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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. welp... i guess im going to try it tomorrow, spent too much time messing around with kerbal foundries and making giant rovers for whatever reason lol.... (also, im tired rn)
  2. ok, i will try it now also, with the 1.10 update, this mod will be very useful for moving million ton comets lol edit: turns out that to move a 1.3 million ton comet, you need more than just 24 NERVs... once its in kerbin orbit, then it means that i can literally make almost any craft, except for incredibly large crafts. *looks at giant ship from Beyond home planet pack* lol
  3. Sooo... when 1.10 came out, i wanted to see a lot of comets, and i saw a few comets on a sandbox save, i found three, within 1.5 years, then i waited..... a while, and nothing else.. and being the curious person i am, i went into the configs, and saw that theres a chance of a comet spawning for how many untracked objects there are, (i didnt change a thing, didnt know what they did)... therefore, my question is; if i just launch TONS of setinels, activate them, will i have a higher chance of getting comets? is it that comets are a set rarity regardless of whats going on?
  4. granted, but it just has better engines i wish for more planets in the stock ksp
  5. Granted but its an anti-joke i wish for an interstellar car lol
  6. why do i have a feeling that its HyperEdit? idk, im going to remove it and see if it works.. yep... it was hyperedit, it makes the planets use calculated SOIs, Ovok's soi is now 94km and am now able to orbit Ovok!
  7. Ok. Hm.. yes, that could be because of kopernicus. Also, I’m testing kopernicus, and I know there are a few bugs with it. I’m just testing it on a separate install lol.
  8. Granted, but it’s permanently stuck in the process of going away, so it doesn’t actually go away until electrons quantum tunnel approximatley 1,245,876 years into the future, when humanity has become an interuniversial civilization that uses quantum tunneling to traverse the voids between universes. i wish people were more patient with ksp2
  9. So, Ovok’s soi should be 94km and not 23km? also, I’m using the 1.9.1 kopernicus
  10. Yes, it does work with After Kerbin. also, how would I land on Ovok? It’s radius is 26km, but it’s soi is only 23km. When I tried landing I ended up inside of it by the time I entered its soi. The other moons are fine
  11. no tweakscale? is this a test to see how many cities will burn irl?
  12. I tested Byond Home, and it seemed to have no issue. but Rhode's oceans were black voids. the black voids were fixed when installing Eve and Scatterer. also, when i cheated a plane to Gateway before i downloaded EVE and Scatterer, it was nothing but a bottomless ocean, and a glitched atmosphere. i havent gone to gateway after getting the visual mods, but ill test it later. rn, im going to see if Extrasolar works
  13. huh.... i had no issue when i loaded it with the 1.9.1 kopernicus. though rhode's oceans were black voids. it was fixed when i got EVE and Scatterer.
  14. amazing mod! though it appears to have an issue with engines that have multiple modes, where one mode works fine with PT, but the other mode just doesnt work and just stops accelerating the ship. this is the engine on epstein mode. persistent thrust doesnt work for it, it just stops accelerating the craft. Persistent thrust does work with afterburn mode though
  15. probably going to send a solar sail out of the solar system as fast as possible
  16. I have two main saves; a Stock save, and a modded save. Im mostly playing the modded save Stock save: has literally no part mods, just soundtrack editor, Kerbal Engineer Redux, and hangar extender extended because the stock ships i build are still giant. has about 70 flights, currently has a cruiser going to Duna with tourists onboard and to rescue a kerbal in low duna orbit. has a giant space station, a giant colony ship. making a large fleet of ships in LKO to colonize Jool with over 50 crafts on several cargoships. finished off the tech tree after going to Eve. also, i have a crewed ion craft kinda stranded in solar orbit after flying by Dres going too fast for capture. i could use the massive colonial ship. but its probably a little low on fuel, and is also complete overkill, as the ion craft is only 50 tons and holds two kerbals, and the massive colonial ship is about 2000t and can hold upwards of 350 kerbals. Modded save: no idea how many of the mods i have counts as mods or just dependancies, but i have about 30(?) mods, currently have a large ship with the b9 HX parts, which still isnt as long as the massive colonial ship, but a LOT more massive. explored Eve, dropped a couple probes, which did suprisingly well. built a colony on Minmus with EL and Civillian Populations. built and launched a large ship. colonizing Duna. tried and failed at KSPIE power beams between Kerbin and Duna lol
  17. yes, i opened the EVE GUI to disable volumetric clouds to save on performance, should i directly edit it in the .cfg file>
  18. sooo... i just found a weird glitch. im not sure if i installed scatterer incorrectly, but every time i launch the game, duna gets a new DunaAtmoScatterBlue added... also, the scatteringexposure doesnt get saved? literally just that
  19. I have EVE, Scatterer, and Spectra v1.2.2, and im going to update to spectra v1.3.3, should duna be blue?
  20. you kinda dont want a storm to suddenly appear and destroy the most expensive rocket you have been working on
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