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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Believe me it wasn't a screenshot, it was a pic from my phone, because real screenshots are broken while that thing is up. Oh darn it, I will test it tomorrow.
  2. Tests excecuted, no TLAs unfortunaly. So I changed FPS limit to 180, all textures and scenery to minimum, hopped into the save where the last TLA appered, loaded the ship I was working on aaand nothing. So I loaded my TLA test bench and fired these 40+ engines up. And again nothing, even I splashed it. @Lisias
  3. Starting the test. OpenGL: Off Mod list:
  4. Yeah, existing guides are confusing for new members, and the fact that you need third party services to do basic things confuse more the Newbies.
  5. I just realised, I forced OpenGL. Does that matter? Idk. But another interesting thing: You read that I took screenshots? Welp, something happended, I took 2 pics from KSP's own screenshot command (the F1) and 2 pics from the OneDrive client, and when I searched for them, the KSP ones were missing, and the OneDrive ones were taken, but showing the settings menu (?) that I entered earlier, when I took them when showing the test bench, Idk if its OpenGL doing things, but tomorrow I will test without OpenGL.
  6. I ran tests, with the mod list that caused the last crash. So I bulilt a "test bench" with 2 Clydesale SRBS, 22 Bobcat engines, 9 Twich engines, 8 Cheetah engines, 12 Skiff engines, 15 Mastodon engines, and a massive 5m Tundra Exploration Superheavy engine, (the one that has 27 nozzles) all straped to a poor single 2.5m RGU, then I popped a launch stand from Alpha Mensae and tested it in the runway, I enabled Infinite fuel cheats and fired that beast up, (yes I put FPS limit to 120, V-sync on, AeroFX at full, and texture render at full) my FPS instantly dropped from 15 to 1 FPS, I let it run for a while, but the game was still running. So I shut everything down, released the clamp and used VesselMover to move it to the ocean and let it splash while the beast was turned on. Engines running, SRBS burning, bench falling, Vessel spinning, and FPS droppin' When it was in the air the FPS was 3, and when it reached the water, it destoryed itself ofc, but when the water particles cleared, surprise, FPS bumped to 12 and no perciptible TLA was shown, later I will post pics and logs.
  7. AMD compatibility mode, its only there, and saved me for the 1.8.x + versions. ... @Dopester, do you have AMD compatibility mode enabled?
  8. Upload it on Google Drive or something and share the link (Pretty much like how to post logs)
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