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Everything posted by Clamp-o-Tron

  1. I personally think of monoprop as a hypergolic mixture too, and would prefer to stay in line with precedent. It could be a patch, though, if anybody actually wants it. Regarding hypergol proton: YES! I've always thought it was a bit op, especially if you just add another tank above s1. Switching to mono would help. This would also have a home in the upcoming bdb update for titan. Maybe @CobaltWolf @Jso @Zorg could take a look? But why?
  2. Nice to know for those of us waiting for restock/stable kopernicus. Also, nice LOK! And does no-one realise that the Soviets were very Kerbal? They could have called it lunar orbiter craft, but it's lunar orbiter kraft! (not to mention n1+ur-700) As for the engine mount thing: let's not pester @Beale about it, it's a lot of work to redo it, but do know that individual engines are better for the part faliure crowd to accuratly simulate failiures on independent turbopump structures.
  3. Some screenshots for 1.3 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bb1pijqbdufi8tt/AADNWkkWDz-vYIFEmKLjNKlha?dl=0 sorry for no eve or scatterer, I’ve been playing on a potato recently Anyone can use these if they want them.
  4. This is awesome! I was looking to make this myself, but this is much simpler and elegant than my solution. I can supply patches to give alternate versions of NFEx parts (best fit for beamed power I think)
  5. @Well could you make another variant of the pad, maybe a part switch, for the 4-booster variant of the Luciole? I use that config quite often for light Munar payloads in 2.7x. I would actually recommend that, with Knes parafoils for recovery, for all kinds of medium-light payloads.
  6. Now that I think about it, Jeb is a perfect fit for John Young. That would make Val Wally Schirra, Bill Pete Conrad, and Bob Harrison Schmitt. Makes PERFECT sense!
  7. This wasn’t really code... just lots of copy/pasting. (And I messed it up badly several times!)
  8. @JadeOfMaar agree in all counts, and I did know about mk-33. And also that traditional “rapier, some wings, and a fuel tank” won’t survive either, more like a new generation of giant mk3 two-stage-to-orbiters, like that space shuttle concept.
  9. @Souptime here’s a beta!!! (Sorry about the delay, IRL problems and distractions got me) https://github.com/Clamp-o-Tron/KSP-Decaying-Solar-Panels No release yet, I’ll make one when I can make a .zip, for now just ctrl-c the text in the file. If there are any problems/suggestions ping me. Actual release (w/thread) by Tuesday.
  10. is your friend. Hope you like it @SpaceGreer! @Well looks excellent as usual. I haven’t gotten a chance to try the new “small parts” update but screenies will come by Monday.
  11. An RBCC engine sounds amazing, and already powerful as a ram/scramjet combination. I have mixed feelings, however, about the inclusion of a rocket engine. It WOULD be cool, and it WOULD also be accurate to the real concept if it was a ducted rocket engine. It would, also, make high payload fraction JNSQ spaceplanes possible. Take that as you will with your vision for these engines. Finally, it is possible that including a rocket engine would cause this to be an easy solution, something that creates a plug-and-play approach to SSTOs not only by power, like stock-scale rapier, but also versatility. While combining three powerful modes in one admittedly large part may save on part count and mass, it might be too powerful. My opinion in the end is that this third mode would make an excellent addition to this, although I do have some reservations about how overpowered it might be. Just guessing that the power level of this and degree of absolutely insane aerospace stuff in it, it seems like a level or two below OPT. In my head, an RBCC sounds perfect. TL;DR: RBCC is cool, don’t make it too powerful.
  12. Yes, that’s what’s taking so much time. The patch @JadeOfMaar posted above works fine! Jade- while I have you pinged, can you take a look at the patch (https://github.com/Clamp-o-Tron/KSP-Decaying-Solar-Panels/tree/Commit-1). Your patch works fine, but my modification doesn’t and I’m not sure why.
  13. Lumpy gravity... HELL YEAH! Not going to happen though, it would just be another thing to micromanage.
  14. Fixing typos with stuff. Going well, maybe out soon??
  15. Judging how unlucky I’ve been, you might want to save your superlatives.
  16. Computer problems, making github commits from mobile is hard.
  17. New release is awesome. I was wondering, though, if the next could include a b9 methalox tank type, as only a few parts in weird sizes have it?
  18. Sorry @Souptime it won’t be done today. A problem popped up on my computer related to the way I patched the first problem. I did manage to get some good commits in though. Tomorrow?
  19. Thanks. I need a way to include all parts with moduleDeployableSolarPanel, while excluding a few that I specifically name in the cfg.
  20. @JadeOfMaar if I can catch you online- what does the "solarPanels?" mean? Is it an internal set of parts with moduleDeployableSolarPanel?
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