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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. Caerfinon

    Hello All

    One of us... one of us... Welcome aboard. Fly safe
  2. Val stumbles onto something interesting on the way back from the Desert Airfield...
  3. On the bottom of the spacedock.info web page there are links for Support, Discord, and IIRC. You may be able to find your answer through one of those.
  4. you walk away from it... therefore a good landing
  5. The CC's ExperienceTraitParser needs to have a routine to handle the null exception before trying to execute the lookup for a Kerbal that does not exist. You could conceivable work around the issue using some kind of Expression Requirement that checked the persistent data store to see is a variable representing deployed rovers with scientists was available but I'm thinking that would be a lot of work and in the end may not work consistently.
  6. Current Status: Issue 34 - Expeditions - the ground game - Enhancement/Roadmap Expeditions are long term deployments on Kerbin can be supported by air for resupply for each BIOME on the planet duration can be long progress from base camp to additional camps (some camps have KK structures) local random way points to explore around each camp before proceeding. Parameters completed, + overall mission rewards science points) travel on land/water/mountain climbing Mapping out locations for expeditions. Suggestions welcome.
  7. Yes. It doesn't matter what the code is. I tried many variations. The only "fix" right now is an active rover with a scientist as a crew member.
  8. @VoidSquid I loaded up the contract pack in my test instance and got similar NullReferenceException: errors that you posted. I tried a lot of different combinations to try and correct the behaviour, however the issue seems to be that the ExperienceTrait Type that is being called to determine if a Scientist is present in the rover will always throw the exception under the following two conditions; If there are no rovers deployed at all (because they can't have a Scientist onboard) If there is a rover deployed but there is no scientists as members of the crew While these conditions are present, the RoverExplore contract will not be offered, and theNullReferenceException will repeat as the contract systems tries to determine if it should offer it. As soon as rover and scientist are united in the field, the contract becomes available again and the theNullReferenceException errors stop. For all intents and purposes the contract pact works as designed, but the error exceptions will be present as I stated. I suspect an update to the ExperienceTraitParser will be required in Contract Configurator to remove the errors
  9. The Contract Configurator Log, and the ksp.log have the most useful information.
  10. Do you have the Contract Configurator debug log for the RoverExplore Contract? This indicates a problem with this line in the Data Node; hasScientist = @/targetVessel.Crew().Where(k => k.ExperienceTrait() == "Scientist").Count() > 0 The debug log may shed more light as to what the issue is. Edit: There was a similar issue in the Kerbal Academy thread; And the suggested correction to it was to change the expression so the replacement line would be; hasScientist = @/targetVessel.Crew().Where(k => k.ExperienceTrait() == ExperienceTrait("Scientist")).Count() > 0 You might try this and see if it fixes the issue.
  11. Science from above! Getting experiments into those hard to reach places with a little help from para-dropped science pods. KerbalX: P2 Science Drop
  12. Doing a little "Drive-By Science". Jeb and Bob head for the hills
  13. If you unlock Aeronautics and Wings-1 on the tech tree you can add elevons to the probe/rocket for some minimal control of early probes.
  14. The Kerbin Nation States has a nice geographical map I like to use.
  15. KERPADS have a 5km engagement range. Orbital ships will be fine. Low flying aircraft that launched from the KSC (thus meeting the mission's parameters) are at risk. Best to deploy the agent and remove the threat. The threat is not active until the mission is accepted.
  16. A little automotive design... Bill likes to ride in style KerbalX: Utility Truck
  17. It's more "house keeping" then mean. In order to prevent Tourists form over running the Astronaut Complex on failed passenger missions I have to destroy the aircraft. More on the wiki, look on the page under "Contract Failure".
  18. The contract warns you before you accept it, and again with an in-game dialog pop-up... so buyer beware (and I have a mild "mean" streak...)
  19. Yes... but it's an abstracted cool The contract requires you to fly outside the KERPADS engagement range. If you don't then aircraft destroyed.
  20. Version v2.0.2 Released on 2021-02-11 updates: Issue 27 Rescue missions with spawned debris/crafts New UK Mission to retrieve data from a downed aircraft. Uses EVA Construction or KIS mod to complete Issue 32 Stop requirements at landings need a duration timer wait for loading ramp to be deployed. Keeps terminal marker from disappearing too quickly Issue 33 KSC runway marker at west end of runway. All other markers are in the middle of the runways Minor issues: Other minor edits to various mission notes
  21. It's a fact of current life. For me I pretty much only use one inventory system at a time. I prefer the way KIS works while on EVA so I tend to use that system as my default. Eventually it may just sort itself out. Incremental improvements to the stock system, combined with evolution or depreciation of KIS. For KIS I hope it is evolution... I like the ability to have my kerbals wear hats.
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