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Everything posted by Cyne

  1. I'm pretty sure Take Two has nothing to do with this, just how ambitious the game is
  2. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined but, it's understandable. Still wishing for a beta release somewhere in 2021 though since KSP1 is a bunch of spaghetti code and it's getting old. I'd much rather have a clean and polished game then something that is half finished.
  3. Although this feels like something that should have been added versions ago and I'm still looking for performance improvements rather then new parts, great work!
  4. Holy crap, been following this thread for a while now. Great to see!
  5. This is an extremely underrated mod, for sure putting this one into my gamedata!
  6. Dang, looks promising! I've ran out of fun planet packs to play in so I'm going to give this one a go
  7. Even though I'm not a veteran, if I was offered KSP2 for free I would probably still end up buying it anyways at some point* *If I had the money
  8. *Hopefully* there won't be *that* many game breaking krakens in ksp2
  9. I'm burning out on ksp a little, really looking forwards to this so that I can get back to the game!
  10. Flea + MK1 Pod + Parachute + Fins Forget to check my staging and launch with engines and parachute deploying at the same time
  11. Looks amazing, wow!
  12. I'm a supporter of any mod that adds extra star systems and hot dang. I love this!
  13. Is there any way to move the Mechjeb's drop down menu in flight from it's default position? By default, it's on top of the fuel tab and it's incredibly annoying
  14. Ah, yeah it does kinda look like a Sandworm! And yeah the sarlacc did live in a pit, just the *thing* reminded me of a sarlacc lol
  15. I personally don't care about new content and stuff - Mods already satisfy my needs. What I DO care about however, is performance and bugs. With every update, something gets broken
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