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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Today i installed KSC Extended and saw what huge my facility is!!
  2. No creo que haya algo que deje que no pasen las notificaciones Y a mi en lo personal a veces son molestas pero la mayoria te recompensan
  3. I would like a mod that enhace aviation in KSP. Like systems like GPWS callouts, T-CAS and other sounds. Also there exists a mod that cause failures? I mean like engine fire or that stuff.
  4. Thanks but im new on CKAN and i dont know how to install .ckan files I should check the CKAN thread.
  5. Hello guys. I just cant install Airplane Plus properly. When i do it in manual way just the cargo cockpit is in there And just the prop engines and helicopter landing support And it has no sound from engines
  6. When i try to install it by the manual way it never works. So i came to KerbalX and it said that is avaible via CKAN. Then i came to CKAN and there is no avaible mod called Airplane Plus. Please say how to install it properly from manual way or explain why Airplane Plus isn´t in CKAN.
  7. Actually Yes. I just installed 20 mods from CKAN and this happended ._.
  8. Literally i scared too much and just take photo and close KSP inmideatly Here is the log via OneDrive https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8hXetK5C6gXLbuVcC
  9. Today i got a TweakScale Fatal Error mesagge box https://imgur.com/7Sw1DpP
  10. Hello guys i currently have a problem with tweakscale. i installed some mods from CKAN (like 20) and i started KSP and in the main menu a message box appeared that said Houston we have a problem! https://imgur.com/7Sw1DpP
  11. The dots are like a rank where you can see how many posts you have Which are specified in the text that 4x4 cheese cake sent
  12. Maybe your probe is too far enough to kerbin and getting no control You can fix this launching repeaters If that doesnt fix it you are having some other issue
  13. I think there is some kind of 0 exposure Looks like the pannel is having Light of the sun but doesnt recognize it just recognize that the sun is in there, but no producing light
  14. Here is an image if you can figurate out what is happening https://imgur.com/fibjxlB
  15. I think the B9 liquid fuel exixt but has separated of its file Hope this can help you.
  16. I have a kind of issue with HyperEdit When i go in Orbital Tab i put Velocity and put for example 100 m/s in prograde with HyperEdit When i click apply the vessel go to that speed, but i cant control it, a few seconds later the vessel just breaks but when i go to the KSC i have no sky, the textures of the buildings break too with some kind of Galaxy texture and when i go to Tracking station there is no solar system. Any ideas?
  17. You have messed up with HyperEdit or something like that? when i do it my vessels just become debris and it says landed on kerbin but they are at the sun. Also the textures breaks too
  18. I think that the prop engines you are using are not powerfull enough to make that beast to takeoff I recommend you empty all the fuel tanks and put alt + f12 infinite fuel hack Then see if its working, if not that means that your craft has something wrong
  19. Maybe your craft isnt close enough there is some problem with the tree or the arm Or the mods you are using
  20. It is a good idea... But the Physics range will be lower due to computer lag
  21. Umm that folder contains KAX not module manager, but i will do that you have said I think im a Dummy dumb actually But i started KSP and the ship now works I think that Near future mod killed my strut cube Thanks for helping me and for the quick answer.
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