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Everything posted by Entropian

  1. I just did; the bug is still there, and the rings are buggy as well: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wp3f4wz71xs8ysf/Buggy atmosphere 3.PNG?dl=0 Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/221v8oprmj60sm0/Player.log?dl=0 Could the problem be with RVE64k?
  2. I ran out of fuel literally as I landed. I forgot to mention that it has ISRU capabilities. It's also an SSTO.
  3. I think 1) is the cheapest burn. I think you mean going from Kerbin to the Mun. I think both are pretty much equal in dV. 1) and 2) both are practically the same thing because the Mun is tidally locked. 3) is really inconvenient because you have to land on a specific point on the Mun. Doesn't really matter except for gravitational assists, as far as I know.
  4. You also can open the PAW for a part and there should be a button for "Aim Camera," which will center your view on the part.
  5. What OS are you using? Did you buy it from Steam or the KSP Store? If the OS is Windows, and you bought it from the store, it likely downloaded into DRIVE:\ Kerbal Space Program. Just copy it out and put it on an external drive. If you bought it from Steam, go to (DRIVE:)\ Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program. Copy it out and put it on an external drive. Plug in the external drive into the new computer and copy it out into pretty much any folder you want. (I prefer my (DRIVE:); it's easier to access)
  6. Ok, I installed 0.0621c and still got the same bug. Photo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f63p5y8bncoho3a/Buggy atmosphere 2.PNG?dl=0 Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/221v8oprmj60sm0/Player.log?dl=0 Thanks to both of you for your time and help; I understand that this can be really tedious and annoying. EDIT: Just realized the output_log is for the incorrect instance. Link removed.
  7. Not for me, I extract it properly. Try installing RSS, your version of EVE, RVE64k, and Scatterer. The issue should appear on any planet with an atmosphere except for Earth.
  8. Ok, I'm reporting the same white atmosphere bug in 1.9.1. I'm using @R-T-B's 1.9.1 version of EVE and Scatterer 0.0621b and I get this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qudtoe55f5q1tl/Buggy atmosphere.PNG?dl=0 Log files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/setczljb69wtv8y/Player.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/0hx0sr1tkc6vsu0/output_log.txt?dl=0 I'm using EVE, Scatterer, RVE64k, and RSS. Just go to any planet (except Earth) with an atmosphere and the bug will appear.
  9. Ok, I fired up RSS in 1.9.1 and I got this. Relevent (probably) mods: RVE64k, EVE, Scatterer. I don't know if this is EVE or Scatterer so I'm posting this here and in the Scatterer thread.
  10. Log file? A video of the phenomenon perhaps?
  11. Totally not on the moon. Go to the gas giants if you want He3. Lunar mining is really inefficient. Even if you only produced a few dozen crystals a year, you would still be rolling in cash. Single crystal yttrium barium copper oxide is a good example. You can get insane current density with single crystals, which would be groundbreaking for superconducting magnetic confinement fusion devices. Scientists have produced something like a 1cm single crystal for YBCO, but when stacked the crystal joints cause a huge current density loss.
  12. Woah, you really think so? What about asteroid mining, He3 scooping, and 0g crystal growth? (seriously, 0g crystal growth would be extremely profitable)
  13. Looks like they installed Textures Unlimited on SN8!
  14. Nice! Does this fix the white/transparent atmosphere bug in 1.9.1?
  15. No. It would violate the license and rule 2.2a, as far as I know. Many, many threads have been made about this mod and its unavailability.
  16. Is this while timewarping? If so, it's been around for ages and it doesn't seem likely that it will get fixed.
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