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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. These parts are all KIS related and they do not natively have the ability to be put into Stock Inventory. The second "seat" inventory is also part of KIS. There is a mod called KIFA that adds ModuleCargoPart to parts that do not work with stock inventory that will allow you to add them.
  2. South Hope is an Airport in the Kerbin Side mod by GER_Space. This mod is for Kerbin Side Remastered by Eskandare. The original Kerbin Side Gap by Keniamin has KramaxAutoPilot flightplan defintions for South Hope and details can be found in the following post:
  3. A couple of things; You have two FirstFlight files in your directory that are trying to load. And then one blows up trying to validate the "FARControllableSurface" [LOG 14:50:50.284] Config(CONTRACT_TYPE) ContractPacks/PWP/Milestones/FirstFlight/FirstFlight [LOG 14:50:50.284] Config(CONTRACT_TYPE) ContractPacks/PWP/Milestones/FirstFlight.cfgbackup/FirstFlight [ERR 14:51:32.905] ContractConfigurator.ContractConfigurator: Couldn't load CONTRACT_TYPE 'FirstFlight' due to a duplicate name. [LOG 14:51:33.471] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Loading CONTRACT_TYPE: 'FirstFlight' [ERR 14:51:33.475] ContractConfigurator.PartModuleUnlockedRequirement: CONTRACT_TYPE 'FirstFlight', REQUIREMENT 'PartModuleUnlocked' of type 'PartModuleUnlocked': A validation error occured while loading the key 'partModule' with value 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]'. [EXC 14:51:33.480] ArgumentException: No PartModule class for 'FARControllableSurface'. ContractConfigurator.Validation.ValidatePartModule (System.String name) (at <ef0243a06f2841fe9bf57034a334902e>:0) System.Linq.Enumerable.All[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] predicate) (at <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0) ContractConfigurator.PartModuleUnlockedRequirement+<>c.<LoadFromConfig>b__1_1 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] x) (at <ef0243a06f2841fe9bf57034a334902e>:0) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[T] (ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, System.Action`1[T] setter, ContractConfigurator.IContractConfiguratorFactory obj, T defaultValue, System.Func`2[T,TResult] validation) (at <ef0243a06f2841fe9bf57034a334902e>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.LoggingUtil:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, List`1, Func`2) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Func`2) ContractConfigurator.PartModuleUnlockedRequirement:LoadFromConfig(ConfigNode) ContractConfigurator.ContractRequirement:GenerateRequirement(ConfigNode, ContractType, ContractRequirement&, IContractConfiguratorFactory) ContractConfigurator.ContractRequirement:GenerateRequirement(ConfigNode, ContractType, ContractRequirement&, IContractConfiguratorFactory) ContractConfigurator.ContractType:Load(ConfigNode) ContractConfigurator.<LoadContractTypeConfig>d__31:MoveNext() ContractConfigurator.<FinalizeContractTypeLoad>d__30:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) [WRN 14:51:33.481] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Errors encountered while trying to load CONTRACT_TYPE 'FirstFlight' Do you have the latest version of FerramAerospaceResearch installed? The contract is trying to trying to validate that you have unlocked the FerramAerospaceResearch part module FARControllableSurface You should remove ContractPacks/PWP/Milestones/FirstFlight.cfgbackup/FirstFlight You should upgrade FerramAerospaceResearch if possible. If one and two do not work, you can edit out the requirement in the FirstFlight.cfg file. The stanza to remove is: REQUIREMENT:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch] { name = PartModuleUnlocked type = PartModuleUnlocked title = Aileron or Elevon partModule = FARControllableSurface }
  4. Can you add your ksp.log file to the one drive folder? Should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Kerbal Space Program directory
  5. Missed these ones. The notes have been added and are on GitHub and will be included in the next release.
  6. These are not required. but add additional parts to make aircraft I do not see the "Build and Fly your First Airplane" as an offered contract in your picture. Can you check your PWP directory and insure that the file FirstFlight.cfg is in the Milestones directory? I installed the mod in my test system to check, and the version 1.4 loaded correctly and offered the first contract. To determine anything further I would need to see your KSP.log file and possibly have you turn on Contract Configurator debugging. If the file is present it my be corrupt and just needs to be replaced from a fresh install of PWP.
