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Everything posted by BSS_Snag

  1. It's a known issue with ksp community fixes mod. The mod fixes a code issue that persistent rotation relied on to work. We are now waiting for @linuxgurugamer to come along and rework the code. In the meantime you will have to downgrade ksp community fixes if you want persistent rotation to work properly
  2. That's something on your end. Post some logs or double check it's installed correctly
  3. Well then, follow the steps its tells you to do so that you can report the issue. Otherwise no one can help you
  4. In the meantime since my first post, i went and made my own. If you want i can dm you the waterfall patch and part cfgs if you want to use them yourself
  5. Some parts have more than one decoupler module, So for example the Saturn V SIVB Payload pay has a secondary decoupler inside. That is triggered by right clicking on the part in the PAW and triggering it there.
  6. @KeaKaka Ie the waterfall patch deletes the stock EFFECT but the new EFFECT mdule isnt being applied at all. Only the waterfall plumes get patched in. The waterfall patch and some part cfgs are here Edit: Redid the waterfall modules a different way, along with rejigging the actual part cfgs. (thanks BDB) and managed to get those working with sounds. Now onto the rcs, which of course have the same issue, with sounds not being applied from the waterfall patch lol.
  7. @BealeI know this mod is feature complete, but can i request a waterfall patch?
  8. Messing around with waterfall patches in my sparetime, how do you apply engine sounds along with the plumes? The plumes and templates work from the waterfall patch, but from the same patch the engine effects do not working and leave the rocket engine soundless. Part.cfg and waterfall patch cfg here These are modifications im playing with originating from Beale's GemstoneLV and mcdouble's H2 Does anyone know what i've done wrong? Imagine me as a monkey given a hammer to fix a lightbulb
  9. Decal set which is Russian pizzahut style sponsors all over the capsule
  10. Nice to know that the issue is just as simple with FAR not playing nice with others. FAR is FAR, rockets still go up. Got into the habit after going through the same steps with Lisias tweakscale, because I had to test a hot fix and also just it's very helpful for modders Edit Sorry for the slow response times forums connection being extra spicy today
  11. How close? I know how fast i run, but i don't now the rate that it gets closer....
  12. Fair enough then. In that case its not working on my end. All dependencies are up to date,Auto cut is active in the PAW but the BCS drogues wont autocut, They still stick around after the mains fully deploy. (Airbags and shields work perfectly tho). Did a test flight below Images Logs
  13. How is the auto cut drogue supposed to work? Do i have to have the drogue and mains in the same stage for the module to activate? Or should the drogues just detect the deployment of the mains and cut?
  14. Cloned, gimme a sec.... Ah yep it was from the repo files, which didn't have the plugin file in gamedata. The beta release does, problem Fixed PEBKAC
  15. Im getting an issue where the airbags deploy with no options to auto arm deploy appearing in the right click menu for both the main capsule and the extra airbag. Nothing also appears in actions groups along with the heat-shield as well, Playing on the latest github release Images Logs Solved, Instantiation error
  16. All good, will a hatch so the kerbals leave the capsule update along when a IVA gets added waydown the track? Current one must be painted on due to budget cuts in the boring crew services program
  17. One main thing i had occur was the parachute cover sticking around after discarding on parachute deployment. And those parachutes to seem to slow down the craft a fair amount, 3.5m/s. While faster than IRL it visually looks slow for KSP standards. Maybe give the chute aero cover a bit more oomph on discard?
  18. o7 ----- POST EDIT----- Ping! @Lisias Started up the backup instance with waterfall 0.10.1 and the above release VAB and checking the parts that triggered the error spam in the console And no error now, even scaled up and down the Prometheus srb nosecone in question, and tried it with a similar part as well from BDB again. The change you have made "seems" to have worked some magic but of course logs are here
  19. Good to see that the issue is not my duct taped held together instance of KSP or something directly Companion wise. Easy to revert back to Waterfall 0.9. In other news what is the pesky revert to launch one you are talking about?
  20. The dll is present i believe https://imgur.com/a/YIGNFHU waterfall did also have an update to 0.10.1 as well recently, so it could be a mixmash of things
  21. Wasup, "Back at it again at Krispy Kreme" Got a new error log spam occurring after BDB's 1.14 release. It talks about a tweakscale.dll not being applied/found for the Prometheus SRB nosecone. Considering that BDB 1.14 is pretty new, im thinking something borked and now the uberpacket doesn't like the part now. Log dump of course is here
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