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Everything posted by Clamp-o-Tron

  1. Yo @JadeOfMaar- just thought of something. N2 and O2- propelled NTRs are definitely possible, and would make Minmus/ Mun ISRU much more rewarding instead of having to electrolyze water for H2, or make NH3. The exhaust velocity, and therefore Isp, and therefore thrust is very easy to figure out. I’ll start working on a PR to do this, but I’ve got a lot of stuff I’m working on right now. This is all assuming that b9 will let me do a 4th or fifth mode for those engines.
  2. I'm not sure what the incompatible modules are, but you're missing magicore, linked in the op. No problem- I made this mistake myself a few weeks ago with the exact same results. Perhaps @linuxgurugamer can put this in the op if this is such a common problem?
  3. I hate to be *that guy* but you need a license on this, as per the forum rules, even though this is just a texture. The suit looks good, though!
  4. Flipping on reentry is exactly right. Just my piloting skills though.
  5. @JadeOfMaar I’ve got a problem with the ore tanks missing the appropriate b9 tank types for ammonia, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc. Is this known to happen when, say, USI MKS is installed? That’s the only thing I have that seems likely to conflict, but I can send logs, modlist, screenshots etc. Thanks!
  6. I took a break today to weed out bugs on KSP and other stuff on my pc, but back to work tomorrow for tantares and some of bdb
  7. I'm sorry- reusable Shuttle-Agena? I see the paper (https://core.ac.uk/reader/80647720), but it includes no reference as far as I can tell for any reuse of the stage. Are you referring to maybe re-attachment of the Agena to shuttle after it boosts a payload, or some sort of heatshield for the main engine? If this is real, I'd love a source. The mid-70s shuttle stuff is very cool, a nice glimpse into an alternate timeline with decent NASA budgets and less cut corners pertaining to crew safety. Not straight out denying it seems like a pretty good sign that something is in the works. I would imagine it wouldn't be just a shuttle clone, since we have SOCK for that, but... EDIT: noticed I misread it, but as @GoldForest said, the massive scope of this update seems a bit strange. ...maybe??? Yeah, we're on to them. Or maybe @Zorg just got bored of cruelly denying us of Delta 4.
  8. Try this for deorbiting stuff: It means you'll have to put stations at above 300 or so km, but that's well within SOCK's capacity if you use the SSMEs to (nearly) circularize at 200 km. The ET will deorbit in a couple weeks, and you'll have to spend very little dV to get to a 350-km station. This also goes well with it:
  9. Custom fuels shouldn't cause lag issues. Check to see that everything else is working OK.
  10. I did it a bit differently, with Titov (V2) parts in the start node, Capella (Bumper) in tier 2. Your choice though. I forked your repo with some of the .cfgs I made. They rely on Spink's template, so I can change them if they don't match with the new syntax, or if they are not quite in agreement with the rest of the tree. I think I balanced them well, though.
  11. @Beetlecat I've done CNAR already. @theonegalen I got Tantares.
  12. Awesome! It's remarkable how much great new stuff has popped up here in the last few weeks. I'm excited for it all, but especially HIIA and HTV. This checks off another box in my "wish someone would do this" list, and it makes me want to model some commercial lunar landers!
  13. That comes with any of @Angel-125's WBI mods.
  14. BE-3 SL??? YEESS! Looking forward to New Shepard kitbashing!
  15. @SuicidalInsanity noticed a pretty funny typo... the Inline Oceanic Extractor is spelled "Oceamic"
  16. @theonegalen I'm finishing up knes, and I found a part (the small hab based on the mk 1 passenger module) that doesn't really fit anywhere. So I would suggest a new tier 6 or 7 node for "early habitation modules". I think it would give a good place for those kinds of parts that don't quite belong in short term hab, and aren't command modules. I do have knes almost done, and already have finished several of the smaller mods.
  17. You don’t really even have to do anything with the command line, it’s possible to just input stuff from the browser.
  18. A streamer who (I think) uses this mod. BTW, I have some small suggestions for movements of parts, particularly the small BG robotics, and maybe a separate branch for communications? Anyway, I’ve greatly expanded the scope of the patches I’m doing to basically anything I can find that adds parts and seems likely to be played alongside this. It might take a couple weeks of effort. @theonegalen, when you fork this, can you make a github for this so I can make a direct PR?
  19. Or visual mods if they are all promptly uninstalled, after which the game should be loaded with save again to check that it works.
  20. The problem is that on upscaled worlds, even JNSQ, a reasonable driving distance is the span of a few pixels in map view. Although I completely understand if this isn’t fixed, it’s not really a big problem.
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