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Everything posted by BSS_Snag

  1. @AlphaMensae I already left a message on GitHub, but could I request for a modified rectangular hole option on the Saturn V base? The current ones have the grid on the ends which doesn't really work with this rocket. Also, potentially having some umbilicals that fit the H03 from Eyes Turned Skyward, parts of course from BDB?
  2. Getting support for Habtech2 would be good, The dev version is bringing in a lot of greebles that all clump together, along with all the different types of station parts.
  3. Looks like a revamp for this mod is in the works. Looks like balancing changes along with updated part models so far
  4. Yeah i Saw that and grabbed them a while ago now. Thanks
  5. The owner still haunts the forums, but they haven't released anything related to any of their other mods since august last year. Would be nice to put this up for adoption if they don't want to continue it. @DylanSemrau This is the Mod Protective Services, please release custody of Boring Crew Services
  6. Thanks for replying anyway, i might remove FAR and see what happens before moving forward. Thanks for even looking at the spaghetti of the modded ksp that i have running (EDIT) Looks like it could issue somewhere in FAR (Like you hinted) as removing it fixed the problem. Might go pester them sometime about it
  7. @stupid_chrisHaving an issue with some chutes from a mod deciding not to act as parachutes. The chutes work correctly when in the semi-deployed state, but when deployed they stop slowing the craft down and the craft accelerates towards the ground. Here's the ksp.log here. Also here are the part.cfgs here in case its something related to that and/or some interaction with realchute https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_r7LniV-rGwqOTE1emBr9IIiZUThlo4y/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gjyd6DdJU_ifhf1u8EDiHnpMYmOubJMC/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xgMqpA5zOjg1r6xzhicwbMVfYDQz07ZJ/view?usp=sharing The mod is https://spacedock.info/mod/3649/SSAUCE
  8. Yippee! May I request some bug bashing help please? KSP Hangs and doesn't pass loading KSP Burst Compiler Ksp.log, MMPatch.log and ModuleManager.log here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rSpr37j5Yk7qwPtE-b2rvy-3d06IpStc/view?usp=sharing edit : Downgrading Universal Storage 2 back down to seemed to fix the issue.
  9. I think So, has the pod has a slightly different shape to the one in knes, Ill boot up ksp and attach a screenshot in a sec @JonnyOThan Here Ya go https://imgur.com/a/izoeVFs
  10. Can i request FreeIVA for https://spacedock.info/mod/3649/SSAUCE It adds a newer looking model of the MRK seen also in Knes, but in higher quality textures
  11. @MATVEICH_YT Could you please but this up for adoption if you're personally done with it? This is the Only H2 and H3 mod we got and the Le9 engines are still missing sounds
  12. Provide a ksp.log and craft file here for @Kochi to look at. He cant do much to solve the problem without them
  13. That mod is dead, i think i dmed the author a month ago asking the same thing. No download links work and AtomTech who was taking over has left it as well
  14. Yeah 502 errors constantly for a week or so now, Just have to spam refresh the page to hopefully get a connection once every 10 mins or so. Lucky to even type this comment
  15. It is nice to have srb plumes working again, However unlike most engines with waterfall configs, this one does not have the rocket plume expansion as you loose atmospheric pressure. The srb plume does change but it doesn't get the expansion you would expect to see, so it stands out against other mods's waterfall plumes. https://imgur.com/a/kfKmVgl ^ See above the SLS SRB plumes at ASL and at Separation. Other than this issue its great to have srb plumes working again. @Kochi Edit: Ignore the above, Rocket plume expansion does exist, i just stupidly tested with an atmospheric srb
  16. Yes, as the the plumes behave semi-realistically now.
  17. @Kochi when reading the installation instructions off github, it tells you to remove realplume, but in the readme.md its says the mod require realplume. You might want to clarify https://imgur.com/a/IwAWKCR
  18. Will Do later today. (I need sleep. Clock just went past midnight here), i should have specified in the original comment I am using the dev branch of HABTECH2 off GitHub.
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