack.cfg.cfg ... [LOG 13:10:04.892] Applying update __LOCAL/hack/@PART[opt_sage]:FINAL to OPT_Legacy/Parts/Engines/SAGE/OPT_SAGE.cfg/PART[opt_sage] [LOG 13:10:04.894] Done patching [LOG 13:10:04.895] Saving Cache [LOG 13:10:05.564] Saving cache [LOG 13:10:07.082] ModuleManager: 23486 patches applied ... [LOG 13:10:53.066] Config(@PART[opt_sage]:FINAL) __LOCAL/hack/@PART[opt_sage]:FINAL Unfortunately the error remains: [EXC 13:17:38.968] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ModuleEngines.UpdatePropellantGauge (Propellant p) (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0) ModuleEngines.UpdatePropellantStatus (System.Boolean doGauge) (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0) ModuleEngines.FixedUpdate () (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
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