  7. @beomagi First things first Do you have the contract pack installed correctly? It should be located in your GameData/ContractPacks/PWP. Do you have the dependency mods installed? It requires both Contract Configurator and Module Manager to be installed to work.
  8. Another useful mode for flying. The HUD display makes flying missions like barnstorming the island hangers fun. You can visualize your flight path at a distance. Recommended.
  9. To access the information from the Name Generator mod directly would involve some customized code to create a new random name function that could be used in the spawn kerbal behaviour that would parse the surnames files the mod has. This is a bit of work. Randomization of the surname using existing methods in Contract Configurator is possible, however it involves a lot of LIST array work and additional lines of code to piece the name together. It would be workable for the missions with very few spawned kerbals, but a flight with 80 tourists would be a lot to maintain I think. The largest problem would be the management of a separate instance of surnames to choose from and either store that in a group config data node, or in the persistent data store all while providing an option for people to use it or turn it off as they preferred. This is pretty much outside of where I want to go. What would be better in my mind is if an outside mod such as Name Generator, or Kerbal Renamer ( https://github.com/KSP-RO/KerbalRenamer ) had the function to intercept the kerbal creation process and name them appropriately and return those names to the mod that generated the new kerbals.
  10. launch pads in Kerbal Konstructs need to be "opened" before they can be used. This can be done either in settings by opening all bases, or by using the KK icon in the VAB to open the launch pads for a fee. Once opened they show on the drop down under the default launch button. You can also set them as the default launch site from the KK menu in the VAB.
  11. In the astronaut complex you can alter some of the suit colouring by clicking on the coat hanger icon in the kerbal's picture. A window will pop up alowing you to alter the suit types and change the colours on the future suits. If you want to change the colours in a more extensive way, you need a mode like Texture Replacer and either downloading a suit package or create your own. You can find out more detailed information in this post
  12. It only seems to see the EAS-1 seats on my craft, if one of them is occupied at the time of launch, or if I transfer a Kerbal to one of the seats while on the runway.. I'm tired of wrestling with it so, I'm going to accept that for now... this is the way.
  13. Current Status: Issue 27 : Rescue missions with spawned debris/crafts Missing Aircraft mission for the United Knations An important UK flight has crashed and they need someone to go an retrieve the Transponder and bring it back for analysis This implements @vardicd's suggestion from an earlier post and couples it with a little EVA Construction. You will need an Engineer on the mission to recover the part from the wrecked plane. You can get to the crash site and retrieve the part by any method, but you need to fly it back to the KSC with the part attached to your aircraft. The part cannot be detected in either Stock Inventory or KIS inventory slots Players can use EVA Construction or KIS if that mod is installed to complete the mission The mission will present itself when the normal UK missions do, and after all the parts that make up the crashed airplane are unlocked. This is in play-test now and will be uploaded to GitHub and will be available with the next release.
  14. CKAN information is available in this thread. It is installed as a stand alone program on your device and then detects the KSP installations you have. Updates to CKAN progress as the mod authors make them. Some are very current, others are not. CKAN will give you an indication if one of your installed mods has an upgrade. CKAN will also resolve dependencies for any mod you choose to install and install the additional mods as well.
  15. @vardicd It appears to be some remnants from a lot of mod installs and de-installs. My KSP log has a bunch of errors related to unknown modules and some exceptions from outdated mods. So I'm finally going to build separate instances of KSP; A pure stock instance with no mods A Dev instance that is as close to stock as possible that only has the mods needed to create and test KSR GAP contracts and test aircraft. An Active Game instance for my career games With any luck I should be able to nail down what's going on.
  16. It seems pretty random for me from ship to ship. my three seat navy rescue boat with only EAS-1 seats works fine a new craft with only mk2 command pd and mk2 crew cabin doesn't work There's something else going on to muck it up, and it only affects the certification mission. Normal rescue missions are fine
  17. the requirements for the first flight in career mode are that you've unlocked the tech necessary for elevons and air intakes.
  18. Using the latest Beta. Small bug. Not game breaking. In picture #1 I'm at the Astronaut Complex. I cannot use Materials Study experiment event though there is science to collect. In picture #2 The Materials Study experiment becomes active after I run the Mystery Goo Observation. Logs here: MOAR [x] Science KSP Logs.zip
  19. Val takes some time out of her busy day for some cosplay... "Fem Shep, Best Shep"
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