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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. @VoidSquid You can stay in a job you dislike with its questionable morality to support your family. This is a moral good, but it is a heavy price for you to pay over time. The problem with bad workplaces and their demands, are that the demands always increase over time and become increasingly more morally untenable, Better is to form a plan to move to a job/career that you do not have moral issues with that allows you to care for your family. This is a better moral good as it aims to correct the moral issues you dislike at work. This said. it is not an easy thing to do.
  2. Sadly... today consisted in 0.01% KSP content for me.
  3. @redivh It may not work in conjunction with the auto land from orbit. You could try switching to Hover/VTOL mode when you're searching for a flat place to land and then bring it in with Goto and then Land with CPS offf, but that is a lot of manual intervention it what should be an automated process. There may be a KOS script that does this function. You might check that out.
  4. Did you disable Collision Protection System (CPS) on TCA? If it is on, it won't let you land close to other vessels.
  5. Looking forward to reading about your progress. Welcome! Fly safe.
  6. @hemeac I'm late to the game, but I started a new career using Kiwi and I'm very pleased with how it is working. Well done you.
  7. Caerfinon


    And you are most welcome. Fly safe.
  8. Science collection at the Edge of Night
  9. Have you tried either of the following?
  10. Current Status: The Mountaineering missions are posted to GitHub and will be available in the next release. The Kerbin Geographics Organization wiki page has being updated, including instructions on how to use the Climbing Piton part. Starting work on River Expedition.
  11. Check the Career Evolution contract pack for some good examples in it's Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ContractPacks\CEContracts\Contracts\10-SpaceStationsLS directory. These contracts deal with determining life-support resources available on a vessel and the amount needed to resupply that vessel. I find that looking at examples of other people's code gives me ideas of how to make mine work .
  12. Current Status: Expeditions: Mountaineering contract in play-test Contracts to climb 13 mountains on Kerbin Begins with climb "Mt. Kaytoo" near the KSC in memory of the K2 rescue missions from the original GAP mod After completion of that mission the contract randomly selects between 12 other peaks higher than 6000 meters including "Mt. Keverest" A Climbing Piton part has been added to assist with the scaling of impassible mountain terrain. This part depend on the Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) mod being installed It mimics a CB1 Block that can be attached to the ground and a Pegasus I mobility enhancer that kerbals can climb. It requires no tool to attach. It can be found in the Utility Category. The only requirement is to get within 5 meters of the summit and plant a flag Details about how to get Kerbals and equipment from launch to the expedition site is left to the ingenuity of the player. The real challenge is making the assault on the peak on foot...
  13. Bringing home that sweet Mun science...
  14. A toehold in space. First probe to Mun is on it's way....
  15. Jeb flying some corporate executives out to a new airport to establish landing rights.
  16. Well done you! Huzzah! Welcome aboard. Fly safe.
  17. Unkerballed Start: Rocket Plane returns from a crewed mission to the atmosphere above 18kms
  18. Current status: Issue 35 - Navy Certification 1 cannot complete VAB landing when VAB structure is significantly different from stock Removed the requirement to be "near" the waypoint over the VAB. Mission can complete now on VAB landing Runway landing not affected On GitHub now. Will be included in next release.
  19. Then you should check the KSP.log to determine which parts are failing. Then check each failed part to see that it is installed correctly with all dependencies.
  20. It can't complete. There is an error in the file ReachSpace.cfg that chains "fly above 70,000m" with "and then land and stop anywhere" and "safely" steps. in the code segment below there is a missing "}" which should line up with the "{" under the first PARAMETER. If you edit the file and add the brace where I indicated you should be able to do the mission. You will likely need to cancel the existing mission as it is saved with the error in your persistent.sfs. You will need to reload your game to pick up the change in the ReachSpace.cfg file. //Contract Goals PARAMETER { name = All type = All title = get to space PARAMETER { name = VesselParameterGroup type = VesselParameterGroup title = fly above 70,000m vessel = @/craft PARAMETER { name = ReachState type = ReachState targetBody = Kerbin situation = FLYING minAltitude = 69999 disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true hidden = true } completeInSequence = false disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true } // < -- no closing brace on this line @Tudor Aerospace FYI on this bug.
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