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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. I know. I tried coming at it in every way I could think of, and every time I used some kind of formula it set the value of the altitude to zero. Even when the value of the calculated variable was the number I wanted it to be. I eventually just settled on a fixed value.
  2. I had a similar issue with waypoint generator. I could not set the Altitude of a way-point with a value that was derived from a calculation. It may have to be a value that the mod classifies as deterministic=true. Very frustrating.
  3. With the right aircraft and pilot, you can collect science from anywhere.
  4. A little night flying to a remote mountain research facility. Dark and misty... queue zombies! (oops, wrong game)
  5. Depends on your play style and interests. For me planes are one of the main reasons I play KSP
  6. No... The pilots need a place to go afterwards to sleep it off. It needed to be in walking (stumbling) distance because no driving "under the influence" allowed.
  7. I'm in the same boat. The last time I really coded I was punching computer cards with FORTRAN instructions and feeding them into an IBM mainframe. I wouldn't know what type of syntax it is, just that it has a particular structure that can be learned. I find that reading through other people's contracts and trying to follow what they are doing helps a great deal. The contract packs Career Evolution and Field Science were especially good examples for me. Eventually you just pick up the flow of it over time. DATA nodes were tough until i picked up on Types after that it was easier to get them to do what I wanted. Lots of wiki reading.
  8. Just discovered this... What a godsend, my GUI is much improved now.
  9. @razark If I was any good at 3D object creation I would have made it look much closer to the original... but it's Kerbal Space Program we use what we have to get the job done.
  10. why not put all the kerbals who match the criteria in to a Kerbal list and then select the first two in that list DATA { type = List<Kerbal> uniquenessCheck = CONTRACT_ACTIVE // Now you have all kerbals that meet the criteria in a list crewCandidates = AllKerbals().Where(m => m.Type() == Crew && m.RosterStatus() == Available && m.ExperienceLevel() <2 ) } DATA { type = Kerbal uniquenessCheck = CONTRACT_ACTIVE // Now assign the first two kerbals in the list to your crew variables crew01 = @/crewCandidates.ElementAt(0) crew02 = @/crewCandidates.ElementAt(1) title = Must have two crew members that have not completed this mission before. }
  11. The wiki has some examples under Expressions Look at the Types on the right hand side of the page. In each one you will see the methods and functions of each type. AllBodies() is a function the the CelestialBody type.
  12. The kerbal doesn't spawn in-game until you accept the mission. While the mission is only offered, the kerbal is safely home with plenty to eat and drink.
  13. I usually find a stock MK3 plane on KerbalX and try that out to see how it goes and from one of those designs I figure out better ways to build my own. This one: KC 10A Seabird is a particularly fun MK3 to fly. It lands on runways and water. As a general rule they are slower and require-more patience but if you go too slow you stall. Flaps and spoilers can help a lot to lower your stall speed and stop you on a short runway.
  14. Welcome aboard! Move at your own speed, like deep space, there's no pressure. Fly safe.
  15. So after a long day or flying, Val and the lads wanted a pint.... so I built a bar, with a little help from Kerbal Konstructs.
  16. So I've been watching "For All Mankind" and then this post comes along and I thought to myself, where do Astronauts go for a pint? Well the answer seemed clear.... There's something new at the KSC. And there is lots of parking available.
  17. Lost half a wing on the landing, but still got the science...
  18. Missions with Spawned Kerbals and Life Support Mods So interesting discovery, If you are using Kerbalism, Kerbal Health, TAC Life Support or Snacks, then missions that generate spawned kerbals at specific locations are not provisioned with food, water, etc., and the countdown timer before bad effects happen starts when they spawn. This affects Navy Rescue missions, VIK transport missions, and Agent recovery missions, USI-Life Support ignores supply requirements while on Kerbin so this is not an issue. Discovered this the hard way, Ltjg Burvin Kerman... R.I.P.
  19. For stock inventory it can only be performed by an Engineer. You have to enter EVA Construction mode (use the Crane hook icon on the toolbar or I believe the i key while on EVA.) The engineer can then grab things from stock inventory locations that are close by and attach them to the ship as if you where inside the VAB. Pilots and scientists need not apply.
  20. The contracts that are not specific to location on the stock Kerbin should work, but those tied to specific locations may not. Also, there is a GAP specifically for JNSQ
  21. Is the craft inventory the "new" stock inventory? You can't directly move items from stock inventory to a kerbal's KIS inventory, and a kerbal's stock inventory is usually taken up with a jet-pack and a parachute I remember being able to attach struts using KIS prior to the upgrade that included inventory, but I've had no success with it since that time. Now I can attach the strut, but am unable to extend it to where I want it to go. There is a DMagic's Modlet called EVA Struts that can be deployed while on EVA that may be useful to you. Again I have not used it since the inventory upgrade.
  22. Doing a little high altitude cartography... "Fly softly and carry a High Resolution Altimetry Scanner."
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