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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. Odd Shadow in Map View I'm using EVE, AVP, and Scatterer, In map view when I zoom in magnification a shadow appears under the vessel and obscures the planet/moon. I can reproduce this on any planet I'm orbiting. (Issue occurs in game with stock EVE config as well) Picture 1 is map view at closest zoom without the issue. Picture 2 is the view at the zoom level the issues starts. The more I zoom in, the bigger the shadow gets, Any thoughts on the cause and resolution? KSP and Player Log here: 20210315 KSP logs.zip
  2. It's possible that at that speed you are getting a reset on the transfers. Do you have anyway of increasing your throughput?
  3. Right click the toolbar icon and configure the transfer science destination.
  4. Jeb: I didn't see anything! Did you? Bill: I didn't see anything.... drive faster!!
  5. I have it installed in my career game. The spawn points work fine for me with no issues.
  6. Do you use Automated Science Sampler? It has a setting to auto transfer science to a selected command module.
  7. Space infrastructure projects. Building out CommNet might not be glamourous, but we don't want blackouts on the Dark Side of the Mun
  8. Throttle Controlled Avionics : Can automate launch to orbit and landing at a specific target location. Peut automatiser le lancement pour orbiter et atterrir à un emplacement cible spécifique.
  9. It's not a pretty landing, but it's a landing. Built with USI Survivability Pack D.E.R.P parts... multum in parvo.
  10. And the community is glad you're here. Fly Safe!
  11. Do you have the dependencies installed? Kerbal Konstructs requires the following mod.
  12. Picking up science while "splashed down" on mountains and other Kerbal "Space" Oddities"
  13. Sunday... It's "fly passengers to remote locations on Kerbin to fund space travel day".
  14. The mod does work well under 1.11. Some of the early tech wheels are a little "glitchy" but I just avoid those pieces.
  15. Sometimes landing coordinates are... imperfect.
  16. This is done by Historian Expanded. Lots of customization options.
  17. It is indeed Grounded as @Clamp-o-Tron says
  18. I've always been partial to this one from Kerbin Nation States
  19. Well done! I might have to dig up my attempts and see if I was doing the same thing.
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